>"b-but user, s-surly you dont celebrate the genocide of my people"
what do
>"b-but user, s-surly you dont celebrate the genocide of my people"
what do
just rip a big gnarly fart and tell them you are a "spider person"
"Akshully I do"
Is there such thing as an attractive aboriginal woman?
>tfw it's the best day of the year
>tfw invented goon of fortune, the commodore, and ugg boots
>tfw the only country who's national day is the day of their ethnic cleansing
>tfw greatest fukkin nation on earth
>tfw it's time to get shitfaced, cunts!
Happy Australia day, world, you're welcome.
>lubes up dick with Vegemite
I don't care enough about you to do so
I've been working in Shitpostland for 6 months and have seen lots of abos, but I've never seen a single one, male or female, that isn't ass-ugly.
They are not homo sapiens or at least too closely related to other species to be attractive to homo sapiens
you decide
>Miss World Australia finalist
To celebrate would imply that I cared at all.
You are beneath notice. Beneath contempt.
Do not go gentle into that good night
is this a good night alt-right reference?
Be sure to turn in your pump-action shotguns to the state, cuck.
you still dont get it do you.
We gave up guns and faked the port author massacre so aboriginals could not get a hold of fire arms. Aboriginals with fire arms is a dangerous thing and before "b-but the criminals still hav-" no they dont, they simply dont.
Maybe some biker gangs but no abos
And if your scared of a knife fight you are too much of a poof for aussie
There's plenty of legal hunting rifles and shit for the average citizen here.
But I'm military cunt, can a fucktonne of guns fairly easy.
Enjoy having niggers ruin every holiday in your third world shithole though!