Picture related, someone send this faggot an Uber
In the Sup Forums thread
I will not go to that board
>my goddess
are these black guys trolls?
that faggot represents the worst of Sup Forums while jackie4chan and blart represent the best
Holy shit this dude is a faggot
they're our fellow anons
Na some normie pole smokers
Is that the spic who spent money on Uber to meet that camwhore? KEKED
He's not Sup Forums. He's the_Donald.
you the faggot
jackie4chan looks so tired of his shit
Tell him to get a job
How long until someone breaks this with a hammer?
fat drugged out stoners took over, time to peace out
he needs to ditch him and get onto that lefty puss he got digits from
ooga booga
this guy gets it
I hope nobody would do that. Why? Who would go around breaking everything. Whats next? burning limo's?
What's with the 14 year olds trying to act cool in front of the camera with 2 niggers.
what a fag
Someone those fat fucks that if they form a human swastika and hold it for 10 seconds ill buy them 20$ worth of w/e they want. They have to tell me what they want.
>no no no no no. it's all yours.
Is asian bro in this thread???
Oh no this faggot is from Sup Forums
fat orange cap ninja with sticks
I wouldn't be surprised if this ended within the month by shia's doing
I mean, he can't actually spend the next 4 years out here cleaning up a 40 x 20 foot pile of gravel right? He has movies he's in
Plus, this will legit lose steam after a few weeks.
He's trying to impress us (Sup Forums). He just mentioned Sup Forums.
This is getting cringey again. I don't want to watch anymore. This philippino kid will get himself killed for talking shit
hes reading this thread. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF YOU KEK
Jesus Christ the yellow pants faggot looks so gay.
These niggers are boring as fuck.
The only recent thing he'll be in is Indiana Jones 5.
fake ass spike lee
fucking niggers blacked the stream
Shia is very autistic. Don't underestimate him.
Pays to see strange chick
Gets raped by four niggers.
where are you watching? stream is down , no?
Sup Forums guys there just go home. The niggers took over
>autists will not divide us
Nah, it's working.
did jackie left
Fucking faggot beta cuck user, just leave. Leave the camera, leave Sup Forums, go jump off a bridge and leave life you cringe worthy queer.
To take a piss he will be right back
cancer orange nig
I thought he left, fuck.
he's a multimillionaire and an autistic progressive drone
he'll do what he wants
did you fags have those sticks up ur ass?
just jump in front of the next car lad
holy shit this user is so embarrassing
whats the point of going to Sup Forums, its just porn and faggots from plebbit
yellow fag
Chink user trying to fit in again
Jackie Sup Forums got blacked
keep posting HWNDU memes please, I forgot to save the images during these threads
i'm scared of the nigs and i'm 1000 miles away
that Brittany is so smug
fuck her
Can someone legit send an Uber and describe yourself as the guy with yellow pants, put in a special request for the driver to yell out faggot or something.
smoke cock much nignog?
Biggie Smalls?
I told you three hours ago these young kids would embarass us..... and ....
that would explain it
>check out my le edgy memes!!!!11!11!11!
>brit is my queen!!
Why do they hunch around on their phones in front of the camera?
around blacks never relax
He looks way too Chinese to be Filipino
philo phag pussy
What thread are these guys on
the chink is Philippine
Just leave Chan man, save yourself.
We're gonna witness ourselves a live raping by these apes.
be still, my heart
hey Filipino user
If you're here can you check my gets?
Jackie jewing niggers.
Quads of truth I guess
>"When /R9K/ sends its people, they're not sending their best"
posted wrong one
Waste of quads, kill me
redpill them on the jews
Also he's too tall to be 100% Flip
anyone elses feed just die?
Rip Jackie4chan, blakced
build a waaall
Just refresh.
just went back up
What happened in the last eight hours? I went to sleep