Abortion is cold blooded murder, we all know that

Abortion is cold blooded murder, we all know that.
So why do you support it?
How can you support the genocide of the innocent?

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I don't

Because the world doesn't need more shitposters such as yourself

I don't

Mothers who want their children dead aren't good mothers and would probably end up raising human feces.

Had someone tell me there's no non-religious reason for abortion to be illegal.

When I asked for a non-religious reason for murder to be illegal I never got an answer.

>So why do you support it?

I don't.

>How can you support the genocide of the innocent?

I don't support the genocide of the innocent, so stop speaking on my behalf. Sage.

We don't.

I don't. Even if you don't want children if it ever comes to the point where you need to get an abortion you're probably a literal nigger.
>Have sex based on fertility cycle
>pull out
>birth control pills (generics for 10$ a month)
>plan B if needed
>combination of the above

Not hard.

because it's a genocide of black people, poor people, future criminals and all around children of single mother scum who are literally better off dead

you are a cuckservative if you'd take DOUBLE the niggers over m-muh fetus that cant even survive outside the womb

Pick one

Litterally more nogs are aborted than born

>Have sex based on fertility cycle

just to warn you this is a huge meme, a woman's fertility cycle can change abruptly and sperm can survive up her bagina for several days

They can give them away. Germans steal children from other countries, they're so desperate for young generation. How's abortion even real? Hahahaha Nigga Just Use Condoms Like Nigga Close Your Legs Haha


Also genocide of retards. Over 90% of fetuses with Down syndrome are aborted.

That's why you track via temperature, and cervical fluid and there's a 6 day window of no or protected sex, not just one.

Seriously how are the right in U.S. this fucking dumb? Free abortion is basically automatic -50% less niggers. You want more niggers? Well, do you?
Autistic fucking mouthbreathers.

I don't support abortions, but I understand the practical reasons of it and I don't want it to be banned.

As somebody you feels pain I have empathy for others who feel pain.
The same goes for death when a loved one dies I am empathetic. I don't need religion to tell me how to feel.
Abortion is horrible because you are stopping life from happening and effectively murdering what somebody will become.
Their story will not be witnessed, their song will not be sung and their life will not begin.
I don't need religion to tell me that is fucked up.

It seems like a leftist thing to have abortions so how can it be bad when they are voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool? The Lena Dunham beast woman is a big abortion enthusiast; just imagine what a magical world it would be if her parents had been as well...

Come up with some reasons why it's a bad thing and I'll listen. I don't give a shit if you think it makes baby Jesus cry or whatever. Could banning abortion help in our demographic war with third world invaders? Seems too authoritarian to force a population increase this way, but the right fact and figures could bring me around.

>Abortion is cold blooded murder, we all know that.
Agreed, but I'm in favor of keeping it in the USA given the demographics that make use of it.

I only support abortions when the mother would suffer due to no fault of their own. It should be safe, legal and rare.

What makes you think I don't support genocide? The planet currently has 5 billion people too many for a sustainable prosperity.

Being pure technical, it's not murder because murder is unlawful killing, while, unfortunately, abortion is lawful.

It is of course grossly immoral and should be considered murder in the eyes of the law, but at present it's wrong to call it 'murder'

I'd support it if it culls the minorities but only white girls seem to ever get them

I support it because foetuses in at least first trimester do not feel pain, do not have feelings or conscience. If the parents do not want that child, then I see no reason why would they have to keep it alive

I dont

In the first trimester where most abortions are performed, it's an unformed, nonsentient clump of cells or at most a HR Giger inspired blob. If we really thought this was a person, we'd be having non stop funerals and coroner investigations for every single miscarriage.


Yes this, can't argue with this. This is fixing the problem before it arrives.
And fuck you if are "muh human life", you don't giva a single shit about starving children no matter thier race to begin with.

Abortion is mostly used by niggers and is therefore good.


People who support abortion are cut off from reality. Somehow reality is not very real to them. I meet many such people who seem cold, callous and indifferent. That is not normal. Somewhere along the line they have been damaged. It goes both ways they can not be as happy as regular people either.

stop shitposting you canadian cunt.we should not care about other people's decisions.


as if you or anyone else has done that successfully lmao

If I get a bitch pregnant, I damn fucking expect her to get an abortion.

Fuck human life.
If you're not me, or someone who I give a fuck about. Then fuck you. Go die.

Pain and the ability to sense heat/cold are some of the first to develop in most mammalian organisms. They utilize primitive signally pathways, but to suggest that they don't feel pain is retarded pseudoscience bullshit.

Because I litterally don't care
>Child is growing within HER womb
>Absorbing HER nutrients
>She has to tear HER cervix and cut several years off her life to bring it into this world
>Moral fags insist that they should have control over the child
Really makes you think :^)

Kills niggers. No problem with abortion.

blacks don't normally abort.

>People who support bogdanoff are cut off from reality. Somehow reality is not very real to them. I meet many such people who seem cold, callous and indifferent. That is not normal. Somewhere along the line they have been damaged. It goes both ways they can not be as happy as regular people either.

Stop with your liberal arts-level of thinking you fucking fairy.

She is the childs life support, it can't grow without her.

Well, while it is too late to abort you, it's not too late to murder you, which should be a sufficiently sharp, practical and easy to understand demonstration of the reasons why people don't want murder to occur.

Abortion is only different insofar as the victim is murdered at the stage when he or she cannot yet resist or voice his objections.

It mostly kills nigs

>So why do you support it?

If you don't give a fuck about your own child, then kys. Koreans are inhuman.

I don't consider things without minds people, unless it has a personality and hopes/ambitions and has some prospect of a worthwhile existence in the future then it's no different from euthanising a dog or a farm animal.

Or you could just legalize abortion in case you fuck up.

Truly we live in an immoral wasteland

We should incentivize niggers to have abortions (or better yet, be sterilized) instead of incentivizing them shitting out more shitskins. How about more gibs for sterilization, cut off the gibs for three or more mudbabies? Let them believe that they can have enough kids to maintain their population while in fact we all know gang violence will take care of plenty of the non-aborted.

There's no non-religious reason to consider abortion murder. Unless you believe in souls or something to that effect then the foetus is just a clump of biological matter that stands to turn eventually turn into a waste of human life (not to mention torpedoing any life prospects its parents might have had).

I don't, it's a murder in every case.
People are fucking instinct driven animals who only care about their own good.
You should only have sex if you are ready to become a parent

I suppose you're in favour of 'post-birth abortion' i.e infanticide.

What a wretched creature you are.

There is hardly any scientific consensus on this topic since it's pretty complex, but I have yet to see a paper saying that fetuses can feel pain in the first trimester.

However even if they did, it does not seem much more morally wrong than killing a chicken.

>Pain of a mother versus the death of an infant
Are you seriously arguing this? Just curious, when do you think life starts? Does it start whenever you find it convenient?

>Abortion is cold blooded murder, we all know that.
Murder is illegal
Abortion is a constitutionally protected right
I'm not sure how you could confuse something so simple unless it's the brain damage.

No, I give a fuck about my child.

I give a fuck about a child I planned and wanted.

An unwanted pregnancy is bullshit, and I shouldn't be penalized for the rest of my life for a something so ridiculous as not wanting to fuck a tight pussy without a condom.

You can´t kill something that is not even alive. It lives in a mother´s body. it does not have mind, feelings, emotions.

I remember reading that some time in the middle ages they would punish abortion based upon how developed it was, like considering it a fraction of life, rather than 100% either way. This was even extended to infanticide.

>People who support abortion are cut off from reality
Projection. Psychopaths usually believe it is the others who are crazy.

You're always the last to know.

Yes and? If a mass of cells can't survived on its own without leeching off resources from another organism then there is nothing wrong with killing it.

>Does it start whenever you find it convenient?
This is literally true, though. They want to abort their child because it's inconvenient, you want them not to because the thought is unpalatable to you.

The question is- why do you even care? You're having an emotional reaction to a being you don't know and will never know. It's illogical as fuck.
>inb4 death of white nation and degeneracy memes

You are stopping life when you are aborting. This is what killing is called my friend. Life begins at conception, changing the definition of life to fit your agenda is disgustingly selfish

If it's very soon after birth and the parents are sure they aren't going to give it a good life then yes, it's the same as putting down an unwanted farm animal. The only death that's truly meaningful is personality/information-theoretic death, and a newborn hasn't begun to live in that sense.

The ancients practiced exposure and disposal of unwanted infants, the only reason we don't do it today is because people are completely indoctrinated by jewish slave morality.

Bloody hell, Václav. I've heard all sorts of nonsense on this subject ("It's not a person!" "It's not even human!") but to say a foetus is not *alive* is to reach a new low. If the foetus is not alive then it would not develop at all.

I think you are ascribing overly magical properties to the uterus.

>I remember reading that some time in the middle ages
Hardcore oldfag?

It is killing, but that does not make it wrong

>Life begins at conception
But that doesn't mean that a fertilized egg or even an embryo is entitled to the same protections as a person.

Because banning it would just make women have abortions in an unsafe manner.

Also, you usually abort a zygote rather than a fetus. A zygote isn't a person.

I argue it because it's my stance, isn't that what political banter is all about? Convincing others to accept your beliefs and see your point of view?

I don't support it. I think it's utterly disgusting and anyone who has an abortion should be removed from the gene pool. I must add though, that in the case of a child either being severely handicapped or insemination as a result of rape ( with undeniable proof), that abortion is permissible.

Sluts should learn their lesson.
Also, don't put your penis in something without protection.

Because it's responsible for the death of MILLIONS of shitskins, Muslims, and the spawn of complete degenerates.

It is the most redpilled thing EVER.

I swear you white males are so fucking beta. Our ancestors would be disgusted with you all.

Killing something innocent is wrong, clearly we have different ethics...

And why not? What determines a person's rights but the fact they are alive? Is there some point in their life where they are suddenly extended their natural rights?

>mass of cells that cant survive on its own without leeching

i agree. open up the death camps and kill all liberals.

Because white people are dying out while niggers and arabs are having 5 children per woman.

Because we can control ourselves but they can't.

>You are stopping life when you are aborting.
False. The fetus does not attain its own life until it exits the womb.

>Life begins at conception
For thousands of years, life always begins at birth. We call the miracle of birth for a reason. We celebrate your birthday, not your parents fucking day, etc.

Never in the history of any culture on Earth has life begun at conception. Not in our law, language, history culture nor science.

Christianity fabricated the claim that life begins at conception but God very consistently equates life with breath in the Bible, not with intercourse.


Because the alternative is whole demographics of people being raised by parents that didn't want it. Find someone like that and ask if they wouldn't have been happier to be murdered in cold blood before they ever had a chance to experience physical or emotional pain.

Stop being such a sensitive pussies. You probably have no idea what children feel when they are growing up with parents that dont love them and didn´t even want them in a first place.

>nonstop abortion threads with pictures of aborted third trimester fetuses
Nah, pro-lifers are autistic as fuck.

>Pays 1$ for kids in africa so theyre barely able to staly alive because dead children is a horrible thing
>theyre better off suffering for years before starving
>abortion is murder and also it kills humans

>I'm unironically changing the definition of life to fit my agenda
>changing the definition of life to fit your agenda is disgustingly selfish
>Ergo, I'm disgustingly selfish

An elegant syllogism of truth.

>If the foetus is not alive then it would not develop at all.
A fetus is living human tissue like my arm, but not its own living being until it is born.

Why is killing something innocent wrong? It is not like someone is suffering in this case. The fetus is not even aware of its existence and the fact that its being killed. Sure, the parents might suffer, but if they decided they do not want the kid then let them kill it

For something to experience death it must be "alive" first.

Generally for human beings the standard of being "independently alive" by bare minimum is having a heartbeat and being able to breath on your own.

First signs of a heart tend to first appear at 6 weeks, first signs of what appears to be lungs/breathing is usually at 9. But even at these times the fetus could not survive as an "alive human" at this stage of development.

The youngest premature baby to survive was born at 21 weeks but it would have had no chance to survive on its own without a ton of scientific/medical help (about 5 months, one month shy of completing a full 2 trimesters). Most abortions are performed within the first 2 trimesters. I think its a pretty decent gauge.

I do not.

As an Agnostic I do not support Abortion. There are exceptions, like if there is risk to the mothers life, or if the baby will be deformed in some way, but for the most part I do not support Abortion.

I thought Sup Forums was fucking smart.

What the fuck is wrong with all these cucks saying abortion is wrong.

Seriously bro, can't we all just hate on minorities and complain about the Jews n'shit..

>Is there some point in their life where they are suddenly extended their natural rights?
Yes. By law that moment in the US is semi-arbitrarily determined to be at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. You could argue that it's conception or almost 4 years of age if you go by self-awareness or even in the teens if you want to be oldschool.

Too many people on the planet. I say we start killing the old ones too.

It's more like we are killing ourselves while they are not.

White Suicide

Here is the thing: progressives claim to be so pro-science and enlightened. However, science states new life is made the moment sperm inseminates egg and it divides for the first time. There is absolutely zero confusion about it.

Yet they are drawing some arbitary timelines. As if they believe some kind of "life spirit" enters baby in womb after X amount of months.

Laughable. Sad!

Because fuck babies

Abortion until the 27trimester should be legal

God speaks of creation beginning in the womb, not from being shit out of a vag. The very fact that we're arguing that life begins at conception proves the fact that it HAS been argued in human history.

Job 31:15
Jermiah 1:5
Psalm 139:13-16

Then you were talking to a Retard
Murder is wrong because if it was acceptable society would be far too unstable to function

The problem is too many white women carrying fully white babies go for abortions compared to niggers or nasty coalburning whores carrying half nigger babbies

look think of it this way. The more we fund planned parenthood and other organizations that provide abortions the more money we save in the long term. Nigger spawn and white trash spawn will only suck up tax dollars. Just fund the damn operation and let the degenerates kill their babies. Who fucking cares if a shit skin dies or a couple white trash fetuses. The less welfare babies the better society is in the long run.

Pic related. Undoctored image of "pro-life" consequences.

Stop with this moralizing faggotry.

Seriously, did I pass out and stumble into tumblur, or why is it that like 50% of posters here are pro for more niggers and poor people babies?
Where are the people who understand that we really, really don't need babies that would be unwanted by their parents? Thats how Chavs are brought up you retards.

Why is it your place to determine the path of life? You're assuming that every single aborted fetus is going to become a poverty stricken degenerate, but you have no way of asserting this outcome.

Life isn't something to predict, you can't play God because you feel like it