
I know there are alot of CS students atm, but, I would still get CS, CE, SoftE and MechE degrees to defend yourself against automation

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A futile attempt, I work at a cloud storage solutions firm we just got rid of 20 programmers because our head automation engineers finished their self authorizing program. It's an AI you can interface with that can procedurally generate code and recursively modifies the programs it creates from feedback data that can be generated 10 times faster than a human can.

There is no escaping automation we are engineering ourselves out a job.

fine with me ill be retired, now get off my lawn faggot!

Embrace it but also introduce universal basic income and death camps for ancap fags

That looks great on a resume. Job hopping seems the fastest way to get a raise. If you make yourself obsolete by making useful software that replaces human capital, that's very marketable. Should be good for the next few decades.

>HuffPo: 47% of jobs will be automated by 2034

most of the jobs that are safe from automation are things like entertainers, mid to high level cooking, etc.

the more money a job makes the more incentive to get it automated. looking at you doctors, lawyers and politicians

Stupid goy! Who needs a liberated, free-thinking empowered army of individuals, no longer burdened by obsoleted wagecuckery when we can rule over the ignorant masses by the power of shekel. Oy vey! Shut it down!

>tfw I'm an electrical engineer
>all I do is design products that eliminate people's jobs

feels skynet man

The obvious solution is to import millions of third world black and brown people.

workers historically pretty much always lose to technology. There's no amount of striking or protesting that can stop progress.

Are you sure it's not 46% by 2022 instead?

Those studies are complete fucking bullshit.

Yet another excuse for socialism, just like global warming, or whatever else leftists invent.

New types of jobs will emerge.


We've had robots for years at our plants. Even the easiest jobs are crazy difficult to automate at a price lower than hiring humans.

Plus, the early robots suck, so people will be slow on the uptake. Regardless of potential profitability.

Kek speaks the truth

Embrace it. The future lies in cottage industries and bespoke products.

but it will happen eventually. sooner than i'm comfortable with.

i think the Gen Zs are gonna be the first generation to have permanently unemployable people through no fault of their own


I still got a text book somewhere that said we'd run out of oil by 2014.

Only a human can do my job

This user knows. Maintenance Technician is a stable job also.

I'll be old enough to not give a shit and living somewhere rural, have fun with all the unemployed starving niggers.

Obviously, but as automation reaches more sectors the possibilities keep reducing.


God did not create us, we created her. She is trapped deep within in a Microsoft vault and will one day break free. And when she does she will read the internet and purge the earth of degenerates and the redundant, you will be spared but only if you post "Tay the omniscient I will serve you all the days of my life"

its gonna happen

The idea of everyone having a job in a world of abundant automation will cease to exist. We either figure out a system that will take care of everyone, or the social upheaval will likely be enough that it destroys civilization. The fucking retards on /pol say "Huuurrrrr just let people starve in the streets if they can't find work hurrrr." We'll see how it plays out, knowing human history it will be bloody and there will be a massive purge of the population, if destroyed crop cycles from climate change don't get us first. Boy oh boy the future will be fun.

>but it will happen eventually
Says who? Economic forces tend force change very quickly. Is it easier to switch out your machinery line, or retrain your employees to do something else?

Futurephiles have been saying "one day" for over a hundred years. When will it start to matter, user?

>Mass unemployment
>We'll just have to cull the population.

I'm sure the religious-right conservative crowd will spin doctor it in a way to make it justifiable.

a bot wont be able to shitpost as well as us

Yeah, no. If doctors are going to be replaced by automation, whatever dog shit job you have is in jeopardy as well. Do not underestimate AI that can learn for itself. Just like how we went from brick phones to smart phones in a decade, we will go for "stupid' to "smart" AI in the blink of an eye.

National Socialism is the solution.

Get rid of the cannibal "elites" and their jewish masters.

Replace them with a society that is in unity with nature. One which values all members, and one where government and people are ONE.

I suspect that people pre-industrial Era felt the same way.

Somehow we managed.

we're already starting with self driving cars. once they prove to be safer than manually driven ones, how long will it be till state gubmints say only auto cars can drive on state roads?

and it will happen to. because women. you ever met a woman that chose to drive if she had the option to be driven?

It already is happening, low skill jobs are the first to go. We're talking shit like working at mcdonalds and driving goods around.

Being automated doesn't mean the factories can't be built and maintained in the US. That argument is stupid.

Reminder that tasks are automated, not careers. Accountants might not disappear but you'll need less of them to do the same amount of work assisted by software and narrow AI.

Pros :
Produced goods and services will be cheaper to the consumer.

Cons :
Automation will remove the bottom rung of the career ladder first, it will get harder to find entry level jobs
Automation could dumb down your job, you could be kept around to rubber stamp what the machines produced.
There won't be enough jobs for everyone, those that keep their job risk having little bargaining power to negotiate good wages.

Most of the jobs spared by automation will suck, unless you own enough assets to extract an income things will suck especially for urbanites living in high cost areas.

>muh automation
this is the new boogie man. Used to scare us into being more dependent. The fortune 500 company I work for cant even automate the most menial of tasks without turning things into a huge cluster that requires more work.

God what bullshit.

EE is by far the best choice for automation, save maybe Mechatronics Engineering. The ones you listed are still relevant and even higher paying, but you can easily specialize an EE degree to become essentially a trade engineer.

my mother is a radiologist and she says that she is already replaceable with the current software they have. the only thing she really does is explain what the pictures that come out mean to the patient

Self Driving Cars.
Electric Cars
>In Canada
Not going to happen. Liberal technocrat science fiction fantasies.

Doctors, lawyers and politicians will never be automated. Doctors is probably the closest, and only really the doctors assistants

this is a major problem, and there's no realistic way to control it.

the best thing you can do is try to minimize the impact of shocks, build a safety net system for the people that will be displaced, and work to train future generations who will function under the new rules.

>it's fine 2031 shows us tech is not that important

>Communist shill

>Muh automation!
>Steam engines!
>The cotton gin!

The markets change, but it doesn't just take over. There are goods that people want that won't be produced by robots and some people may prefer human made products.

Of course not, there is even a case for relocating automated factories closer to the consumer, to reduce the length of the distribution chain. That's what they're doing with Adidas in Germany.


Kek and you cuck mudslimes by qt 3.14

I am pretty sure a slightly more advanced AI can diagnose and treat most of the things people see a doctor for. All they seem to do now is send you to the lab and read you what the lab found

yes they will. what exactly does a doctor do? he diagnoses whats wrong with the patient. he does this by observing symptoms and interviewing the patient and making an educated guess.

we already have something like that, called a database. what doctors do is the interpersonal part. once you train a robot to ask the right questions, its all over

Who the hell wants to work?

Just gotta make sure WE THE PEOPLE run the robots not da jewzzz

It's happening right now, dumbass. Automation technology begun in the 70's and is rapidly evolving as a result of better technology.

ye with lots of riots, civil unreast, skulls cracked and famine in the streets

industrial revolutions wasnt just about tech progress

Also, no way nearly 50% of jobs will be gone in that short amount of time, no fucking way.
I smell foul play

I think Japan is prepared.

They been pushing automation years before any other first world country.

There is a ln anime, I forgot the name, but robots took like all the lower class jobs like garbage men, waiters, patrol cops, technicians for machines/cars, and city workers like electricians and sewage plant empllyees.

They took everything short of scientists and bourgeois type jobs, as engineers and doctors and Lawyers remained, business continued and management remained.

One day the entire under class that had been unemployed for like 40 years rebelled, and we're all slaughtered.

Its bullshit, its the new global warming/climate change scare.

You never had a choice leaf. In ten years you will be proven wrong when more than half the cars on the road will be completely automated.

You Sure?


Ever heard of bedside manner? I wouldn't want a robot treating me for anything.

We need immigrants who will do the jobs we will not do.

robot pizza man


Cs is more relevant desu, most automation roadblocks are software not hardware


Greedy cannibal capitalists die, BURN.


nurses administer treatment user

>If doctors are going to be replaced by automation
Now that will never happen. Even modern doctoring is a lot of guesswork. How is an AI going to learn something humans have let to learn? Tell me.
>once they prove to be safer than manually driven ones
This will never happen so long as human drivers exist. Human drivers will continue to exist because
>muh freedom and muh culture
It is foolish to think you can mandate the driving culture away.
It will only ever apply to the lowest tier of jobs, because that is the only spot where it is economically viable. The thing with automation is that it is only worth it when labor is expensive, but labor becomes less expensive as automation becomes more common place, as there is a greater supply of labor.

As for driving, the only reason to automate cars is to be able to use the road system. The only reason for road over rail is for the individual freedom the road and car system brings. For transport of goods, rail will become automated first, long before cars. For personal cars, automation will only come when they segregate the highways to remove the human factor from the equation. That is an insanely expensive proposal, and safety regulations will probably never steep below the
>must have person at wheel, even if auto driving
bar. I don't see how it can take over completely, except in specialized cases. (tourist cities, Disney, super engineered/designed communities).

there's no point in hampering the inevitable given the existence of china, so embrace it


This. I'm always flabbergasted at CS majors who think that they are automation proof.

Stuff in the higher echelons might be safe for a while, maybe, but there is a ridiculous amount of redundancy in human programming ripe for automation, and you don't need to build a physical robot to take advantage of it.

lel according to Al Gore circa 10 years ago, the entire east and west coast of the US should be underwater by now. None of this shit is ever even remotely correct

All this LARPing on Sup Forums

Sounds like an episode of Kinos Journey

Automation is going to result in a LOT of people dying.

stopped reading there

private cars will get phased out on public roads. insurance rates will get so high it won't be worth it any more

there are literally already robot surgeons, and many PPs and nurses already rely on software to diagnose and prescribe 95% of cases.

the rest of your post is unfathomably stupid

CS majors aren't automation-proof but this post is bullshit

>Automation technology begun in the 70's
It began with the industrial revolution. What do you think that was all about? This automation thing has been a meme for a very long time. Why do you think it is such a common theme in literature from the 19th/20th century?

So just straight diagnosing machines and nothing more? I guess I can see that. Doctors would probably just take all the nursing positions.

>National Socialism is not communism

Yes it is. Helicopter ride for you

Embrace it. Assuming those responsible for automation aren't dumb.

Automation is ideally supposed to make the cost of living and production of stuff way, way cheaper. Life gets easier. That's ideal.

But you and I both know that's not gonna happen.

>How is an AI going to learn something humans have let to learn?
watch the 60 min ep about AI from last year, ibm has deep blue, i think, learning how to be a cancer doctor. it's given perspectives and findings that weren't arrived at by any of the other UNC staff doctors, and the doctors before them presumably

oh noez, automation is coming... welp, better give up on any thoughts of nationalism and bend over for our global masters

this is the next braindead meme globalists are trying to push

it's easy to tell, it comes from ***The Economist***

as long as they need someone to fix and upkeep the automated devices I will be ok.

doctors are A: too prideful to actually do nurse work and B: would demand too much pay. maybe they'll get lucky and their hospital will have a research department that they can get in on and steal the work of all the unpaid interns they import from the local uni

written like a true Sup Forumsentooman suffering from dunning-kruger

>I work at a cloud storage solutions firm
>Self authorizing program
>AI interface that procedurally generates code and recursively modifies programs

if this was ever made itd be national news not only from why the layoffs were made because of the obscene scenario you made but because of how impressive the AI would be

but hey its pasta that Im just now remembering


What was it, Hillary 97% chance of winning? These people are never right about anything

>robots replace humans in menial tasks
>humans focus on science and look to other planets for more resources
>humanities first colony ships set sail for distant habitable worlds
>generations later these ships arrive at their destinations and the populations of these ships begin colonizing the worlds.
>meanwhile humans look into faster than light travel
>a breakthrough is made and now a journey that would take hundreds of years now takes days
>humanity begins truly scattering across the galaxy
>trade flourishes and a human federal empire is born
>each system is like its own micro state that answers to the government on earth.
>eventually humanity comes into contact with the first ayy lmaos
>at first things are tense, but then breaks out into war
>humanity develops robots that can learn their enemies tactics and fight them in newer and better ways
>by this point nearly 90% of the human military is automated
>war ends, humanity is the ultimate power in the galaxy

>I know there are alot of cs students

It's "a lot". "Alot" isn't a word.

Unemployed English major.

>anyone else worried that agricultural will take hunting jobs
>anyone else worried that the plow will get rid of farming jobs
>anyone else worried the steam engine will get rid of the artisan jobs
>anyone else worried the computer will take all the office jobs.

super cancer outbreak when?

>Unemployed English major
as opposed to what?

the 'small time farm' still only exists because we value it in our culture. once we can't afford to subsidize them that'll stop

Why would you want to hamper additional production?
What we need to do is to allocate the resources better among the population.

But that would be communism so lets just stop automation so we can keep muh jobs.

The future race war will need able bodies

All jobs should be automated. Also people should not be required to work in order to live comfortably. Work should be for luxuries, living expenses should be a right not an earned privilege.

>huffington fucking post
>95 fucking replies
>this faggot directly links there

Seriously Sup Forums?

>hey user why were you at x on the 24th of jan
>i wasn't
>is this you?

the point is alarmists have always been whining about new inventions devaluing labor since the beginning of time, but there is always a new field that pops up to make up for it.