Mind Forever Blown

"His low-budget documentaries were shot from within the gates of Auschwitz and questioned what happened there. He said the gas chamber at Dachau was a cleverly constructed fake. He poured scorn on the 6 million number.

In turn he was reviled and called the Anti-Christ. Eventually he was put out of business by several beatings and a $25,000 bounty placed on his head by a group of thugs calling themselves the Jewish Defense League."

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice! I've been looking for this for a while after seeing it years ago. I told a feminist jew I work with a couple days ago that the holocaust was fake and that auschwitz had a swimming pool. She cried.

Dude was my first redpill

Odd that he comes up now.

What do we know of this website, what's their leaning? Who really owns them. He sounds p. controlled opposition.

And 2 fucking orchestras


Also it was run by Jews

David Cole had them admit on film loads of the things there are 'constructed ' by the caretakers

such a good documentary. youtube.com/watch?v=Ae_WSV4n-u8

I've been told by one old soul tonight "I made my mind up 50 years ago" and I just said "Well there's new information" and said goodnight.
I'm fucking livid. I had no idea there was no, and totally bogus evidence of gassings.
And that has me really wondering why such an effort to lie to us.
This massive red-pill is sticking in my throat. Someone please refute this guy, so I can go back. I like the taste of the steak, even if it isn't real.
And that fucking national museum... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck me.


the narrator sounds like a whiny jew cuck

good ear, but he's no cuck

Thanks user.

Much appreciated

The holocaust is FAKE JEWS

after watching for 20 minutes i can confirm this Jew is no cuck.
How can one Jew be so based?


He's a trip. He fucking went there wearing his Jew hat, and just challenged them politely, like a little historian, and blew them away, caught them in so many lies.
and then the price on his head
crazy shit

Will anyone ever make a documentary about the masturbation machines at Auschwitz?

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the use of bears to kill jews during the holocaust? How come these bears were never held accountable?

Alot of Jews financed Hitlers rise to power and they did so specifically because he was a raging anti-Semite because they knew that once he was in power he would forcibly round up all of the Jews in Germany and its conquered territories and deport them to Palestine which is what the Zionist wanted. You cant have a Jewish state of Israel if all the Jews refuse to leave Europe because its too comfy there.

Also if you were one of the Jews whos family got fucked over by these Zionist fanatics then you probably hate them even more than the Neo-Nazis do.

Jews are nepotistic in that they will eleveate jews into positions above non jews and view non jews as subhuman cattle but their basic nature of duplicity and greed means that they have no qualms about fucking over other jews for their personal benefit. Case and Point: George Soros and his father informing on other Jewish families in Hungary and getting a cut of the profits from their confiscated property as they were shipped off to labor camps.

No one hates Jews more than other Jews because they have a direct first hand experience of just how horrible they can be even to their own.


Very well written response, i definitely agree. Thank you user.

So WW2 was started because Jews in Palestine wanted some friends, but the friends liked Poland better? Seems a round about way.

*David Irving's eldest daughter, Josephine, was a lovely girl but she suffered from schizophrenia*, and the Jews loved to make fun of David Irving for this because they thought that it was so ironic that a nazi sympathizer like David Irving ended up with a daughter that Hitler would've euthanized.
*In 1996, she tried to commit suicide by hurling herself from a building, luckily she survived, but she ended up with her back and all of her limbs completely crushed and had to have her limbs amputated*.
*She lived with schizophrenia and no limbs and a broken back for 3 years, until the Jews threw her out of a 2 story building and successfully killed her this time.*
The funeral was set 2-3 weeks before the big holocaust denial trial that Deborah Lipstadt and her 40 lawyers and historians had brought against him with her libel suit. 1 hour after the funeral a courier came up and delivered him a fancy and very expensive wreath with a letter attached to it.

*The letter read "Truly a merciful death" and it was signed by "Phillipp Bouhler and friends".*

If you know the history of the Third Reich you know that "Merciful death" (Barmherzigen Tod) was the German euphemism for euthanasia, the killing of the disabled. Philipp Bouhler, who had apparently signed this card had been dead since 1945. He was Hitler's left-hand man. He was head of the euthanasia program. This letter was sent to destabilize David Irving before the big trial that sent him to prison, *not for holocaust denial but for "Portraying Adolf Hitler in a favorable light".*
>David Irving - Talking Frankly
>The story starts at 51:00 and ends at 57:00

I always endeavor to be the most thoughtful and well informed racist that i can possibly be.

>And that has me really wondering why such an effort to lie to us.

Victim status = Money.

Victim status = Justified murder of Palestinians.

Victim status = Untouchable gods.

Jews have a major hand is social/political movements all throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their biggest intellectuals even referred to the 20th century as the "Jewish century" because of the excessive influence they exerted on geopolitics at that time.

The October revolution in Russia in 1917 was entirely run by Jews. The communist ideology that formed from Carl Marx was perpetuated by Jews. If they had only been responsible for the rise of communism alone that would make them the most influential ethnic group in that century.

There are a shit-ton of Jews in Israel today who fled there as refugees from Russia and Eastern Europe because of pogroms conducted by the Soviet Union (which was administered by Jews). Its not an Unreasonable jump is logic that If Jews behind the scenes in the Soviet Union would force mass Jewish migration to Palestine that similar Jewish elites behind the Nazi party would not do the same thing in Western Europe for the same Reasons.

Jews are a very small minority of the world population. In order to have a "Jewish" State of Israel you literally need a huge portion if not the majority of all the Jewish communities int eh world to pack up and move to that state to populate it.

That is a Gross over-simplification of the Social movements and politics going on in Europe at that time. The Jewish population in Palestine pre-WW2 was extremely small and at the time the region was under the administration of the British Empire. In fact Jewish Terrorists constantly assassinated British Officials and bombed British government buildings because they wanted them out of Palestine so that they could massacre or deport the Palestinians and declare the land as their Jewish state. It wasn't until they had Jews flooding into Palestine by the hundreds of thousands each year during the war and post war and the combined international guild of this newly discovered German holocaust that they finally had the international pressure required to force the British government to give up control and allow them to declare sovereignty.

Yes, it was a gross oversimplification, and not my opinion.

I guess I should have been watching Montel in the 90s

My apologies i thought you were baiting.

no problem. I'm not convinced of the theory I was replying to, but I haven't solidified my own opinion about what brought about WW2, so I couldn't present a conflicting argument, and I'm watching Montel get BTFO

I was listening to an interview with Cole a few days ago. Apparently one of the Jews on the stage is a Hungarian Jew who apparently lost his brother in the concentration camps. He had always maintained that his brother had been killed.

Whislt this episode of Montels show was being aired, a guy in New York saw this Hungarian Jew on the stage and though 'he looks like my neighbour' He went to tell his neighbour about the show and low and behold it turns out the Hungarian Jews brother was alive and well and living in New York. They even did a reunion on, guess what...the Montel Show!! David Cole didn't get an invite though.

Jesus Christ.
I've learned a TON today, and I've been asking myself why do the Jews care so much about perpetuating the lie. I haven't come to a conclusion on that either, but when a black farmer on Montel mentioned German reparations, an alarm went off.
Why the US government is still exaggerating barbarity, numbers, and the "final solution" IDK, but it's scaring the shit out of me. Those old John Ford US propaganda films about soap, lampshades, and gas chambers scares me. That Holohoax Juseum in DC, funded with tax dollars scares me. I read that museum's financials today. WTF?