Did Whites vote for Trump in your county?

Did White voters in your county go for Trump, regardless of how it went overall? (see map related)

I live in St. Louis County, Trump just managed to win White voters here.

and for any non-White trump supporters here (no margins yet)

>live in a county he lost

Fucking Ohio State cucks. I hate my school.

>Blue counties still exist on this map
Where did we go wrong?

So does everybody else in America, I promise.

>all NV red
>"narrowly" turned blue (((somehow)))

really makes you think

No. DuPage Co., IL is a very white county, and it remained blue. It has potential though, because that's the same area that elected Joe Walsh to congress not too long ago.

Blue: city people

Red: rural and suburban retards

the west is cancer

Super pissed

>No data about anyone but whites

>Only want to know so left can bitch about how racist and redkneck whites are

This is just plain racism. They clearly only asked about white demographic so they can bitch about them being racist.
If a single part of me was leaning toward supporting the left, this would make me disgusted by them and support the right more.

Agreed. FUCK 0hi0 State

Do you even need to ask, of course we didn't vote for Drumpf we're good swedes.

This map is edited. South Texas is all blue.

I'm surprised at the level of support he received here in the county.

Non-Hispanic Whites only.

Dude, I feel you...

Of the six white people left in Union County, NJ, I can confirm 2 voted for Trump

I know that feel. The University totally cucked my county

The white areas in Philly were full of Trump signs, 20+ on my block

>that bit of blue on east washington/west idaho

What the fuck is wrong with Mormons?

neither of those counties were more than 8% mormon

Sullivan County, New Hampshire. We went red but life is suffering all around us.


you don't have voter IDs like literally every other country in the world.
I bet most of those counties full of illegal immigrants.

Why are non-whites so racist?
Why do they refuse to vote for white men?