Jew Interviews Richard Spencer

Shapeshifter Jew interviews Richard Spencer, is focused on anti-semitism.

What do you think? Spencer definitely dropped the ball a couple of times but not a bad showing

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David Pakman is a typical slippery Jew

Reminder that Richard Spencer was never punched.

The man in the jacket had a WRENCH in his coat that he slammed against Spencer's face.

Where's the link?

I think I saw it earlier. was pretty good. I like his ideas a lot, and I've never seen him lose a debate.

My bad, I'm a retard apparently

Yeah, he doesn't lose it's just that no one actually responds to his ideas actually. They just conflate them with Nazism, or take them to their most ridiculous extreme and then try to hold him accountable for it. The Roland Martin one was super annoying. I was waiting for Spencer to just say: "Your inability to respond with logic or reason is indicative of your race's inability to build civilization"

bump to keep alive

Is that true?

It is if you want it to be

Where'd he get the black eye ?

He got punched by some antifag this weekend, it's been all over the place. Where've you been?

Why do you keep posting here Dick?

Yeah, he got punched IN THE NECK, FROM THE OTHER SIDE.

So where did he get the black eye from?

I seen it, he was hit beneath the right ear.

>all those comments saying "A homeland for europeans? Europe lol"

Yah, I'm not sure if there was a second incident or what

He was punched twice. Once in left eye then later on right ear/neck.

Actually I heared he got hit twice. Did he talk about the secong punch ?

spencer is a cancer to the "alt-right"

we need a real fucking name btw

>He was punched , again.

Ah, fair enough.

Second punch was on camera during interview other was when reporter was talking to him.

I would punch someone for saying that

But you would need an actual person to punch not imaginary ones

You must have a really long reach.

>spencer is a cancer to the "alt-right"

Spencer is our leader now. Get the fuck over it.

Come on, Spencer.

No need to get Salty.

Strasser was thrown out when he became obsolete, too.

Just the way it is.

the perfect opening to bring up the fact that Europe is being demographically raped by foreign influx

Those lefties who are commenting don't matter. What matters is winning normal Conservative White people in Europe, America and Australia to identity politics.

>Spencer is our leader now. Get the fuck over it.
Oh okay, now that that is cleared up.
Fuck off. No one here needs a leader.

Spencer is playing the part of gay version of Anton Drexler.

leafs dont get to call shots

Spencer doesn't speak for me. I do.

"We" don't need a (((name))) leaf

Pol is an ANONYMOUS forum.

he speaks well, faggot, you should be thankful

he's not perfect? go out and be even better
