When did you realize that evolution is liberal bullshit?
When did you realize that evolution is liberal bullshit?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not posting the webm
>not posting her nudes
give it to me fgt
There's a webm?
i've never seen a webm of it
pls post
Oh boy, here we go
Considering human evolution is behind most of the racial components in NatSoc and White Nationalism, its funny that it would have as many deniers here as there are.
bump for webm
But that's not to say evolution isn't real. It's that it was most likely not the ORIGIN of species.
how old is the earth?
i sincerely hope you realize some day that conflating every issue with a political party ("leftist bs/right-wing nutjobs" etc) is a poisonous way to think.
This is what whomever is actually in charge of the world wants the population to. They want them DIVIDED [no pun intended] indefinitely between two ideologies that aren't very great representations of what humans are actually like.
may Kek be with you, brother; i hope you learn to realize this.
gonna need that webm senpai
Fucking. This.
Do your own research on the subject, whatever it may be. Are you ok with it? Good. Are you not? That's fine too. Don't fall for the "everything is political" meme.
Evolution can't account for the origin of LIFE, nor does it attempt to. It is the best explanation we have for how species arise.
You and your elitist East-coast science.
Still no webm
That is great, thanks for posting, fuckin saved.
if you guys used facebook/instagram you'd see how there's a "tag" marker on it. it's a picture that OP either screenshotted from someone he knows IRL or has saved it whilst lurking.
actually i'm on the west coast, my man
praise kek and good luck for you all is my request
I think evolution and the big bang are real. There's so much evidence. We don't know what caused them, I bet that's what the bible is talking about.
>Let there be light
>that image
Fuck. I've been here too long.
post the webm
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
you didn't answer the second part of OP's poisonous question, my friend. do you attribute it to being a leftist idea?
i am hoping thoth has subtlety enlightenment you enough. ah, but time will tell, i'm sure of it, my dude.
after watching the Atheist's worst nightmare
Evolution is literally the most fascist theory of all time you fucking autist
But modern bananas are a product of humans selectively breeding them.
They used to taste terrible and be full of seeds.
Something isn't automatically false just because it came from "the other side". Anyone who thinks like that is an idiot.
Are those ribosomes during transcription of RNA ?
Enlighten a nigga
i want the girl on the right to sit on my face right after she finishes her volleyball game
there's no webm. he's fucking with you
I'll post the source as long as I get a few (You)'s first
fucking leaf
I don't know the answer to that. But there's something very sexual about it.
I didn't because it's obviously not.
Let me ask you something - have you ever met anyone who disagrees with evolution who has finished high school and isn't a Jew, Christian, or Muslim?
>[YouTube] Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare!
Certifiably retarded.
First of all, evolution =/= biogenesis.
Second of all, there were very specific conditions in which life appeared, so specific that we struggle to recreate them in a lab. and if life did happen to appear inside a jar of peanut butter, it would be so small you couldn't possibly see it.
No one is claiming that biogenesis is something that can happen all the time, it was an extremely improbable event in the first place. And if you want to believe that it was God who started the process, fine, but that doesn't even come close to disproving evolution.
Not really going to argue your point. just want to remind everyone that it is a terrible theory.
What user is trying to say: modern bananas are not a result of Darwinian evolution. They are the result of intelligent design.
Wut, I'm not ready for this redpill.
I'll believe in you this one time, leaf
>God exists
>God made everything
>God hides in haven
>God made man in his image
>You are like god
>God is a retarded baiting boi
Sure dude, take mine
>They don't use radiocarbon dating.
>Quotes scientist from 1976.
This will be the next flat earth meme.
ffs, why do I have to share a flag with you ?
Sauce on this?
Damn you, here. Take it
I was 12, read some books
Never, because that statement is false.
I've been here longer than you what am I missing?
This was the first thing I thought of.
[spoiler]inb4 I don't I've got odds on it though.[/spoiler]
>using normiebook or instagoy
Exact same caption
Exact Same Pic
This lazy ass thread again
There's nothing on 5, is there?
I see something, faggot.
just fucking post the webm!
fuck that coal burning slut
stop repeating this thread you fucking faggot
Hello latent homosexual!
when i lost 50 iq points
Hear ye, hear ye! Lord Kek decries the following: IDENTIFY THOSE TWO WHITE GODDESSES, PRONTO! OR I SHALL SMITE thee.
The Webm, if you may.
About the same time I realized that it's really possible for a virgin to have a child.
You stupid faggot.
the girl on the right is a coalburner
sauce: the day of trumps inauguration both girl's twitters were found
About one week ago. I was in the hospital and suddenly it struck my brain. Lobotomy. I instantly started to believe in religion and other fantasy. A lobotomy really helps you.
Did a bunch of poking around, and it looks like the girl on the right is Sofie Strangholt
prove it, paco
Pants on fire
Alternative facts you mean.
>Did a bunch of poking around inside Sofie Strangholt, and like the girl looks to the right like it is
post the fucking source you asses
The "alternative facts" were things like youtube live streams and people watching on different channels that the Mostly Socialist Media "conveniently" forgot to add in on the total people viewing. It's called marxist propaganda and you con go fuck off now commie cause well over 370 million people world wide watched that amazing speech our President gave. .
PS you tears are delicious
If evolution isn't real explain dat ass.
Pro-tip u can't
>convoluted way of calling someone a faggot
Does your mom know you're gay?
For what purpose? I'm not a gay? This trips up actual on the fence gays becaue most of them aren't that smart. San Francisco is filled wtih the most talented and brightest gays in the world.
Right or left? Ignore the coalburning.
Here. You're welcome.
A game?
Like the one you , me and everyone who reads your post JUST FUCKING LOST!?!?!?!?