GOP wants to amnesty all illegals

>A new immigration reform plan by Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) would include legalization and amnesty for the over 11 million living in the United States.

>“At a later stage,” lawmakers would tackle the issue of visa overstays and addressing foreign worker visas for high and low-skilled labor.

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>Implying Trump would let this happen

They want to commit suicide so fucking bad

Make a list of anyone who supports it and primary them

Reagan all over again.

Donaldo will sign an executive order to have them all deported kek

GOP and DEMOCRATS blown the fuck out

>As the WSJ notes, Tillis’ amnesty bill “gives each party something that it wants,”

I'm sorry, why are you giving Democrats anything you filthy fucking traitor? Republicans own all branches. You don't need them. FUCK OFF AND DIE!

But we have Trump who knows Reagan almost killed the party with Amnesty

He hasn't removed DAPA or DACA executive orders yet, even though he said it was a day 1 promise.

doesn't mean he'll not do it, but this is very, very typical of the Republican party. They want open borders, demand open borders, even when they campaign against open borders.

they desperately want that cheap labor at the expense of destroying the country.

What's his twitter so we can tell him we are pissed off

Concern shill someplace else you faggot

>repeating Reagans mistake


If this continues I'll help the liberals in their fucking shitty revolution just to watch everything burn.

All I care about is prioritizing legal white immigration at this point. It is the only way to save the country.

>‘We won’t be satisfied until you collect everyone and send them home,’ which is just not practical nor, do I believe, in the best interests of the U.S.,” Tillis told the Journal.

Fuck this faggot for real.

>taking away white Europeans from their own countries to hedonist America so europe falls and they have 1 child in America

smart plan

The best solution is to write to and pressure republican representatives. If they support amnesty, it should be clear that they will have challengers in their next primary.

There is really nothing that we can do to pressure Trump, but we can still put a lot of pressure on congress for 2018 elections.

Forgive me for being concerned that Donald cares more about raising FHA premiums than deporting the fucking tacos.

Except he's not fucking wrong. Amnesty and open borders are a globalist scheme, and neocon scum are hardline globalists.

Neoconservatives are an offshoot of the Democrats, they aren't actual conservatives.

Why not deport felons, that will clean up jails. And let those that pay taxes etc stay

George w bush tried this and got shut down by Mitch McConnell and the senate. Not gonna happen now

You have a better one? It is the only way. they will thrive in America. Europe has fallen.

That's why we elected a nationalist.

We have to primary Neo Cohns or its all for naught...But suggesting that we haven't made huge strides is concern trolling. Literally looking backwards so we don't pick the future we want

Yes, lets continue to show we reward breaking or laws and show to central america that we are feels over realz if a sad picture of migrants is made. We will show that if they illegally come here they will surely be eventually awarded.

kill yourself spic


>Shill called out


I don't want my children to live in a south American country.

these stupid faggots still think granting amnesty will "win" voters for the GOP. how fucking pathetic.



>illegal amnesty
>Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC)
Night of the Long Knives when??

All illegal and recent migrants to the US will be demographically repatriated as to have a more historical population of the US, DO IT NOW!


Idk why you dropped reddit memes on me kid, but I wasn't disparaging Trump, I was saying this is status quo for the Republican establishment.

How many deals did Trump have to make to get into the White House? I honestly thought he'd have accomplished much less than he already has so its been an amazing few days.

However, if there was ever a time to pressure Trump AND especially the Republican establishment, its right now. We cannot, under any circumstances, allow the Republicans to do to Trump, what they did to Reagan.

Thank God for Steve Bannon. I'm pretty sure Trump sees through this easily, but we don't know what kind of promises he made to Preibus or Paul Ryan. We need Border Security first, then maybe we can talk about amnesty for a few. maybe. (not really)

Because DAPA is the shill line right now.

If you see DAPA 90% of the time its know shills in Trump gen

Also the other shill line is now

>"He won't even need a second term at this rate"
>Yeah we need more 1 term president

The first is concern Trolling the second is the canned response to any successes

just wait until Sessions is approved, then Trump will act

The cuckservatives are working with the Jew. They're no different than Dems. They're all against Trump.

They want to force trump to shoot this down to further anger the illegals in the country.

But also you're right...This is the Neo Cohns play. Anti immigration when they run..Pro Amnesty after they are elected

People need to realize the importance of

I'd use legalizing the children as a bargaining chip to force most future legal immigration to be from Europe.

I would too but we need a major shift in leadership in the Republican party

If Trump can win a second term, I think the leadership will mostly change. We need to avoid risking that and change leadership now. Trump has already managed to convert some GOP states to his brand of politics. Despite Kasich being the govoner of Ohio, the Ohio GOP is Trump's now.

I don't think the 'majority' of people in the US, and perhaps even the majority of people who voted trump actually want to round up the children and deport them, which then leads into not rounding up their parents.

So that is certainly not a top top priority of alot of people. I agree, using these "DREAMers" as a bargaining chip is smart IF all else fails, as a last resort.

But I would be buttdevastated if the Republicans somehow convince Trump to turn DAPA and DACA into legislation and move toward amnesty and ultimately citizenship BEFORE setting the stage for mass deportations and extremely strict rules for illegals.

Donald aint signing that shit faggot.

I'm Canadian and I hate my country. I have no skills but have around 60k Canadian dollars and want to be American. Is being an illegal the best way for me to do this? I want to be in Trumps America

Time to call his office. Seriously. If we can get t_D. Brietbart. Alternative news to all cover this and cause enough butthurt to make it go main stream we can get trump to either veto or get Tillis to backtrack

We have it within our power to pressure them into changing their stances, don't forget.

But what if crashing the party with no survivors is his plan?

>That's why we elected a nationalist.
trump is a nationalist now.

Haven't you been paying attention leaf?

His entire schtick has been about streamlining government, especially for immigration. I would place a hefty bet on him being very pro European immigration as a front line.

His wife was an immigrant, so he already knows how inefficient and difficult and costly it is to move here for legitimate immigrants, especially those of European background. Our priorities are completely ass backward. I'd say he makes it alot cheaper, take alot less time, and extend visas for people going through the process legitimately. I think that happens before the year is over.


Agreed, but the real focus should be on legal immigration favoring whites. The illegal debate is useless, if we legally immigrate enough people to make whites a minority.

Dick pics first

So its just one senator proposing a bill?

that's what I hope as well, especially hopeful because of his wife. If he offered asylum to the South African whites, that would be a good first step, we can turn around our demographic decline pretty quickly by fast tracking alot of European immigrants so the sting of amnesty for these dreamers and their parents aren't as bad, and for sure there are alot less dreamers than there are deportable spics and sandniggers.

It's the perfect compromise:

Build wall
Deport criminals
Amnesty to families

Permanent Republican majority.

::Civic Nationalism::


>mfw the republicans I vote for always enact democrat policies
>mfw the democrats I vote for always enact republican policies

This is bad. Only give the amnesty to me, or the ones in DACA.

So McCAin, Graham , and now this faggot all confirmed cucks. We must make them pay

Mitch McConnell is pro-illegal immigration, just kept under the table for his (((buddies)))

>doubting trump
>yet he remains unstumped
You'll catch on sooner or later



Anyone who votes for this is on my lifetime shit list, and I swear to god I will get richer than George Soros and burn your political careers and those of all your associates to the ground you fucking neocon anti-American turbocuck faggots.

why are Republicans stupid enough to think spics will vote for them? the most ragingly pro-amnesty Republicans in history have barely gotten 40% of that voting bloc
they are welfare leeches and drug dealing psychopaths, not family loving catholics like some retards try to meme

Who gives a shit what they want. What we need is these fucking illegals out of our country. NOW. No fucking amnesty no fucking handouts. Just a fucking boot out of here or a bullet to the head

Fuck off you cuck. No one likes civic nationalism,besides shit skins and schlomos. Get in the fucking oven. 1488

That guy is a nobody and that would never get through congress

i don't think its about the votes, its about the Chamber of Commerce. With Trump creating this new Entrepreneurial environment in the states, there's going to be a massive need for labor. Ofc, this is WONDERFUL for American workers, but not nearly as good for their Employers.

It's all about supply and demand, if companies have a ton of supply, they can keep wages low and hire retarded spics. If there is more demand, then they have to pay more for more quality workers, that are required by law to have all of our hard fought worker protections like sick leave, job security, mandated health benefits, insurance for accidents, etc,etc.

things that just don't exist when you're using disposable mud people.

Fire up your reddit accounts and upvote this

>worker protections like sick leave, job security, mandated health benefits, insurance for accidents, etc,etc.

Holy shit, youve never run a business before have you?

Time to get those cucks at TD to finally stop acting like cucks

Told ya the neo cons will try to fuck over the country

>demand open borders
>Trump announces wall tomorrow


this is Idealism vs Reality.

I too want to round up every non-white and ship them back to their countries with the exception of the few that are beneficial to our society, like it used to be.

But using dreamers as leverage might be the only way to get rid of the rest of the illegals, which are the majority of the illegals. Sometimes you have to compromise. It's not ideal, but it may be necessary. I hope, beyond hope, Trump comes out hard. I'm not really sure he will come out against dreamers directly though, they may try to push that through legislation to avoid the full libtard assault that's awaiting his administration.

Trump will never deport the illegals because it will crash the real estate market and bankrupt himself.

Leveraged businesses like his can survive a 1-2 year downturn but the 10 year depression in real estate prices that would result from removing any substantial percentage of the 30+ million illegals is catastrophic.

He lied to you and knew it all along.

>offer amnesty to illegals to report themselves
>bait and switch and deport them
it really undermines the credibility of the government when you do things like this

you may have inadvertently screeched over your microwave open alarm -- your tendies are done.

I ran a construction business for a decade and only used subcontractors. I've had friends who've tried to comply with the law and tanked themselves.

There are things you have to provide to certain types of employees, particularly have insurance over yourself, your business, your employees, along with unemployment. I've never tried to play it any other way than self-proprietor that subs his work out, so i only know what i've seen other's do.

Yes, Trump ran on a nationalist platform.

>30+ million illegals

According to google theres only an estimate of 11.4

>legitmate concerns
>get called a shill

does not work that way faggot.

Is that whitehouse petition website still up? Lets make a new one?

We need people good with making documentary style youtube videos

People with high facebook/twitter/instagram followers to make this issue viral

There is more than enough materil


This is exactly what Reagan did, and it just gave the democrats more votes. It doesn't work.

It's never worked. Amnesty, Path To Citizenship, or any other form of Democrat Voter Mass Production must be stopped.

Welp, I guess I'll be voting against that faggot in 2 years. What waste. NC is a great state and we've got two faggots for Senators.


Make it public, start facebook groups to start moving media

Social networks are the new frontier

you can hide your ugly face behind a group and Trump's beaming smile

fight the gud fight goy


how is an illegal going to buy a house? You mean the rental market?

There are other solutions to this, like replacing what we lost with European immigrants and low wage visa expansions for farmers, et al.

But high wage importation should be nixed in perpetuity.

There are now more spics in California than whites.

Thanks Reagan.

>implying Trump needs Congress anymore

They aren't illegals. They were just inmigrants who were stopped from becoming part of society because of The Swamp created by liberals.


we need to call his office.

>"I don't see any benefit in trying to crawl back into our shell as a country," Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, told CNN. "We won't benefit economically, we're obviously next door to Mexico, as I frequently tell my friends in Mexico, we can't get a divorce. We need to figure out how to make this marriage work."

The GOP doesn't want to get cucked.

what worth is my US citizenship if they give the same to anyone who wants one?

all these illegals can make my home country hell while they can leave at anytime. where can i go?

these fucks make me hate to be born an american.

Maybe I could get a qt Estonian waifu who would be thrilled to live in America and raise a traditional nuclear family



Reagan barely legalized a couple of hundred thousand of illegals

Your citizenship isnt worth anything. You just happened to have been born on the right land at the right time.

Someone who EARNS their citizenship is far more valuable than you will ever be.

Look at the bright side. Your country doesn't have a population of 35 million that could be easily outnumbered in a decade.

And look what happened afterwards. Everyone flooded over here to wait for another amnesty.


Let us rejoice Sup Forums.

Do it with me.