Has Sup Forums lost any good friends because you voted for Trump?
Has Sup Forums lost any good friends because you voted for Trump?
>thousands/millions of people will die
wew lad these people are insane
Friends are for normies
My aunt was supposed to host Thanksgiving for my family, but she canceled after election because my half of the family voted for Trump.
>thousands of millions of people will die in the process
I mean one can only hope that we cull the shit from our society
Good friends don't oppose western values.
I have two aunts that won't talk to my father because he voted for Trump, they're own brother for fuck's sake
I thought I did. I lost a bunch of people I knew from high school and I gotta say at first I was kind of upset because I did use to spend a lot of time with them.
But, later I realized I never really cared about them because we drifted apart after high school and never really spoke outside of facebook.
Besides, in my real life I still have a ring of close friends and we all voted for Trump, except for this one nihilist autist I know who only writes joke write ins for elections.
I lost a few """friends""" but after it happened I pretty much thought "fuck them anyway". Most of my friends are libtards but I'm open about supporting Trump. If they can't take me being honest about my beliefs I don't need them as friends. Me supporting Trump has actually helped a few people open up to me about it who otherwise would keep it a secret so if say it was a wash overall.
No, we have disagreements but fortunately none of my good friends are bigots.
meant for
literally every single one (including two mentors and every single professional contact) except my brother and one college bud on the opposite coast. all this with ZERO pro-trump talk from me, i just merely fb "liked" a pro-trump article on election night ffs
sucks being a freelance musician. thankfully there are a few christian bros that still give me work...
Look at my flag and guess
This happened to me too. While I lost some people I was also shocked to find other people I knew supported Trump, that I never in my life expected. Because they were total normies.
dat lack of self awareness
>outing and shunning others
>enjoying it
He proves, once more, that transvestites are mentally diseased.
Yes, all of them. I care little, at least my race, heritage, and culture will have a chance to survive.
How are people figuring out who you voted for?
i lost all my friends years ago when I tried to tell them about the jewish corruption infecting their lives... they belong to the yids now.
I stopped talking to my best friend recently. Not because he's the world largest liberal cuck (he is) but his disgusting distain for my religion. I realized there was nothing left to be gained from the friendship, as he cannot respect me on a fundamental level.
the guy was a tranny, so already mentally fucked at the start.
Don't bully. We aren't all bad.
ITT/Pol Hillary Timeline Update:We've lost mainland europe we've retreated to british isles and are on the defensive pls god how could this have happened? We've lost so many men in europe my friends my comrades how could you guys let this happen? my personal feelings/situation
>stuck in uk being encircled by russkies might die never seeing my senpai ever again
>lost many men and ground in eu all over a no fly zone in syria/email conflict
>the only reason im still fighting for that bitch is cause of my comrades/allies @have formed a bond with them knowing we might all die on this island
>btw u.s navy was wiped out by chinese so russians now can invade at any time pls tell them what went so wrong PLS!!!@@!!
Yes, all zero of them.
>almost all of my friends are hard liberals
this is how a liberal college works. I haven't lost any friends because I haven't told any friends
I felt cheeky after the election and posted this on my kikebook wall
Yes, every single transvestite is mentally ill and degenerate.
Holy shit this bitch is crazy
>Robin Tran
>came out as trans
I don't think you're bad, but you are mentally ill. Doesn't mean you're a bad person or that I wouldn't get a beer with you.
>Us city folk will be fine without the food crown in rural areas
Why not? I act normal apart from wearing women's clothing sometimes.
B-but I thought
>He will not divide us
Don't worry, it's only lashing out because it knows its very existence is a sham. It will kill itself before the year is out.
1 like = 1 respek
hey do whatever makes you happy, lets just not pretend its normal to do that. But hey, whats normal
itt: Sup Forumstards pretending they have friends.
That's a shitty friend if they will stop being your friend over your politics.
>red states receive some aid in return for their nutritional contributions
>blue states receive more aid but is offset by the disproportionate wealth
Someone ask him if they still oppose Wall Street.
nobody is saying being weird should be illegal lol. we have laws against people who try and stop you
If someone cut contact with me for voting Trump, they weren't a good friend to begin with.
It's the "apart from" that makes you mentally ill. There's nothing wrong with being mentally ill, but call it what it is and roll on bruv.
That is some deep mental retardation right there.
Nope. Trump & Duke is who we voted for. Sort of a contradiction, though.
Trump is an obvious Zionist. Yet, Duke supports him. Perhaps because Trump will get things done.
Oh well, 1 out of 2. Trump won.
His dad is a cuck.
>wanting friends over a comfy wall
Being weird isn't mentally ill. People aren't mentally ill just for liking anime. A lot of them just happen to be.
Not because I voted trump, but because of my right wing views in general. I have completely cut off my oldest friend because one of them is this crazy communist who thinks everything right of center left is facist and gets triggered by things like "special snowflake". I kept getting if fights with him over it, and it got the the point where it was negatively effecting me IRL, so I cut the group off.
I'm not against being friends with people with different political beliefs, but he was antagonistic beyond just arguments.
The ones I know have really shown their true colors during the election. "Trump isn't going to do anything for me" or "I don't care about free college" was common. No concept of community whatsoever.
>being "good friends" with total faggots in the first place
dressing like a chic because your brain is wired to feel more comfortable as a chic is a chemical/mental imbalance. it's not being weird. you shouldn't try and minimize mental illness. it's not fair to the person suffering from it. i don't condone mistreating someone because of their illness. i support your happiness, even if it includes dressing up like a chic.
>have life
>have wife
>have more than 4 kids
>family comes first
Good friends are those I see at Mass and have dinner with once every couple months.
I dont care.
>went into my room and slammed the door
I lost one of my closest friends.
We hung out nearly every day for five years. We would talk politics a lot and enjoyed disagreeing on and debating issues that we thought were important. Once things started taking off in the primaries he started getting more and more unreasonable and would scream at me in front of friends or mutual friends and genuinely make everyone uncomfortable.
He was very into Papa Bernie, TYT, all of that shit. I didn't mind before, or during his strange freak outs. I liked having someone intelligent to spar with. But he kept declining into shitty talking points and actually calling me a bad person for enjoying Trump's antics and supporting several of his policies. He told a shared friend how mad it made him that I had a "shit eating grin" about what Trump did on that particular day and that I had the gall to bring it up in front of him. He would talk about fucking Bernie all the time but I didn't give a shit.
Eventually he cut off contact after he exploded on me again. He killed himself three months later. I was sad to hear what happened to him, but I was and still am pissed that he was such a child and threw away a solid friendship over political differences.
Oh well, it made grieving easier. Have new friends now that aren't fucking insane.
saw the trans part, closed pic
My best friend from high school posted on facebook that anyone who voted for trump should tell him so that he can delete them.
>As a responsible adult and a parent. I can safely say the most important thing you could have done this election is vote against hate and warmongering. I am proud to say that I voted for TRUMP 2016 GET FUCKED WARMONGER LET FREEDOM RING
Looks like I lost a lot of 'friends' but I unfollowed all of them when they acted like ctr shills so really makes no difference
if you lose friends because of your political beliefs I am sorry to break this to you but they where never your friends to begin with.
>implying any of the autists posting here have a friend to lose
Are you some kind of normie?
>He killed himself three months later
I hope he got to see Bernie lose first
>tolerant left
I'm the one cutting people off, not the other way around. I live in Connecticut and am surrounded by liberals everywhere and I can't fucking take it anymore.
I've just been avoiding my freinds for the last year because I couldn't stand all the stupid Trump comments that are either really dumb or just plain wrong. Luckily a few years ago I got a job that just has me by myself the whole time because I don't think I could stand working with anybody right now.
>revealing my power level
I'd be better off revealing my favorite pony.
I have a black friend that is away at college, and he's very much against Trump. Early in high school, he seemed conservative like the rest of the group, but then he started hanging out with this one guy that totally indoctrinated him with leftist bullshit. We got into a political spat in the group chat shortly after election day. I hope we're still friends, but he sounds like he's taking my support of Trump very personally. Kind of sucks, he's a good guy.
βIt is only the sentimentalist who imagines that the profundity of a person's response to tragedy is proportional to the length, volume, or shrillness of his lamentation.β
β Theodore Dalrymple, Our Culture, What's Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses
>Eventually he cut off contact after he exploded on me again.
>He killed himself three months later
That escalated quickly.
Thats really sad though. Makes you wounder if his beliefs (and you cutting him off because of them) are what caused him to kill himself.
>good friends
>lost because of your vote
This. If your on pol and have friends you are a normie. Get out rrrreeee
I got into a fight with a bald lesbian for using my MAGA cap. It was worth it. Most of my left leaning friends like trump, and wanted him to win over Hillary tho, my girlfriend hates it it tho, But in general Trump is liked either for his migration and antiglobalization policies or for meaning the end of american interventionism.
If someone ends a friendship over Trump it means that you were not really good friends, Banter exist for something. Friends are suppose to get drunk and insult each others political ideas and getover it after
Not good friends, but some acquaintances
I haven't lost a friend but I have a bet with one who is convinced Trump is going to fire nuclear missiles just because he can. He believes Trump is dumb and thin skinned and will nuke the first world leader to diss him or something.
So I win the bet if he doesn't fire a nuclear missile at the end of his term.
liberals are literally the most intolerant people in america, I would say world if it wasn't for nk. Their braindead, suicidal moral posturing is sickening, so glad their time has come
>My dad called Obama a bumbling nigger so I shrieked at him, broke several nearby objects, and threatened to kill him if he ever dared to badmouth our lord and savior King Obongo.
>Then I ran to my room crying and slammed the door as hard as I could.
>He's careful not to trigger me now because he doesn't want to deal with me trying to burn the house down in a fit of autistic rage.
It's Applejack, isn't it?
I'll take fake things to post on your Facebook wall for $500, Alex.
>Has Sup Forums lost any good friends because you voted for Trump?
They couldn't have been good friends if they let a change in opinion end the friendship.
>tfw redpilled my circle of close friends about Trump this Fall
I actually feel bad that most of you here will never, ever experience love. Or true friendship, apart from anonymous posters you consider "friends"
thats fucking hilarious
thanksgiving dinner with family sucks anyway desu
I lost or cut contact with all my black friends. Never again.
>mfw user thinks Sup Forums has friends
I lost them for being too hardcore years before the election, and now vet out pinkos as a matter of course.