WTF I love China now!
>pisses off every country nearby
>Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Poos, et al just pissed off
>thinks they can play world leader now
I can't wait.
Name one country which somehow respects or likes the USA.
But they'll be the new leader in climate change!!!!!?
Finland pls, I know you're tsundere.
There's a difference between jealousy and hate
You will always be the pollution leader
Of course the China Swede sucks up to his distant relatives.
American's are cunts but china are gooks i prefer the cunts over the gooks anytime
But seriously this some good propaganda
>Thinking there's going to be a "world leader" anymore
You lost. Sad.
Russian hackers and now Chinese
puppet-masters ?
You're right, we've successfully pissed off everyone while king nigger was in office and we have no place to play world leader anymore. Frankly as an isolationist I'm not going to miss it and I'm glad Trump is taking steps towards an America first strategy.
Not even your refugees like your country
We do.
I wish them the best luck and I hope that the German rocket teck and electronics will help them to destroy america.
If the yneed insider information about US forces and positions we have them since german is since decades in the pentagon.
We have it all.
Respects? Every single one. Likes? The majority even if you count 'neural' as a thing. Virtually no country in the world likes china, not even china (Taiwan).....and I took the bait...
Classic Germany
Gooks can't lead for shit, they are all mindless followers.
>I took the bait...
the MSM isn't even trying anymore
By promising never to devaluate their currency again?
>we have to destroy our democracy and bomb people because c-c-c-c-c-cHINESE!!!!
No fuck. Fuck off globalist scum.
>China cucks itself with shitty "alternative energy" while Trump's America gets to drive around in V8's and lifted diesel trucks
>obama spends all his time on syria and getting outmaneuvered by putin
>all the while china persues power, basically takes south china sea
>trump is 3 days in office
>reuters: omg china is lea
Fake news
>Literally no worldwide force projection
But on the flipside we should allow the left to hold up China as it's great savior simply for the fact it you can redpill people and destroy multiculturism when you point out it's a homogeneous superpower
All of them
T. fingol speaking american
>everyone hates America
>meanwhile literally every member of NATO is freaking the fuck out because Trump is thinking about leaving
>"b-but muh veto power!"
The United States IS NATO, you Europoors don't have the military capability or the funding to uphold it.
>3 posts by this ID
you're doing it wrong
dumb chinks are playing their hand too early.
Ahaha, too easy!
Drumpf is really out of his element in big boy pants.
Reuters is fake news.
You wish cuckboi.
Those bastards are chocking in smog and growing cancers.
Poor fools.
I can't wait until round three, Fritz.
This time we're going to make sure you don't get back up.
>That message was reinforced this week when Trump formally withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, distancing America from its Asian allies.
How about not signing a cancerous trade agreement that would have killed our jobs?
Not signing trade deals that fuck us over =/= abandoning Asian allies. Fake news
I don't respect you.
54 different ethnic groups in china. At least that's what a rich, commie loyal, Chinese exchange student told me at college.
But all those ethnic groups are closely related to one another and there are no niggers or kikes in China.
Well thank God you're only a leaf, or we might be in real trouble. ;)
And we can wipe you off the face of the Earth.
Thank you for confirming that Germany is not German and needs to become a nuclear wasteland.
None of you are worth the air that you breath.
>a ton of american flags defending themselves as if people respect them internationally
We respected your ability to industrialized about a century ago. You've pretty much taken this massive opportunity of abundance and shit all over it like a bunch of mouth breathing retards and in doing so created the most autistic culture to ever crawl out of that cesspool you call a country. You had the worlds respect. It's long fucking gone, it was gone before most of us were born. The usa is a laughing stock, you produce a lot of media with good means of distribution so you have yourself in everyone's face none stop, and like a reality tv star with no privacy everyone hears about every little fuck up you make. Right now there's a hash tag "#freemelania" because your first lady dropped her plastic smile for a moment.
You cleared out your politicians because they were corrupt and now you're replacing them with entertainers. Do you really honestly believe the world respects you for electing the lead of the apprentice as your president?
"but trump isn't as bad as hillary"
Your country's colours were shown during the election, you're angry and struggling with a laughable internal conflict between man children and their female autistic equivalent.
No, respect isn't anything you can even hope for anymore, let alone expect.
Reu vey !!!
Unless you're the Queen of England on holiday in Cannuckistan, what you think doesn't matter.
You're not even a real country.
You're a fucking fief of England.
Idk, what struck me was how closely she was parroting a white paper about how to talk to foreigners. My sister was heavily involved in missionary work there, and it was well known and scripted commie talk. The do have Tibetans and those muslims in the nw. And from what I gather the lower south talks a different language basically.
>China plays world leader
>begins selling weaponized escalators to various countries for immediate deployment
Oh god whatever will we do the stoned animal fuckers don't like us
>said the FUCKING LEAF
trump is literally shaking up the entire world.
I wouldn't even know who your PM was if he wasn't a massive fucking meme on Sup Forums.
fuck off with your sour grapes bullshit.
Oh yeah italy is a country that exists.
Sorry I almost forgot because you're so painfully globally irrelevant.
What was the last cultural export of relevance that came out of italy? Spaghetti a few centuries ago? Mario? no that was japan.
The most famous italian in the world is a japanese video game character. I wonder how that feels.
>Criticises Italy for exporting tasty Spaghetti
>When all everyone knows his literally who meme country for is Maple Syrup
What did the leaf mean by this Sup Forums
>98% han chinese
>even minorities refuse to admit it and say they are han
no we chinese awre supar diverse-a
USA and Canada are bros 4 lyfe fagit
Well China, good luck
I hope you find out how much of a time sink and cash hole it is far sooner than we did
>Author: Ben Blanchard
>Also: In Jewish it is an ornamental name from the modern German word 'blank' meaning bright, shiny. (
Well well well, what do we have here
Chinese will copy you if you jumped off a cliff and are in somewhat good social standing
The fact that you think Mario is the most famous Italian says more about you than them
Depends on the political endgame. I think the percentage of self declared Han is more like 91-92% though.
"trump is literally shaking up the entire world. "
Zoe quinn was "literally shaking up" all of twitter, starting shit like a child doesn't make people respect you, neither does shoving your presidents into as much media as you can.
Just because people are aware of your existence because of your media doesn't mean people respect you. It seems to americans being famous and known is the same as being respected. It explains all the whiny youtube SJWs and such, people who just want a voice so they can screech for as much attention as possible.
I'd rather you didn't know my pm, It's not a tv show, I don't need my pm to be a tv star celebrity personality.
"fuck off"
good argument kiddo
>all your country is known for is maple syrup, the telephone, lumberjacks and general manliness, the best fucking leaf around and still relavent enough that if our PM says some dumb shit Sup Forums will jump on it to make memes.
Honestly the italian pm or president or whatever you guys have said some dumb shit it would just run off like the infinity pool of jokes your boot country is.
I'm 99% sure that's italy at least.
Good job on tomato sauce I guess, you really mashed up those tomatoes and put shit in it, it's sort of all your entire nation has done in it's entire existence.
the kikes are worried, but surely they can count on the gooks for 10% annual return on their investment. surely they have a GREAT middle class that generates demand for goods and services, and the kikes will blend right in with gooks as they do with white people.
US allies: almost the entire first world
China allies: none
The fact that you'd deny mario is the most famous italian says more about you than it does about me.
Saying that sentence is easy huh? doesn't really make a point either.
Mario is by far the most universally iconic representation of an Italian person in any media or by any standards.
You're just a salty faggot for thinking otherwise, italy is a shitty irrelevant florida boot. I heard the streets are littered with hobos and reek of piss like france.
Japan and Singapore build all their shitty electronics in China, they're not going start anything serious. India and the Philippines suck Russia's dick, which sucks China's dick in return, they will come to an arrangement. The reason why the US is slipping as the world's supreme superpower in this century is that you don't understand how Asia works. Asians are very impassive and cool-headed people.
>boot country
You're an objectively terrible posters and even other leaves are embarrassed for you
I'm seeing a lot of liberal retards actually proclaim that China will now take over as the global leader, as if it's a good thing, not that it'll ever happen.
I think it's time for another China red pill thread.
Nobody understands China. But I do. I fucking understand China. So listen to me.
In the next 2 minutes, I'm going to red pill the shit out of you about China. I'm gonna open your eyes. I'm gonna give you a motherfucking epiphany.
On my previous thread, some dummy posted that China has a history of never being occupied.
The last dynasty in Chinese history was the Qing Dynasty. It lasted about 300 years. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were not Chinese. The rulers were a "barbarian" race called the Manchus. This dynasty successfully lasted for 300 years. China was OCCUPIED and ruled by a foreign race for 300 years.
Why? Why did the Chinese kowtow to the barbarians for 300 years?
Answer: Because of the alternative. Because Chinese people are deathly afraid of shit hitting the fan, because every single time shit hits the fan in the Middle Kingdom, tens of millions of Chinese people die of slaughter or hunger. Therefore, the Chinese people are inherently willing to tolerate bullshit from their authoritarian government in order to stave off the inevitable disaster that is the Chinese dynastic change.
Right now, the same thing is happening. China is on the verge of collapse, but Chinese people are tolerating their bullshit government because they're so terrified of the inevitable. But, trust me, there WILL be a dynastic change. It's absolutely inevitable. It's the nature of China to collapse, again and again and again. China has had 83 dynasties in its history. No. Make that 84, including the PRC.
China is a DOMINO, just waiting to fall and trigger a chain reaction of nonstop ass fucking.
This is the future. Be prepared.
Your "allies" like Saudi Arabia that fly planes into your sky scrapers you mean? Good one.
i do, so germany does
"You're an objectively terrible posters"
Good use of plural.
No but seriously what has the extremely old country of italy done in it's entire existence?
de vinci? Mediocre paintings in a time where art was underdeveloped and easy as fuck?
Tomato sauce on bread with cheese? no one would have ever thought of that one senpai
>Trump changing his foreign policy focus to fucking with the Chinese
>China will become the world leader now
I tend to agree with you. They can't feed themselves in a major war indeed. We would simply have to blockade them.
The US has 107 allies.
>we would simply have to bloackade them
Yeah, 400 years ago if you were invading barbarians that might have worked.
Hillary is responsible for americas downfall. She and Bill have been involved in attempted couping of america for around 30 years leading up to this final tipping point. You have no idea how strong america actually is, HAHAHA.
Trump represents the counter coup as we take back the USA. Proof? CIAs 5 minute standing ovation for trump. More proof? Canada is bending the knee, India is bending the knee. Only nation who seems to not get the fucking program is china. Dont act like you know real politics when you cant see past the curtain.
Sometimes the inverse of something is just putting an asshole where your mouth should be
Poor chinks. All the world destroyer kikes are going to move there now.
Enjoy Hang. The evil power of the world destroyer jew is headed to a soulless communist city near you.
They import 20-30% of their food.
fakest news yet lmao
how are ching changs ratings? TOP KEK
Yeah potato chips, candies, foreign imports.
They aren't going to die without Heineken and mcdonalds m8 they have their own ways of generating more than enough food.
You're talking about a multi trillion dollar blockade that's basically impossible to implement just for the sake of stunting china's foreign imports so they can't eat tasty doritos and kimchi anymore.
China talks big, but it is an utter shithole in every respect.
not another time jesus don't you see you are worst every time?
That has nothing to do with anything I said.
They got bigger problems than 'candy and mcdouble' imports.
That's expected.
You say nothing relating to anything about the truth.
every military and general in the world
Yeah right now, so do you.
I'm just saying a blockade wouldn't cause any more problems than that. The country's population won't starve any more than they already are.
Good clever argument, you really proved me wrong with your facts and clever points, 10/10 so smart
Oh no they will be angry!
Will they cry and scream too? My g*d will Taiwan kick some trashcans?!
(Sorry for the exclamation marks, didn't intend to trigger anyone with my violent typing)
>liberal retards
conservative here
>China had power struggles and conflicts
No fucking shit.
>China is a DOMINO, just waiting to fall and trigger a chain reaction of nonstop ass fucking.
Even in case of a trade war, they have a gargantuan internal market. They have the most advanced missile systems in the world, deployed on islands that they literally build in the south china sea each day, at a pace that's astounding, to directly counter the US aircraft carrier based war doctrine. Tons of manpower and more to come as the one-child policy was changed in 2013. They even setup up an entity to counter IMF and they're inviting everyone with good results. They're playing this global debt fueled system by taking the paper that's going to be worth fuck all eventually, and buying every piece of land rich with resources on the face of the earth.
So yeah, wishful thinking is great and all, but there's not much that can stop them at this point.
China really wants to expand. Can you imagine being a 5000 year old nation and constantly being cucked over and over? And now western influence is headed their way? They must be furious.
>most advanced missile systems in the world
You need to read moar real defense news.
China can't even match Russian aerospace. I don't believe for a moment that they have the most advanced missiles in the world.
no it doesnt