Reminder that you cannot be pro life and anti minority

Reminder that you cannot be pro life and anti minority

Reminder that straw men are not arguments

Pro life for white babies, pro choice for minorities.


What counts as a white baby?

Anything that wouldn't get a free pass into germany.

This, pro life for Turks, pro choice for P*les.

But that's racist against white Poeple everyone should have a choice

You're not a piece of shit at all.


You cannot be pro choice and pro minority

life sucks, doesn't mean you should kill babies though

normalfag's first time on pol

I'm extremely pro abortion

It should be free for people under the poverty line :)

pro human life

Ehm what is the background to this graph?

is this deaths reported of women dying during an abortion operation, and if so in official clinics or some shady backyard hospital? Or do they count aborted foetuses on to these numbers?

What's the context, fellow shitposters?

The cow says: moo!
The dog says: woof!


Yes, you have a child then you support it you idiots.

So are udmurts white?

Build that wall

you actually want more niggers?

Get the fuck out of Germany, Ali.

Wow, I'm so awful for wanting people to live with the consequences of their dumb decisions. If you get pregnant, you don't get to kill a life because it inconveniences you. If you have a child, I shouldn't have to pay for it because you are shit at making ends meet. With any luck, the child will grow up and learn to be a productive member of society that way he can escape the poverty he grew up in.

You certainly can.

I thin people shouldn't just be able to change their mind about serious decisions like that, it creates a society of don't give a fucks. Fair enough if you wanted the baby but it's disabled or you or it are in danger, but fuck your lack of foresight and maturity if you just want to throw it because you don't want it.

Reminder that fpbp

There won't be minorities. White countries are for White people.

lmao what's with leftards trying to use our own insults?

Name one. I'll wait.

neck yourself

> Child support
> Alimony

I don't understand what you're on about OP.

It was Europe/usa but liberals couldn't let them have that :^)

It's a word in the english language. It means that you've shrunk back from being civilized and have become more primitive.

Holy shit I just got it. You're jealous! The minorities that you've called primitive apes this whole time... you've realized that they're ahead of you, that they're better than you, that YOU'RE the primitive ape.

I said won't, not aren't. Trump is going to start deporting spics and Europe will go crazy after the first couple countries fall to Islam.

So no examples then bud? What a great idea!

>we will do everything in our power to save you from being annihilated by the whims of uncaring parents

>now you're on your own
>get a job
>be self sufficient

Save your god damned life and give you applicable advice. How is this bad?

Free abortions for all the darkies, though.
"Get a job." falls on deaf ears when addressing these animals. Many such cases!


>implying people shouldn't be responsible for their own choices...
>Implying getting a job is worse than aborting your child killing it throwing it away and then staying on welfare
>Implying only white people are judgemental about someones work ethics..
>Implying there isn't a father to the child with a job because the mother is black.
>Implying all whites is racist

>Kek Wills it.

any american who is pro life is inherently anti white

>you've realized that they're ahead of you, that they're better than you
Ahead in crime, poverty, and better at uncivilized savagery, yes.

I just did, Europe and America before the mass immigration took place

good job drump now will have more niggles

abortion finds a way, whether it's a coat hanger, too much alcohol, a dumpster, a subculture of gun violence, or otherwise.

arent we killing more whites though (in raw number)

is it really good because we're gaining in percentage ?

I'm not anti minority, none of us are. Abortion causes just as much damage to whites. Minorities abort more but have far more children than whites. Whites abort when their child prodiction rate is down to 1-2 kids per couple.

Also, abortion is murder no matter how you look at it. It's murder for the sake of convenience. Abortion should be made illegal except for cases where the mothers life is endangered. Every year that passes science weighs more heavily on the side of a fetus being a human. You're losing this battle.

>anti minority
Why on Earth would I be anti-white?

static numbers don't matter, percentages do
i'm not sure if we are aborting more whites though.

being anti minority is pro life because minorities are a death cult. you cant prove me wrong coz africa and middle east.


so if theres 10000 white aborting 1000 white babies and 10 nigger aborting 4 babies you would be okay with that?

clearly there must be some line not simple % or simple raw number

I came from Bulgaria to laugh at you.

I advocate both passive & active eugenics -- birth control, abortion, elimination of tax code subsidies, etc. -- for minorities.

Is that consistent?