"Science has a liberal bias, heh" :^)


Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck is wrong with that niggers feet
Was big foot really a Hawaiian?





Samoans are the last Aryan whites left.

they use them to swim from island to island and harvest macadamia nuts

>Mead portrayed Samoa, a small island in the South Pacific, as a sexual paradise, free from all the oppressive restrictions of sexuality burdening the west. According to Mead, "Romantic love as it occurs in our civilization, inextricably bound up with ideas of monogamy, exclusiveness, jealously and undeviating fidelity does not occur in Samoa."
Perhaps Mead's most famous picture of this sexual paradise was that of the casual lovers rendezvousing "under the palm trees." In her famous description of "A Day in Samoa," she painted the following tantalizing scene: "As the dawn begins to fall among the soft brown roofs and the slender palm trees stand out against a colourless, gleaming sea, lovers slip home from trysts beneath the palm trees or in the shadow of beached canoes, that the light may find each sleeper in his appointed place."
>As one might have guessed, according to Mead, Samoans took marriage lightly. "If "a wife really tires of her husband, or a husband of his wife," she wrote, "divorce is a simple and informal matter, the non-resident simply going home to his or her family, and the relationship is said to have "passed away."" Mead's Samoans had quick and easy no-fault divorce in place long before the backward West caught on.

>Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this chapter of popular scholarship, looking back on it, is that, despite its aura of scientific authority, Mead's influential account of Samoa as a sexual "paradise" was almost completely false. Yet it was not until 1983 that the myth of Mead was exploded.
>The blow was delivered by Derek Freeman's Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth. Freeman, an anthropologist and professor at the Australian National University for 40 years, showed step by step that nearly every assertion made by Mead in Coming of Age was either completely false or severely distorted. "The main conclusions of Coming of Age in Samoa are, in reality, the figments of an anthropological myth which is deeply at variance with the facts of Samoan ethnography and history," Freeman wrote.
>As it turns out, Mead completely misrepresented Samoan sexual attitudes and practices both before and after Christianity. Rather than being a society built on promiscuity, the entire civilization was actually built on the veneration of virginity, a devotion that Christianity only intensified.
>For Samoans, there were no women more esteemed than the ceremonial virgins (called taupous), whose virginity at the time of marriage was so important that Samoans had an elaborate pre-marital, public ritual to determine virginity.
>Furthermore, as Freeman shows, this regard for virginity was not confined to the upper classes from which the taupous came, but permeated the entire society, down to the lower levels--the levels Mead claimed were sexually the freest. Casual sexual liaisons under the palm tree, rather than being smiled upon, were (when they actually did occur) "recognized by all concerned as shameful departures from the well-defined ideal of chastity." Finally, contrary to Mead, marital exclusivity was taken with the utmost seriousness by the Samoans. Adultery was punished by beating, mutilation or even death.


I love cute vintage feet






Don't post 1960's whores

True Aryans of the pacific



sorrous please


The Avengers

More avengers feet




Swimsuit feet

>girls will never go swimming in tights again
Why live

This thread could have been interesting but it went to shit fast thanks to a fucking leaf

Fuck you

I single handedly kept this thread alive

I would blanda upp with Moana 2bph.

There's a difference between keeping a thread alive and turning it into your magical realm.

you didn't do bad

I just love cute vintage feet

I call bullshit


Holy shit. Some fucking premeditated derailing by the humble leaf.

I saw your title, posted my link, and then skimmed your post
> what the fuck?
my post means nothing,
>enjoy the read

This thread is stupid
Big whoop jungle niggers fuck on the beach and are degenerates
I made it better


no, the thread is about liberals being lying faggots, this cunt made it all up
>they were savages

>As for Mead's assertions that the Samoans paid only "the slightest attention to religion," this claim contradicted the actual, fervently religious nature of the Samoans both before and after Christianization. According to Freeman, pre-Christian Samoans were devoted polytheists, with very intricate and elaborate religious beliefs and rites. After being converted by missionaries in the mid-19th century, they became "almost fanatical in their practice and observance of Christianity."
>Also, in complete contradiction to Mead's claim that the Samoans were guilt-free, and that they quickly dispatched with Christian notions of original sin, Samoans themselves informed Freeman that "sinfulness, or agasala (literally, behavior in contravention of some divine or chiefly ruling and so deserving of punishment), is a basic Samoan concept antedating the arrival of Christianity, and, further, that the doctrine of original sin contained in Scripture is something with which, as converts to Christianity, they have long been familiar."
>In regard to Mead's fantasy-images of casual sex, Christianity only elevated the Samoan regard for sexual purity, the result being that "fornication is strictly forbidden to all church members and any suspicion of indulgence in this "sin" results in expulsion from the church." In short, as Freeman concludes, it should "be apparent that Samoa, where the cult of female virginity is probably carried to a greater extreme than in any other culture known to anthropology, was scarcely the place to situate a paradise of adolescent free love."

They are savages
They don't even have clothes or technology
The fact is the Anglo is the only civilised species on Earth
Everything is less than the Anglo and its lucky that it's even permitted to live
The biggest disaster in human history wasn't the holocaust, it wasn't 9/11 it was the fact that every last native of Africa, India and Asia was not wiped out to make space for the Anglo
Now we have parasites called Hindus, niggers and chinaman invading our western shores

Yeah but the dumb cunt claimed they were peaceful and didn't war and didn't have marriage or divorce and everything was great
this crap got taught to the faggots who started the to mdern day sjw bullshit for decades
>lying liberal faggots

Who cares about stupid niggers? If you learn it in school maybe your education needs a reform
Back when I was in high school we only talked about England and Canada
Even during the World War Two unit we didn't mention the USA except in one sentence in the text book where we said you nuked Japan and they surrendered