WELL AFTER IT ENDED! theatlantic.com
Liberals and cucks on suicide watch
WELL AFTER IT ENDED! theatlantic.com
Liberals and cucks on suicide watch
Liberals sure love their alternative facts.
That clock is obviously broken.
It doesn't matter how many people showed up. Also, I saw the video being passed around on here before the inauguration even started that was similar to the one the media picked up on. I don't give a shit either way, trump won but, this is such a stupid topic and isn't even worth discussion.
Oh shit bump
Then why can Trump be seen on the video screens, you imbecile?
Its called a Replay Ahmed
Maybe it's repeated.
Mass media btfo
Here is more you fucking lying piece of shit.
>"hahaha you fucking tinfoil conspiracy theorists hahaha, grow up"
>"by the gods, fake inauguration picture, look at the clock! trump is finished!"
What about this? Fake news from a fake german. Who would have thought?
>none are showing the same image
>must be live!
Don't you have a rape to be live streaming?
>Replay Ahmed
Of course, the funniest moments right? People stayed an hour longer to watch the best moments of an 18 minutes speechs. Srsly, go back the the swamp you crawled from, you inbred hick.
Immediately zoomed into this. I didn't know trump supporters were so wild
Holy shit, there is more than one Trump!
what hour was it supposed to be?
You do notice that the images of Trump on the screens are all different, and it ain't just the angle?
There is more than one camera, you spastics.
>pic related: Sup Forums-white pride
Didn't CNN cuck themselves by releasing that huge megapixel image of the inauguration which shows a massive crowd?
He is clearly in different poses in each screen.
No they are not. 1 and 3 show the same picture. You can't see his arm that good on 3.
Multiple angles that aren't synced, in one hes raising his arm the others hes not. thats not just an angle thats a clear time difference.
Are you mad you had to go to germany instead of the uk ahmed?
I didn't realize your posture and hand positioning was different from different angles you moronic barbarian. Haven't you got an empire to ruin?
No because protestors were blocking roads and ways to the inauguration and the police set up fences to check everyone entering. When they left it was probably slow to get the huge crowd out of there.
we have a massive spam of germanized CTR rats since Schulz (SPD) announced that he will run for cancelor
it would not suprise me if the german government or the EU run a massive shill campaigne like Hillary did
be aware for the future
german posters are most likely Merkel/Schulz/EU shills!
Have we come this far as a civilization that we are freaking out over how many people were at an event and whether it was bigger than the one before?
Yep, that's a couple of shitty IT guys at CNN fucking up.
I was there. The ticketed areas were sold out
We had to watch from behind the Washington monument
I am assuming the areas between us and the POTUS were full
sit down, mohammad
He is raising his arm in 1 and 3. You can see the white cuff in 3, if you look closely.
A-alex must know about this, someone give him the rundown...
His mouth is open in the middle screen, closed on the other screens. Also he is looking down in the top one
>be aware for the future
>german posters are most likely Merkel/Schulz/EU shills!
Think you missed a few years since you were living in a cave while afgani refugees are living your house.
Wow this really stuck in your crawl. Its really no big deal attendance was low.
Whatever you need to continue "winning".
It's really not sad but disappointing that Sup Forums has really gave into the infomercial of the trump brand.
Some one get this to Spicer!
You have to be the dumbest person alive
Gotta fucking love this mainstream media fake news.
>TFW Hitler himself was guarding trump during the inauguration
The number of hot women at the inauguration cannot be understated
There were a lot of "fashy haircut" handsome guys with beautiful women with them
The only attractive protestors were the latina qts, the rest were they typical obese hipsters and older cat ladies
And how come the actors in movies can be home, when I'm watching them on the screen? It's like they used some sort of recording device.
time to release thousands of counter images comrade
Wow I was wrong, I thought those pictures were from BEFORE inauguration, when in fact it was AFTER.
If this was more than an hour later why are the balcony, the steps and the square in front of the Capitol completely packed?
For fucks sake why is this still a thing 5 days later? does it matter it was 25 k, 30k 150k ? or that obongo had 1 mil more people? fucking hell america's autism is off the charts, it could've been 1 person in the crowd for all it matters, the important thing is trump is president he gets things done asap, what happened, happened.
Bump for justice.
>guise why is the media subversion and propaganda campaign a big deal? We shouldn't be fighting that; it makes us look petty
Why do you even care? Last time I checked, the United States of America is not Germany. So, fuck off. Nobody cares about your shitty brainwashed liberal merkelesque opinion. So, go back to your koran factory and get back to work stitching, you sorry excuse for a European, rug praying, mohammad tugging, sand nigger worshipping, faggot.
but the clock on the bell tower can't be photoshopped?
Because they haven't left yet.
Well then the clock on the tower could be shopped as well, couldn't it?
Maybe they spliced two images? Steps and balcony in the middle of his speech so they were full and the grounds a good hour after it ended so there were less people. Seems logical. Pity they missed the clock tower.
It matters to trump because it's not enough to have won.
He desperately needs people to like him. It's why he's complaining about illegals voting costing him the popular vote.
Crazy, right, it takes a few hours for 700k people to leave (especially with protestors/rioters) have you ever been to a fucking music festival?
It takes an 30m-hour just for 20k-40k to leave the venue.
>Well then the clock on the tower could be shopped as well, couldn't it?
Right, but how would that help CNN's narrative? What's the motivation?
the inauguration dragged on after trump spoke
many people left immediately after he spoke and the rabbi came on
>Why do you even care? Last time I checked, the United States of America is not Germany. So, fuck off. Nobody cares about your shitty brainwashed liberal merkelesque opinion. So, go back to your koran factory and get back to work stitching, you sorry excuse for a European, rug praying, mohammad tugging, sand nigger worshipping, faggot.
wow. germs btfo!
yeah but here's the thing, the idiots from the media who still push for this nobody showed up for trump are now being surrounded by that fake news karma, the only people they convinced are the stupid liberals who go chant "he will not divide us" at shia's wall, waste of resources to try to persuade those, the people from america that make things work don't care about autistic details msm tries to cling on every week
Mainstream media making sure people don't forget who the 1984/brave new world people really are.
First time shitposting?
yes it does, you FUCKING DUMBASS!!! it's about winning. its about conviction, it's about not giving in to the liberal lies. trump IS NUMBER ONE! and trump will WIN in EVERYTHING. its important that these liberals are called out for their bullshit. stop, stop trying to act like its not a big deal, because it so is.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
nope, it is there in all official images.
probably nobody fixed it after dailight savings time though, but still a fun fact
Why do you care if Germany lets in refugees? You're not German
Case closed.
Drumpfkins BTFO!
Actually if you think about it, a broken clock is right twice a day, and a working clock is never exactly right.
Describing a person isn't the same as caring.
Kek, made me think.
tell a user in washington that he should go to the fucking clock and check if it runs on the right time or not you twats
if the time is correct, we have an obvious fake
D.C.-user, go!
What fucking spastic even cares about this crowd size meme?
He was a republican candidate (who have always gotten lower numbers at the inauguration ceremonies compared to dems)
In the middle of Washington.
In one of the most brutal and controversial elections to date.
On a rainy day.
I'm pretty sure everyone trying to push this - both anti and pro trump - should kill themselves and help the gene pool out a bit.
Fucking retards.
at 45 seconds it is light and filling up, at 47 it has gotten a long dark and people are leaving.
what a convenient cut. Can anybody look at the churh's clock in this video? way too grainy for me
You're obviously as stupid as the media if you don't get this, like voter fraud is a distraction to drive the media crazy. The daily briefings so far show the real news that is occurring. During these briefings, you can see whatever you are watching on cnn is extremely myoptic and engineered to discredit the executive branch
To be fair, trump does know what he is doing and his effect on them.
>the skip at 0:46
But if it's working, some shill will say it was broken but has since been fixed.
>comparing the very first black president's inauguration to trump, another white dude who won because of memers who don't leave their basements
It's just fact that tons of poor, jobless niggers, mexicans, white women, and other minorities without a job voted for him so of course they'd want to go there to see him sworn in.
This. He is President of the United States of America. The end.
>muslim scholars
>What fucking spastic even cares about this crowd size meme?
Some orange fag did. That's why the whole thing blew up.