Death penalty - yes or no?

Death penalty - yes or no?

>Valuing the lives of rapists, murderers, and other criminally insane drags on the state that cannot or will not be rehabilitated.

Fucking why?

I understand cases of dubious guilt, but barring that there's no excuse.

why not?

It's something I've never been able to lock down a strong opinion on. At one level the government being able to sentence someone to death makes me uncomfortable, but then I read some of the things these guys did and I realize they should be killed. Like those guys in California in the 70s who kidnapped, raped, tortured, and killed numerous teenage girls. Still on death row because California is worthless.

I say no. Because sometimes the wrong person is convicted and that means innocents will be executed.

Absolutely, we shouldn't have to pay for scum.

And what about using prisoners as work force? I think that the only problem is surveillance.

As opposed to them sitting around doing nothing? Sure, why not?

>dubious guilt

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but did I hear something about the majority of death row inmates convicted before DNA testing was available later being found not guilty with it?

No. Solitary confinement in prisons.

I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.

Only ayrab and nigger countries do this. Hilarious if you support this.

No. The government shouldn't have the power to kill people at their leisure.
Death penalty should be carried out by the armed citizens whenever they see a melanoid stealing a bike

Uh, no.

>at their leisure
>thinking this is how it works.

Burzum fucking sucks.

Waste of money.


No. Murder is always disgusting and degenerate.

burocracy is a waste of money, jut let the people lynch pedofiles.

>implying it's not how it works

>Valuing the lives of
a large part of it is not actually about that

The chance of wrongly executing somebody is too high.

Yes, fear of the ultimate consequence is the closest thing to peace that we can achieve.

Yes. Lethal injection only. Even voluntary self-annihilation.
We need to eliminate people - there are too many and prison time does not discourage repeat criminals.

This is a tough one. The legal system here needs a serious once-over for that reason. I would settle for a 3 strike policy.

I'm not paying for it. Suffering in solitude is not justice, only a waste of time and space. If someone committed such an atrocious crime as to deserve solitary confinement, it is unlikely they'll develop a repentant attitude when confronted with themselves over a long period of time.

Your reason?

Yes, the death penalty is much more humane than life imprisonment, and cheaper as well.

You'd rather pay for their foods etc?

>believing the falsely accused Jew

Paying for their foods for the rest of their life is considerably cheaper than the appeals process for death row inmates.

How can the two main parties have such conflicting views on a human life? Libs want abortion, but the no crime as so atrocious to warrant being sentenced to death. While conservatives are all about muh human life in unborn babies but when it comes to lethal injection they want to toss that shit around like candy. Anyone who falls for that is a sheep. Or has identity issues. They want to be part of the collective so badly they'll believe whatever the masses do in order to maintain the image of "liberal" or "conservative". How did it get like this? Where no one truly has a free mind anymore? Even those that feel enlightened are only regurgitating the rhetoric of someone else they believe to be enlightened, and the cycle continues. How do we stop this age of psuedo politics? Are humans just naturally lack the cognitive reasoning to form their own opinions? Or are we just brainwashed from birth with ideas we are allowed to have and not?

Absolutely yes.

Cucks say no.

>Think to myself: "Wtf; a lame fin"
>Read on

Have both. Abortion to kill off non whites before they commit crimes and the death sentence for those that commit crimes


The possible problem of executing someone innocent.

This is the one i lean towards as well, its the most logical. But from a non-racist perspective, its terribly inconsistent.

Yes. Or even better, crimination.

Only for pedos, murderers and serial rapists. Oh and treason