Is Tom Araya /ourguy/?

>Slayer have issued a statement about controversy that arose when the band's Instagram posted an image of Donald Trump giving the metal horns with the band. The source of the photo was frontman Tom Araya, who called people who were upset by it "snowflakes" in the post.

>"Believe it or not this picture was posted by me Tom Araya on 1/20 'cause I thought it was funny," the singer wrote. "I was amazed at the comments about the picture some positive some negative more amazing was in two hours there was 10,000 likes ... But I never would have guessed that there [were] so many snowflakes commenting their distaste for the new president. Like him or not he is the president ... Woke up the next morning and found someone had deleted the post ... Can someone please explain why...?"

>Last November, Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway derided protesters on Fox News, telling Sean Hannity, ""We're just treating these adolescents and these millennials like precious snowflakes." The term has since been used primarily as a catchall insult for young liberals. Araya responded in the comments section of his post with Urban Dictionary's "Snowflake" definition: "An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in 'safe zones' on college campuses."

>Araya continued to reply to fans in the post's comments sections, at one point making a homophobic joke. "Mike Pence turning fruits into vegetables," he wrote with laughing emojis, according to Pitchfork. He also wrote, "Thanks ... to everybody that has commented thanks for insight... this is how fake news gets started, not once did I say that I supported Trump... and assuming I speak for the band you are mistaking [sic] .. the picture did exactly what I thought it would do... piss some of you off."

>"Mike Pence turning fruits into vegetables,"

Top fucking kek

Other urls found in this thread:


Babbys first metal

>base entire band around being anti-christ
>singer is a big christian dude
kek, no

Best song.

Yeah but Slayer is good for dealing with hipsters and green envirofaggots. Raining Blood is litterally the bane of all Hippies

Theyre entry level trash

every time

Holy shit based Araya

saw Slayer in 2010

hes chilean why would he being around a racist like trump :^)

u mean liek south park "respect my autoritah!!!!" LOL I love cartman!

So was/is daft punk, but face it they helped pioneer the way for alot of other bands.

Also nice trips Satan

I guess you are correct. I'll throw all my Slayer mp3's into the trash now, Satan.

>daft punk
>pioneering the way for metal




>Babbys first metal
Literally means nothing about quality user, mercyful fate is babby's first traditional metal and they're still among the best metal bands of all time. Slayer deserves a spot in anybody's top 20 thrash metal bands.

That's not the definition of snowflakes though.

Most red-pilled Slayer song

that's a cover of a Minor Threat song tho

Shhhhhh...just listen

Its beginner 13 year olds metal. They're cool as a gateway band, but people usually move on to better stuff, and the world is full of better bands.

If youre in your 20's or 30's still raving about how slayer is the greatest ever, you dont know shit about music

And final level at the same time.
Hell Awaits is the best metal album of all time. I dare anyone to disagree.
Nu-Slayer sucks. Classic Slayer is God-tier.

Doesn't change the fact that everything up to and including Seasons in the Abyss is a masterpiece. Go fuck yourself, elitist trash.

>Hell Awaits is the best metal album of all time.
Thats your nostalgia talking.

>Its beginner 13 year olds metal
That says nothing about the quality you dumb faggot

>If youre in your 20's or 30's still raving about how slayer is the greatest ever, you dont know shit about music
This is an anonymous imageboard, nobody gives a shit about your shitty music micro e-penis. Slayer's still one of the best thrash metal bands of all time and this is coming from an user who owns 378 thrash metal albums physically and who's thrash metal folder consists of 1742 bands.

No this is baby metal.

Ah... There it is, the word thrown around by children when someone comes along and disagrees with them on their most favorite music.

>tfw nobody will ever appreciate Divine Intervention like you do

why live

You know that's not what he meant. You don't deserve those digits.

>muh quality
>m-muh qua-QUALITY

Compared to stuff we have now, its literal garbage.

>people arguing with someone who's argument is "hurrr one of the most successful metal bands of all time is entry you shouldnt listen to it xd"

Metal sucks, but I give them props for standing up to the cucks. Every other artist is too afraid to admit they support Trump

>Compared to stuff we have now
But thrash metal peaked in the 80s and early 90s. Pic related is the literal pinnacle of the subgenre btw.

Thrash metal hasn't been consistently great in decades, I can only name three decent thrash albums from this decade alone.


>I can only name three decent thrash albums from this decade alone.
There's a reason for that.

Because most of the great musicians are old and most of the newer bands are copycats.

Slayer is far from my "most favorite music." But I can recognize the fact that they're one of the greatest metal bands of all time. To dismiss them as entry level trash and babbys first metal band screams of elitism and hipsterfag levels of contrarianism.

lol, i first heard the MT original back in the early 80's and the Slayer cover back in the late 90's. i'm already quite familiar with the song and it's intended meaning, maybe you should work on that.

>Mike Pence turning fruits into vegetables
top lel

I don't even like Slayer desu

Dittohead is definitely in my Slayer top 10.

Leaf with good taste.

>Hell Awaits is the best metal album of all time


He's just an autist who probably listens to the next pseudo-obscure entry-level band trying to be contrarian desu, even in the metal circles that like to circlejerk obscure and underground stuff people still enjoy Slayer because they were generally great.

No, its because thrash is dead and the only people still listening to it are music newbs and nostalgiafags

People have moved on.

old metal is best metal, but slayer always was always utter shit. araya seems like a cool dude tho, unlike that faggot kery king

I wish they'd played Trumps inauguration.
the king of off tempo farty warbling

>thrash is dead
Yet the vast majority of random metal acts, even today, have always been thrash, thrash metal just vanished from the mainstream.

The three great thrash metal albums of the decade are some of the best metal albums of the last few years in general though.

>Pic related is the literal pinnacle of the subgenre btw.

Not really. I swear, people on Sup Forums who praise them -- and I'm not saying they're bad -- are as misguided as people who find a new obscure band and think they've struck gold.

There are thousands of Thrash bands from that era --many of whom I can guarantee you've not heard -- and Aspid isn't anywhere near the "literal pinnacle" of the genre.

I love how you haven't named the gay metal bands that you think are good because you know they're a bunch of corpse paint wearing homosexuals and you will be mocked to suicide.

oh mutherfucking yes. this is a perfect time for metal to shake off the nirvana malaise and boring boohoo nu-metal garbage scene and start kicking teeth in once again. it was so obvious how the national music mic was given to talentless niggers and autotuned phlegminist cheerleaders for the last 8 years. fucking bring back these facebashing mighty whitey metal bands of hell to the mainstream and let those lefty cunts shit their pants.

>Hell Awaits is the best metal album of all time

Hit me with a band lad, I guarantee at least 7/10 of the time I'll at least have heard the name or a song or two.

My favorite Slayer album

My personal favorite, even though production values sucked

He's right. Reign in Blood was produced better but Hell Awaits has better songs.

Slayer went downhill after that but were still solid through Seasons in the Abyss

>waaaaaaa please give me some ammo so i can insult you

The topic of the thread is slayer, son.

How about quit crying in text form and listening to more music?

>Yet the vast majority of random metal acts, even today, have always been thrash
Not really. I'm sure there are more death metal and black metal bands.

>"Mike Pence turning fruits into vegetables,"

hahaha Sup Forums strikes again

if i remember right, the producer was some guy that had never actually worked with metal bands before


Thrash is the go-to metal subgenre for irrelevant random garage bands, though, but 90% of newer thrash metal bands are either shitty or just release a demo and disappear.

I grew up in the metal and hardcore scene. Sad to see Marxism/SJW shit work it's way into the scene the past few years. Marxism is not inclusive and has no place in an accepting music community

I didn't need ammo to insult you. Slayer is the greatest metal band of all time and their first 3 studio albums, first live album, and first EP are god tier and the pinnacle of the metal genre.

Nobody cares if you think that the faggot symphonic black homo metal that you listen to is better than Slayer. You are wrong and history will vindicate this fact. Nobody will remember any of the bands that you like in the decades to come. Slayer will be remembered.

>Thrash is the go-to metal subgenre for irrelevant random garage bands
And black metal is the go-to for any bedroom autist.

If you search MA, you get more results for "death metal" and "black metal" than you do for "thrash metal."

>Hell Awaits is the best metal album of all time

>Slayer is the greatest metal band of all time
Spoken like a true 13 year old.

And keep on implying, its heartwarming.

To be fair, one bedroom autist doesn't really classify as a band, and MA's admitted a large chunk of their black metal section is literally just dark ambient with shrieking and want to clean it up for a while now.

I'm 34, "son". Older and wiser than you.

>Slayer is the greatest metal band
The correct answer is Iron Maiden btw. Name a band with a 7 album streak as incredible as Maiden. Protip: You can't.

>"Woke up the next morning and found someone had deleted the post ... Can someone please explain why...?"

Probably Kerry "I'm voting for Satan" King.

And yet you're crying on a Cantonese crocheting enthusiasts forum because someone doesnt like what you like.


That's true, but you'd need like over 4000 dark ambient projects that were mistakenly put in. I guess that's a plausible number.

Death metal has always been really popular though; that's a strong number one with 38,000 entries. Thrash has 24,000 while black metal has like 28,000.

A South America Christian Thrash Metal Singer purges his own fanbase of liberal numale cucklords.


>people talking good thrash
>no love for Warbringer, Havok, Municipal Waste, Iron Reagan, or Lost Society
I bet you people can't even enjoy Fear Factory.

The first two Iron Maiden albums with Paul Di'Anno were pretty solid, if derivative and drastically inferior to Thin Lizzy.

Went seriously downhill when the overrated Bruce Dickinson got involved. I like "Hallowed be thy Name" though.

>"Mike Pence turning fruits into vegetables,"
this is top quality grade a keks right here

slayer was awesome til they got jealous of pantera's vulgar display of power

just about every obscure metal band I can stand listening to oozes slayer , opeth and morbid angel. lotta droning and featureless stuff in the genre

>80s Maiden
Nigger you are fucking crazy. Name a single song that sounds anything like "Phantom of the Opera" written before 1980. They innovated heavy metal, power metal and even progressive metal to some extent.

Powerslave - Seventh Son is basically the GOAT of the GOAT, so don't shit on Dickinson.

Funny how I nailed exactly what type of so-called metal you like without you mentioning it though, isn't it?

The only good band you named in that post was Havok.


I've seen Municipal Waste and Iron Reagan open for GWAR several times. Great bands. Pretty underrated IMO.

Not even close, kid.

Keep grasping though, there's literally thousands of music genres to go through.

>Municipal Waste
Are you joking? They are very popular for a modern thrash band.

Screamo sucks you degenerate cuck

Wow, you are so cool and hip.

Literally just Thin Lizzy + UFO + Judas Priest

How many confirmed kills though?

Here in South Carolina nobody knows who they are. I'd never heard of them until I saw them in Atlanta with GWAR and Dying Fetus.

Same thing when everyone said Slayer worshiped satan.

>Paul Di'Anno

he had a massive growth removed from his lung recently

"According to his autobiography, Paul converted to Islam in the 1990s after reading the Qur'an. However he has subsequently reversed that position: I think religion kills everybody. I don’t believe in it. ... No, my father was a Muslim, I must admit. But I don’t give a fuck.[21] In later interviews Di'Anno clarifies that he never was a true Muslim, that he never stopped drinking, but tried to become a better person by applying some of the Muslim philosophies to his life. His autobiography furthers the confusion, in various passages he claims to be Muslim, Catholic, Jewish and Aborigine."

fucking madman

I love Havok but they are the weakest of that bunch after Unnatural Selection. Time Is Up is a pure fucking instant classic though. I don't know how you can't like Warbringer at least.

This isn't even remotely close. The only band that sort of used dual leads like Maiden was Judas Priest, but they were way different Maiden. The whole dual lead + bass counterpoint thing in a metal context was basically invented by Iron Maiden.

pauly maiden best maiden

not even a question

Tom Araya has ALWAYS been /ourguy/ here in Chile.

God bless him.

Araya is cool. Kerry King is an overrated douchebag though. Go figure he was also a Hilldog.

Mettalica is Babbys first metal

Oh shit dude, please tell me all about the new Animals as Peripheries album.

and yet metallica rekts slayer any day

Slayer is your first real metal. Metallica is your first pop metal.