This person does have a point

This person does have a point.
Westerners are far more savage, violent, and primitive than Muslims could ever be

I agree. I think all PoO(people of oppression) should leave these western countries and start their own communities in their own homelands.

It is better to leave these savage Europeans to themselves.

Well, maybe then they shouldn't come to lair of the beast and expect better.

Hitler was a vegan
You're a vegan
You = Hitler

that's the level of argument in this argument...

We wouldn't if you didn't destroy our homes

>Westerners are far more savage, violent, and primitive than Muslims could ever be

Been that was since Medieval times desu

Weird how they leave out how their pet nigger democrat president funded Al Qaeda in Syria and caused the EU refugee crisis with his subversive actions in Libya that got left innocents butchered.


Then you guys should build walls to keep us out of your newly built nations.

And 8 years of Obama did ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING to relieve this problem.

14 years ago a Republican President launched an attack on Iraq on the advice of his intelligence services that the country had illegal weapons of mass destruction, and they did. We found missiles designed for chemical weapons, and mass graves with millions of Kurdish tribespeople killed by illegal bio and chemical weapons.

Good, those refugees bring terrosism with them, as abundantly proven in Europe. As far as I'm concerned, our Eurobros have paid us back for saving them from Hitler by taking that bullet first.

We bombed certain parts of the Middle East to Hell after they kept trying to pick a fight, it's not our fault they're stupid. How many long do you have to poke the bear before the mauling becomes YOUR fault?

We are more civilized, we might not like fags but we don't throw them off buildings. We don't murder women for leaving the house without a man. We don't commit mass kidnappings of little girls so we have something to rape. Our young men don't gang rape young boys on the bus because our insanely restrictive society gives them no other sexual outlet.

When you put it all together, America, fuck yeah! And death to the sand niggers.

>not letting people into the US = telling them to go to hell

Geez, that guy really thinks a bit too highly of the US.

>how many times
Damn it

>not mentioning ban is temporary until extreme vetting is in place
>not mentioning Trump plans to build safe zones in Syria
gr8 b8 m8

Ottoman Empire.


That might be true if you forget about all the savagery that existed before we got involved

Which is damn lucky. Otherwise we would lose heavily in the upcoming great war due to low numbers and decades of attempts to demoralize us.

Completely leaves out what they were doing to each other before and after Bush took them out.

Why didn't they just rebuild a harmonious and prosperous society like Japan did after WW2?

At least Obama gave us a place to go after he bombed us. Now we don't even have that
>implying a wall will stop drone strikes

Your countries had/has resources our countries wants. The costs are borne by the poor and the middle class, and the benefits are reaped by the wealthy. Civilization, my dear Watson.

You shitskins are pretty smart, just build a dome around your nations so we can't drone strike you.

Then maybe you should have stopped picking the fight, dumbass.

I'm glad you recognize what you are doing is far more immoral, against human rights, primitive, violent, and savage than even ISIS and Al Qaeda combined.

>still thinking Americans are solely responsible for the situation in the Middle East
But let's diregard the Turks that occupied it, the Ruskies that invaded it, the Muslims for conquering it, and the French and British for slicing it up. But hey, let's just blame America for this, right?

Fucking this

Oh sure, lets just do that with the capital we don't have because the west rapes us for all our resources
We never did, your governments started it because they want our oil and to feed their weapons companies and for Israel

Remember the Arab Spring and how it touted the freedom of the Middle East?

Obongo wanted sum of that and helped the innocent, "freedom-loving" rebels into acquiring the means of their liberty.

And then those goddamned muslims took all of that and fucking kblew it all up to create a caliphate.

And how about Osama Bin Laden?

Same thing: USA armed what were supposed to be the innocent underdogs into fighting the soviets, but see what happened next.

Muslims can be summed up as:

>Help us, USA!
>Aha! Now I will use your guns to EXTERMINATE my own populace and BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF YOU INFIDELS.

Credit where credit is due, if we didn't give you those guns, democrats would cry about abandoning the poor muslims to their fate.

Fuck off.

Why are you such a whiny cuck? I'm giving you all kinds of ideas and all you do is bitch and moan like a faggot. This is why you poopskins are all failures.

Exactly, there's no reason anyone in an Arab paradise would ever want to move to a white country.

> morality, human rights, primitive, violent
> implying you would do different in our place
Please. The strong do what it wants, the weak endures what it must.

Turn the desert to glass

Why do you want to make a point for muslims here?
I agree the wars led by the USA are the problems with immigration here. Saying "yes we started it but you wasn't in the need to take refugees in" is indeed a problem US got with the world. They don't acknowledge people got to pay for their actions instead refering to "The Nato is only perfect if everyone pays up".
But middle east muslims stand for all that is opposing western values.
There is no cut inbetween or so.
The equivalence you do right now is saying a religion and a state got conflicts.
That's a no. There are 1.6 billion muslims on earth and a state fighting other nations. Got nothing to do with religion.
Why are religious people so dense they don't see that?
Why do they always need a scapegoat?

If the muslims had the kind of power the united states has, they would have turned the entire planet into a fucking radioactive shithole, so obongo and dubya "9/11" bush did pretty well compared to that.


>Don't arm the rebels.
>Evil muslim overlord exterminates the pupulace. Creates dictatorship.

>Arm the rebels.
>Evil muslim rebels exterminate the pupulace. Creates dictatorship.

>Go all in and send our own troops.
>Evil United States Army exterminates the populace. Creates dictatorship.

>Try diplomacy.
>Evil muslim overlord exterminates the populace. Creates dictatorship.

>implying the ME was ever stable

I agree that Iraq was set up for failure when Shia-oppressing Sunnis were merely replaced with Sunni-oppressing Shias, but Syria is a different matter, and I don't think the Arab spring is America's fault. Obama should have rekt Assad before the Syrian opposition turned into an international jihadi freakshow and the war into a virtual stalemate. But to be fair the dynamics at work there are complicated, can't blame Obama for not having the exact foresight needed to prevent Syria.