Obama BTFO

Based Trump blocks the 221 Million dollars that Obama tried to send to Palestine.

Obama/Palestine BTFO

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Positively euphoric

Aiding sandniggers. What a fucking piece of shit Obongo was



>Trump sucks Jew cock and this is why that's a good thing

Neo/pol/ sickens me

>send money, help sandniggers
>stop money, help jews

As much as I hate jews, I hate muslims more.

>implying mudshits are any better.

Get fucked you disgusting weaboo.


>defending palestine

Pretty sure you can hate both. Last time I checked

Praise Kek

>sending money to sandniggers who hate us

Not sending aid to mudshits is pro Jew?

>it's better fo fund terrorists

That $221 mil better go the the WALL

how can you hate jews less when they are the ones openly calling for white genocide?

at least muslims keep to themselves, its (((them))) who wants us to go to wars in muslim countries to pave way for the greater israel while the goym must support and recieve the muslims who have been forced to flee from those wars while (((they))) also profit from both sides while the world turns a blind eye to the daily slaughter of muslims in palestine.

At least Obama handled psycho Bibi like the little bitch that he is, Trump is the best goy in the world right now. Very mixed feelings desu.

Fuck the prophet Mohammed and fuck Muslims.

>defending your territory against invaders who are illegally occupying it

wtf pennsylvania voted for him and now hes taking away our 221 million gibs me dat?

Is he still letting the kikes keep the $40 billion king nigger sent them? Not gonna be impressed with trump until he uncucks us from the Israelis and Saudis.


Why didn't Obama send it earlier if he wanted the money to get to them?

He probably at least half expected it

they hate israel for stealing their country

>Some despicable foreigner telling me that my tax dollars should go to other despicable foreigners

I wish I could shoot your mother right in her chest.

Palestenians cheered in the streets on 9/11



No overseas welfare cheques.

what did Michele mean by this?

>Muslims cheered


Palestine Christians don't condone this shit.

>Middle East dindu nuffins

Just steer that money to Funland, and we will fix your public education system...might learn a thing or two :D

Sure the Christians are fine. But they're such a minority. I wish we could filter them out somehow but as long as we can't I say fuck the Palestinians

>tfw they worded it "PA" to trick old people into thinking that he was holding money back from Pennsylvania

The Israel ass lickery will only worsen, trust me, trump will sell you out to the kikes anyday, his admin is filled with them, even his own fucking son in law is a turbo kike in worringly powerful position. Nepotism at finest, a jewish concept indeed.

the cognitive dissonance is real folks

Yes! I fucking love my President Trump!!!

For years foreigners have badmouthed the United States of America while receiving aid.

>anime avatar-fag

Anime is the cancer.

Damn based
I was pissed about what Obama did too

I don't think the Palestinian Authority bath mouths the US

Looks like she threw up a little bit in her mouth

Why does Palestine deserve that much fucking money? Jesus.

>still funding Israel
Are jews the new bull?

Shh, nobody is going to talk about the $38 billion USA sends to Israel.

You have no idea how much I hate it when the weaboos are the only source of legitimate bantz left on Sup Forums


Israel is now the head of the oval office. These redneck incestuous faggots have trumps dick so far down their throats they will pretend like it's a good thing, even though they know it isn't.

>I don't think the Palestinian Authority bath mouths the US
Are you retarded?

Idk do they?

Good goyim! You do as you're told and everything will be well.

NOOO please evil Jews. Don't force me to not give my tax money to filthy sandniggers. Anything but that!

why the fuck was obongo giving money to palestine in the first place anyway?

i was afraid when first hearing this news. fuck iran and theyre ways of making my life suck

Why not?


Why is a hadji giving money to other hadji's?

The motherfucker blocked all cash going to some shit region, not because it's dangerous to the US, but because it was annoying his strategic asset(that's you).

What do you think he'll do to you if Israel fucks with the west one more time?

I hate both equally, hopefully that money stays in America

Where do you normalfag think you are?

>Stormfags will side with Muslims just because they hate jews

If u send money to your enemies, you win.

Israel wants to keep the I-P conflict going. Sure, one or two Israelis may drop a sheckle down the gutter when a Hamas bottle rocket goes off, but they are in no way a threat to Isreal's existence. It's a magic trick to keep the Sand-Niggers focused on a losing battle rather than invading every few years. Without the I-P conflict you'd have some other terrorist org blowing up busses in Tel-Aviv, they gain nothing by ending it

no, I'm still not tired of winning yet.

would you really prefer having jews over muslims?

Trump's kike loving kind of ruin the whole thing.

Are you even fucking trying OP?

>at least muslims keep to themselves,

Stopped reading there.


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing executive orders that would clear the way to drastically reduce the United States’ role in the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as begin a process to review and potentially abrogate certain forms of multilateral treaties.

The first of the two draft orders, titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations” and obtained by The New York Times, calls for terminating funding for any United Nations agency or other international body that meets any one of several criteria.


Every fucking chance he got.

>Israel wants to keep the I-P conflict going
Because without defined borders Israel can keep expanding the settlements. Also, war is profitable.

The Muzzies call it "zakat"

And Israel was the primary player in the attack.
Providing support and planning for the hijackers

He forced Trump to immediately take a side in the conflict. If he didn't stop the money than Israeli groups would kvetch about how Trump allowed federal money to go to Hamas, if he did stop the money it would make the Palestinian Advocacy groups hate him. Either way, he thwarted Trump's goal of remaining neutral in the conflict and one group can claim he favors the other side and refuse to accept him as a moderator, thus continuing the conflict

Let's not forget that Israel pushed Hamas into existence for this very reason
Trump is OK(in general but especially compared to everyone who could actually win) having some good and some bad positions but America truly needed Ron Paul. We simply wouldn't be in any of the mess we're in now.


Not to mention that it allows Isreal to increase its demands for aid from Western Countries every year, like a bloated government agency

>. If he didn't stop the money than Israeli groups would kvetch about how Trump allowed federal money to go to Hamas
No they wouldn't.
AIPAC blocked Rand Paul's attmept at doing the same through Congress.

did he actually cancel it or just delay it while they review it?


>loose war and have a tint amount of land designated to jews
>attack said jews and loose again, loose even more land as a result

>AIPAC controls Congress.

When are you getting rid of the zionists again?

Good goy.


Im in favor of Trump not sending money to any side, Say no to money for Semites

>all these dumbasses picking a side

Bottom line is, he kept hundreds of millions instead of sending it to Kikes of Mudslimes. Only shills or misguided zealots have a problem with this display of America First.

Don't let your actual political beliefs get in the way of Sup Forums memery. Trump is always right.

They've been the bull since WW2, Buddy

so much this, you'd think the egyptians would mop the floor with their manpower, numerical advantage, and a somewhat on-par weaponry, but no, the arab, even more so a muslim, is so shit at warfare, it's a sight to behold

They lured Trump into hanging it so he would seem pro-Israel to confuse the goyim

I don't ever want to stop winning lads

its fucking disgusting how much of our tax money flows out of this country on a whim for absolute horse shit causes that don't benefit us at all.

Typo, meant *Kikes or Mudslimes. Pic related.

i agree. deal with the fire first before exterminating the roaches, otherwise there won't be a house left to live in.

The bottom line is keeping and not giving will lead you to be the jew. At next stop he will cry why he is seen as an evil threat to other nations. Man, it's as if I would watch the holocaust live in TV.

You are affording them far more integrity than they actually have. They opposed Paul because, knowing Paul, his bill might have been a threat to their funding pathways. Hamas funding won't hurt them, but if it gives them a chance to extract more Sheckles/influence they will do it in a heartbeat.


FUCK Palestine, fuck Muslims

I would pick Jews over Muslims every time. Especially if they're murderous terrorists like Hamas.

I support Israel strongly!

What a good goy!

>a bomb dropped every 20 minutes for four years
He aided and fucked over the middle East to try to keep it destabilized while avoiding outcry. Basically a continuation of the Bush policy but with less boots.

sorry i want to reply but i'm too emotionally triggered rn to compose my thoughts properly

>Israel gains it's independence by Bombing British citizens, both civilians and soldiers
>Most Israeli PMs are former leaders of these Isreali Terrorist collectives
>"I love Israel :-)))))))"
I'm laffin at this delusion

I hate them equally

>keeping your own nation's rightful wealth leads you to be the Jew

>he will cry why he is seen as an evil threat to other nations
At most he'll just make some tweets and not give a fuck about what others say like he's always done.

That's not based, that's ZOG tier shit.

Reminder to newfriends (including OP) that Sup Forums is an anti Zionist board.