Alternative facts

>"alternative facts"
how the fuck do you defend this, Sup Forums. literally orwellian-tier propaganda, calling a blatant lie by some new made-up term. i used to support trump, but i literally can't anymore.

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wtf i hate trump now

Fuck you leaf your shitposts aren't ever funny

not meant to be funny. stop being so pathetic and pull your head out of your ass.

Obama's been presenting us with 'alternative facts' for the past 8 years, why is this a problem now?

This is how politics work in Eastern Europe for a now, you're gonna get used to it.

It's a big theater where everyone has a public and private opinion. Kinda how it's always been in the US except now they dont even deny it anymore.

Orban, Putin, Trump, same shit really.

They turn the media and public life into a literal performance. And the people dont really give a shit as long as the government isnt too oppressive. The social contract is that "politicians are dumb, but as long as they dont bother me personally I dont care"

I really don't care about the crowd numbers. Liberals have just been clutching at straws since Trump was elected. They latch on to whatever they can and ignore all of the real issues. They have blown garbage talk about garbage topics like crowd numbers massively out of proportion because it is all they have.

Its part of trumps 82D chess
Everyone complains about alternative facts now, everyone ignores that he removed Obamacare, banned immigrant and is going to build the wall

The left has given us soooo much Orwellian terms that it will be fun to watch how they destroy themselves with this one...

Nothing they did worked, everything they did got weaponised against them

this will be no exception

It will be hilarious to watch the trainwreck of people still expecting to impech trump and crown madame president


conway is retarded needs to stop doing interviews

This. Also, fuck Canada.

I still want to fuck her.

your standards are pathetic

You can get better hookers than that here for $50

>We live in a world where we aren't allowed to argue the facts anymore
>Debate is dead and we must accept the first thing that confirms our internal biases as law


Fucking cucks lmao

They are alternative facts. At the press briefing they presented facts that were alternative to what the press were presenting. The difference was neither group had an answer for the real question "was the Trump or Obama inauguration larger?" So they both presented what they felt were facts supporting their stance. Thus the term "alternative facts."

Yea but sometimes your sister isn't available.

It's not even the Liberals though. Trump literally whined about his Inauguration numbers to the fucking CIA and had Spicer objectively lie to the face of Americans just to suit his ego.

Obviously i'm hoping his policies will overcome that but it's utterly embarrasing to be the leader of the free world and fretting over petty shit like this, even worse than his diehard followers are even defending this fucking nonsense. You all are the cancer that's crippling the country with your blind partianship and it goes the same for the Dems

How many children did Obama kill??

How many??!!!!!!

Funny, but I dont have a sister, Mohammad

If you watched the press conference where Spicer actually answered questions he explains in great detail why it is about more than just whining over numbers. It's about the media being biased cunts and getting called on it. I agree with him 100%.

Has modern education killed critical thinking skills?

If anyone with half a brain watched the interview they would be able to work out she was saying alternative facts than what were being reported by almost all of the mainstream media outlets. Instead they jump on the comments and then report them in a negative light.

If anything this shows how simple and thick the people having a go at her comments are if they are going to take them at face value.

What? It's ironic shitposting then? Come on now man, don't embarrass yourself.

He has droned a shitwhack of them.

She said the truth. 2+2=4 commie.

canadians are that stupid

Fuck you literally write literally like a literal shit tier literal milenial.

Exactly. Jesus people are fucking morons.

>The Media being biased cunts

How the fuck can there be bias in evidence via photographs and numbers tracked through DC's various systems? Not even Fox News tried to defend that drivel.

Media bias has existed for fucking ever, but simple fact checking such as this doesn't even involve that. If Trump's already lying about shit like this on day one it doesn't set a good precedent

>alternative facts

Funny the left never cared about facts real or alternative until Obama wasn't president anymore.

You mean Post-Modernism?

> I used to support Trump, but I now suddenly believe media lies
COINTELPRO is at it again

CNN photo is a fact, the time it was taken is also a fact. Both facts propel alternative narratives. Media is just butthurt their version doesn't go unchallenged anymore.

Like what?

Obama created this and now Trump has the keys to all the totalitarian tools the democrats slipped in

Trump has already ordered drone strikes fyi.

When the mainstream is so politically compromised with its own obfuscation of the facts, how else do you tell the truth?

Best example for this is the discriminatory wage gap, which is a myth

What If trump did this on purpose? He's signing a lot of bills and yet people are more focused on his inauguration damage control. At this rate he could start signing FEMA camps bills and everyone would be still focused on whatever dumb stuff he did last week.

No he hasnt. That was literally fake news.

He specifically followed up saying that they did not have a full analysis when they made the claim. He admitted to being wrong about the physical crowd. That's better than the MSM has ever done.

Nonhumans aren't children

Look at climate change.

Some data shows warming, some shows a flatline, some shows cooling. All equally factual but interpreted differently.


Facts don't fall out of the sky. They are claims with sources that can be questioned.

Fuckin' lol OP. Haven't you worked it out by now? Sup Forums is a cesspit of literal retardation and idiocy. The absolute personification of cultural cognitive dissonance. Sup Forums would eat literal shit if it was spun in a way to combat "the left" or "sjws".

Sup Forums has pushed in an Orwellian tier ultra conservative Republican parliament that blatantly, truthfully does not care about freedoms, liberty, transparency, or true humanistic and cultural values. Sup Forums LITERALLY thinks this is some war against immigration to combat foreign invasion of culture and jobs, completely ignorant to the reality of who exactly benefits from this presidential term at the costs of themselves.

Do you understand it? Do you get it now? Sup Forums represents some of the most spineless, outright retarded percentage of the global population. Combating the consensus here is trying to fight people who are ACTUAL RETARDS and would disembowel themselves if the political spin implied it would benefit them.

They, with no exaggeration, voted in a political party 100% committed to the denial of freedoms of speech, freedoms of creativity, freedoms of liberty, for the sake of the rich, powerful, wealthy, and domineering, of which ABSOLUTELY NOBODY HERE is categorised as, because lol pepe lol meme magic lol maga lol trump and fuck jews/immigrants/blacks/women heil hitler.

Sup Forums is a poison to human, cultural, and social evolution. Sup Forums is a death blow to freedom, and the only solution is violence. Murder every committed Sup Forums user you know. Kill them and purge their idiocy from the gene pool. Their influence has cost us freedom.

They just modernised it user,


When the media facts are lies you need alternative sources for the truth.

It's not hard to understand leaflet.


So it was Trump and his team being an impulsive moron talking out of his ass yet again. Got it, definitely makes me feel more secure in the long run.

By graduating from the 3rd grade.

Quality material lol

We don't have to. Fuck honor. Fuck playing by the rules. Fuck white male LARPing.

We win. At all costs. Destroy ever last one of our enemies any way we can.

that's a nice image and all, but it's just your opinion dude.

Say that to my face and not online, kid

Wasnt the small crowd photo taken much earlier than claimed?


>Gender wage gap
>Racial targeting of black by police
>Muslims being peaceful
>Assad being the bad guy
>Gaddafi being the bad guy
>ISIS being contained
>The US is funding "moderates" and not terrorists
>The economy is doing well
>I'm not a communist Muslim

All lies.

all of those are based on facts, unlike the spicer claim that more people were at the inauguration for trump than obama which is provably false.

>what the average Sup Forums user actually believes

Actually retarded. Unbearably so. I can't wait for the purge. I really can't.

Spotted the MSM dick-riders.

Alternate facts is a legal term.

Lol, Obama didn't 'cards on the table' lie in the face of the American people, all politicians lie but this is fucking retarded.

Hes an opportunist, i expect him to pull Patriot Act last term just because every chuck can see through his bullshit and hes afraid he wont win.


Yeah, Obama didn't lie, right.

It's indefensible. Kellyanne fucked up and made another team member have to readdress the issue 100 times over.

Will she be the first to hear "you're fired?

>politicians never manipulate and lie

Did you forget 4D chess.

This is a distraction. They are focusing on something that doesn't matter at all, and completely ignoring all the shit Trump is doing.

>Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here

As for defending "alternative facts" that's easily done. For example liberals push the 'fact' that Islam is a religion of peace - on the other hand the alt-right pushes the alternative (actual) fact that Islam is and always has been a violent cult as is emphatically shown by all contemporary, historical and doctrinal evidence.

Liberals push the 'fact' that single motherhood is a noble thing and has no negative effects on children or wider society. Conservatives and the Alt-Right push the alternative (actual) fact that single motherhood has hugely detrimental effects on the mother, her children, and wider society.

Another example; liberals push the 'fact' that Communism/Socialism has a viable and humane system of government. Conservatives and the Alt-Right, on the other hand, push the alternative (actual) facts that show Communism/Socialism is a murderous, disastrous, inhumane and regressive system of government which has resulted in bloody collapse anywhere it's been tried.

Its sad that that intellectuals are few and the breeding from fat drones continues to the point of a trump presidency.

I can tell you misunderstood, try passing the first grade before you comment, weakling.

>completely ignoring all the shit Trump is doing.

not true.

Then show me proof you retarded chuck.

Liberal facts are right and conservative facts are wrong

And if you disagree with liberals, you are obviously a racist sexist bigot

Now this is what I call shit posting
Nice job Kangaroo jack

She's a fucking goblin, I swear.

Watch your kids, Kellyanne's hungry.

Fucking kek

Whine more you hilarious faggot

>eight more years
>three thousand days of tears

I'm in agreement that this was a bad pr move and I never want to hear alternative facts again

>when something is wrong but you want it to be true because it would support your opinion
alternative fact

>when something is true but you want it to be false because it hurts your feelings

any other good buzzwords?

1984 was right. You Drumpfkinhowitzers need to wise up. You've been conned.

Didn't you notice her laughing when she said that. Its definitely this

Nobody really gives a shit about the crowd size other than Trump. I give alot of fucks about their willingness to bald face lie about it tho. Its 1984 style 2+2=5 tier bullshit. This shit should not fly in this country

Oh shit. I almost forgot 'liberals' are only interested in shame and ridicule to shut down the argument. My bad.

Fuck off, leaf. Stop shitting up Sup Forums.

The term FAKE NEWS is the only thing Orwellian. The left tried to use it against the right, now Trump is trying to turn the tables.

want a redpill?
crowd size drama was a distraction to keep the media from talking about the womens march that day.
Trump plays 8d chess member?

Glad you are cheering on our government totally lying to us in an unprecedented fashion. Good work. Fuck them libs, amirite?

The media is too stupid to realize this too. They chase after every red herring Trump throws at them. If they actually used their journalistic discretion and stopped being partisan democrats, they could actually hold Trump accountable on the issues that actually matter.

it wasn't a lie though. You can focus on that CNN photo and think wow.. nobody there. You do realized it was aired live on TV all over the world and the crowd was much bigger than CNN claimed. Deny if shill.

I have been living under alternative facts for 8 years nigger.

Your turn, 8 years leaf.

Fuck the media. What about the murrican people? We are the ones being lied to

Real, living "human beings" exist on Sup Forums that will say and believe A N Y T H I N G to convince themselves this Republican presidency has their best interest in mind. You can see it in this thread. Read it daily on Sup Forums. And beyond. It's actually sickening. Stomach churning. That such...overwhelming, unbridled loyalty to deception, manipulation, and control exists here.

Neat and tidy lined up Sup Forums posters guzzling down gallons of turds. Yes Mr Trump #MAGA yes yes yes down with the darkies yes yes yes i believe you Trump please shit in my mouth some more no Mr Republicans please please take my tax and take my freedoms take them ALL together we will fight SJW feminist blacks yes Mrs Republican tell me your lies manipulate me fuck my ass deep and let me eat up all your shit because THE LEFT AND SJW

Kill them all. Kill every single Sup Forums regular you can. Gut them in the streets. At this point purging this inferiority and anti-intellectualism is the only way we'll move forward. Kill them all.

Glad a fellow burger knows how to interpret news. That's why he's pushing executive orders like a madman, he's getting all of the controversial shit done while the protests are still big and the public consciousness is still thinking either "Trump is such a self-centered baby" or "lol libtard tears, you lost, get over it" depending who you voted for.

Fuck off leaf shill. Stay the fuck out of our business.

There's liberal media facts and then there's the alternative facts.

Whats is this so hard to understand?

>themselves this Republican presidency has their best interest in mind
Remember the 7D Backgammon.

Sales of Orwell's 1984 skyrocketed after "alternative facts" happened.

All according to plan, since now everyone will see this is what the media has been doing all along.

Trump has truly taken them.

You are fucking deluded man. Metro riders, nielsen ratings, the totally absurd false anger. Its fucking political theatre and you are eating it up.

The Nobel Prize winner for PEACE.

firsy of all its not your politics you fucking leaf...second your a cunt and so is she. third she fucked up and the left is blowing up about it. fuck you you cunty leaf
"alternative facts" is fucking retarded and she should be beatin with a flail made of leftist foreskin for make the god emperor look so bad

You make me cringe.


spot the shill, the post

not you politics dick toucher. what has he done so far thats bad? cant judge him by anything he hasnt done yet