He doesn't know this place is satire

>He doesn't know this place is satire.
Fucking kek could you possibly make a bigger fool of yourself than this guy. He fell for a bunch of memes made by autistic teens LMFAO and got punched in the face by a lefty shit eating cuck in doing so SAD!

He's controlled opposition. He gets a juicy CIA check for acting like a retard.

>How to spot a newfag

> herr derr everybody is controlled opposition

>catches a sucker punch from some nutjob lefty
>becomes a martyr even in the eyes of people who don't want anything to do with the extreme right
>sjw's showing their true colors and exposing themselves as the bullies and fascists they really are

not the hero we deserve

are you still trying this "pol is satire" meme, jidf?

Hmm, I wonder who's behind this post?

So is this guy the real deal or not?

Some take it seriously, some don't. Fuck off op






Looking at the Sup Forums posters who show up to the HWNDU stream I'm getting the impression that the majority of the American's on this site aren't even white. The 60% meme is real, even for this site. Remember that the next time an Americuck calls you non-white.

Really wish people wouldn't try to persecute Nazis. It's already shameful many of our grandparents participated in the mass killings of these people in WW2 just because some didn't agree with them and were offended.

really hypocritical when they say remember the 9 gorillion but we don't remember the millions we slaughtered in an unjust war

Ive been calling myself a white nationalist for a year now. To me, Sup Forums is not satire, but it is fun. I wish Spencer was less soft on the Jewish question to be honest.

god you're retarded, first off it would be the FBI not the CIA

also anyone got the footage of him fighting Bill Mitchell?


Turns out the guy that elbowed him had a wrench in his sleeve for massive damage

Pretty much. We mask our radicalism in humor because its fun, it triggers lefties, and makes WN more palatable to normies. Spencer is a good guy, and a good political thinker. But he's not savy enough to handle the media. Falls into their trap every single time and makes us look bad as a result. He wants the fame a little too much I think.

>yes goyim listen to Alex Jones and Richard Spencer
>Hitler was EVIL and stoopid, this random podcast faggot Richard is BETTER for you, gentile

yep we're all liberals who voted hillary

i like the idea of open borders i mean everyone is human after all?

It's a necessary meme that somebody has to throw out there every now and then to keep the heat off our backs.

To be fair to America, NYC isn't representative of the country as a whole in terms of demographic makeup.

Jesus I need to rebuild my fucking infograph folder.
Half of those are years and years and years old but damn do they stand true evermore.

hes controlled opposition and this shit was staged

No. Whites are a far more evolved species than say, niggers aka apes

That's the exact reason the kikes pushed him into the position of "leader of the ____" which in this case was the whole 'alt-right' thing.
I know it's a bit harsh calling the guy 'cont op' and shit, he's not. If anything he's just a dude who has the bad luck to get exploited by his enemies in this odd fashion.
Same with anyone the media tries to paint as the 'leader' of the alt-right.

He's primarily an academic who doesn't understand how the media works. We need an Andrew Breitbart. Someone who can beat these bastards at their own game.


Whatever, Spencer isn't controlled opposition or a nazi. He's pretty articulate about the need for white identitarian politics. He uses some overly intellectual language, and needs to be more aggressive, but for now he's not a bad face to represent white identitarian politics.

These guys get it.

he was trying to explain the pepe pin on live tv, kek made him be quiet

>pol is satire

>mfw i'm liberal as fuck and i like going on here because it reaffirms my liberalness to see the shitty edginess and strawmen required to believe the crap that people believe here

hi rabbi

Seriously, who keeps making them?

het got doxxed today. Opt out of familytreenow.com dumbfucks. Save yourself the headache.

Seriously though, I can't imagine anyone here has a problem with someone punching him. Sup Forums is always talking about limp-wristed liberals or whatever the fuck right? Isn't it more respectable to see a guy who's willing to take it to the level of violence?

>Oh but it was a sucker punch!

Yeah and if Mr. Spencer had any fucking nuts he would have gone running after that guy. He obviously recovered pretty fast.

Come the fuck on Sup Forums, you're always talking about how leftists are pussies, shouldn't you want more leftist violence? Wouldn't that make it more interesting?

why don't you just open up the border to your anus right now for this guy

I mean, everyone is human after all

here here
hear hear

whatever. same

-posted from my Apple iPhone.

More like he tried to cash in on all our hard work and instead of becoming the leader of some vast movement he thought existed he got labeled a literal Nazi and got his shit kicked in. Still has done more with his life then you have though so who's to judge.

He's done it for years, co-invented the term 'alt-right', went to jail in Hungary for trying to host a white nationalist conference there, is banned from Europe and England (Europe will expire this year some time). Constantly does nice analyses + new thoughts. Adapts to changing circumstances. Puts on conferences. Gets white nationalist ideas out there. Gets stink-bombed and smacked.

I dunno, you tell me.

Scatifa is really that violent. Might want to look into it.