Meme's aside, what does Sup Forums think of people like ER?

Meme's aside, what does Sup Forums think of people like ER?

Do you think this is just a simple open and shut case of autism, or is it a side-effect of how some individuals modern society fall through the cracks and become isolated, whether it be from their own doing, how they were raised, life experiences, bad luck, or a combination of all these things.

What do you think it is? I feel like this can't be written off as easily as it has been by most. I feel there's a lot more ER's out there, potentially millions of them.

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Failed normie result of an accident.

Proof that hapas are degenerate

Hardmode: Take race out of the equation, focus on male socialisation and sexualisation of society in the modern world.

He was socially retarded though.

Like people actually approached him and shit but he just acted like an autist. As for sexualization, yeah I think his fixation for it implies a major sexuality issue in the Western world.

The godless modern society has grown used to a sexual addiction. Him being exposed to several situations that put his innocence at test is what broke him further though.

Mostly autism.

He's right about women though, they only go for the top and anything below 8/10 is trash-tier to them. We live in a society that pushes "wymen stronk and independent". Media and school is also more focused around females and pushes femenine agendas "love and peace, bee urself". Females have apps which they can get sex within a couple of seconds while males have to work harder by inviting females on dates, go to bars, buy drinks, buy gifts, dress nice and so on.

Women have to put less effort into everything while males have to put more effort in for less or no reward(sex, love, attention), same with work as well basically lol.

Adult male NEET virgins without a social circle are the most dangerous people on this planet.

They have nothing to lose, nor are they able to obtain anything that society values such as sex, friends and money.

I don't know what needs to be done about this, but something does. There's more and more adult males turning out this way. I cannot imagine how bad it's going to get on the future.

I have a social science degree and these issues are not discussed at all, and if they're it's very little. Many of the social science only focuses on alcoholics, drug addicts and vagabonds. Nowhere does it discuss the males dropping out of society and hiding away from the world.

Maybe its your responsibility to inform.

I wouldve fucker his boipucci and then he wouldn't have killed those people :(

I have been thinking of doing this, the only thing stopping me is the lack of academic literature to back up my theories.

The second part.

This too.

Couple that with our recent "womens" marches and us Burgers got nothing but Elliot Rogers in our future.

> blame the perp or gun only goes so far

Product of the typical white male/asian female couple

Read his manifesto. His parents were a special kind of shit.

He is the ultimate result of the Jewish Elite social engineering.

Men with no identity, no community, no strong male role models, no proper education for young men, no sense of purpose or drive.

He would have been fine if we had tight communities, a proper education for men, and something to strive for.

We are lost.

Halfs are vulnerable, and yes it is partly due to how society is constructed. It's extremely easy to push them over the edge. I suspect there is more to the story that we don't know. He seemed exceptionally insane however.

-a half

Read his manifesto. Tells you everything you need to know.

Oh and those of you blaming it on WM/AF pairing, that might be part of the problem but I really believe people of mixed race would be perfectly fine if we had tight communities and an environment that supported young men.

Everything in this world is against young men. It's not just the Hapas.

I feel envious of him. He ended his life at 22. I have lived twice as long while he was smart enough to know he was no longer needed on this planet. I'm dumb enough to be used and abused while being sedated with video games and other petty entertainment.

Would you say the problem with hafus is that they often don't grow up with a strong sense of belonging/culture?

this is the best explanation of the phenomena like him that i ever read

People hold up Elliot Rodger as some example of the plight of the incel, when in reality he was born into a rich and well connected hollywood family who'd buy him whatever car he wanted and could have had any woman he wanted if he wasn't comically narcissistic and thought women were meant to approach him because they'd magically know he's the supreme gentleman. He even got bitchy when a family friend tried to give him advice on how to approach women because he thought it was an insult that they didn't approach him first.

I'm sure this is all down to his shit parents neglecting him as a child but it's still his fault for wallowing in his persecution delusion rather than sorting himself out even a little bit.

He was a spoiled brat that never learned any social skills because he grew up in a shit family.

This bitch boy had every material luxury handed to him, so he never developed a proper personality.

He rode around in his BMW thinking he was a male model in a car commercial but couldn't understand that this wasn't enough for chicks to like him.

He incarnate Sup Forums a racist austistic weebo virgin...that's as pol as pol can be,i really don't care about having happa child
My dear rape baby,most of our beloved rape babies could be classified as happas if you consider amerindians as genetically asian

That might be part of it. It's not like I need to feel like I'm descended from some eminent bloodline, but being "the other" in many social groups requires a certain kind of navigation that most probably don't think about. Sometimes it's an advantage, sometimes it's a disadvantage, and it's a matter of harnessing it or minimizing it. And even if you are in a circle of kind people where everyone meshes well, there is still some kind of cognizance of differences that otherwize wouldn't need to be an issue

He was magnificent & sophisticated. Attractive girls should of been offering up their holed to him on the regular. Clearly these stupid broads are at fault for what Elliot had to do. All he needed was some of that stank on his hanglow.

Could it be that people around him found his manifesto, and purposefully triggered him to go on a shooting spree?

I have a 30 year old cousin who is a friendless NEET virgin. As far as I know the only activity he does is lift weights. Other than that he never leaves his parents house. He has never turned up to family gatherings, and he did not even attend his own sisters wedding.

I noticed he changed a lot at 18 or so, went into a hermit kind of phase, a phase that he hasn't left. Nobody in the family does anything or says anything about him, besides the odd comment of what's he up-to or whatever. He has sort of fallen out of the picture in regards to the family. I'm not sure how his parents put up with him, they seem to just pretend like it's all fine and okay and that what he is doing is completely normal.

I want to help him but I don't even know how to start. I've gone lifting with him a few times but every-time we've gone he doesn't say anything and just goes off and does his own thing. Hard to communicate with him because he never gives any answers besides "Ok" and "I don't know" or yes/no.

What do you even do with a person like this? especially when the entire family seems to just want to pretend like it's not a problem. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I saw him on the news one day, and not for good reasons.

reality mode: no.

>Adult male NEET virgins without a social circle are the most dangerous people on this planet.
>They have nothing to lose, nor are they able to obtain anything that society values such as sex, friends and money.

we turn into ascetic internet monks who live intermittent lives of crime against the modern world. it's pretty comfy as long as you have a roof over your head and a PC

Tfw some Sup Forums lurker and pol ack Is the annoying normie

He's half? I think what you're doing is good, maybe you could pretend like you need help with a bench and ask him to spot you.

Perhaps eventually he will confide in you more and you can learn what makes him tick, if anything.

>Adam Lanza blamed society on mass shootings

his parents were shit and he had asperger syndrom.

wish he would have killed you. Retard

when I see things like women's march or blm complaining about society and their disenfranchisement or lack of power, from my point of view the obvious and ironic implication is that they are the ones with power. They are the ones whose voices are listened to, who make demands, etc. and there is something self gratuitous about at once bemoaning a lack of power and then exercising it for show, especially in the case of modern feminism

Have you tried forcing yourself on him sexually to see if it gets him out of his shell?

>friendless NEET virgin.
>He has never turned up to family gatherings,
>went into a hermit kind of phase
>only activity he does is lift weights
>What do you even do with a person like this?

He probably thinks about mass murder on a constant basis. Weight lifting is one of his releases.

Source: Am a 24 yr old kissless virgin hermit.

Why not just rape sluts, you silly goose egg?