Defend this Sup Forums

Defend this Sup Forums

> protip you can't.

why is it more okay to murder and displace them than it is to say no to them?

>bans immigration en total.


If they're brown, shut it down! Yay Trump!

>the issue from 16 years ago has not changed at all

Have the objections gone from banning Muslims is racist to Trump didn't ban enough Muslims? He really is making America great again.

>nothing changed since 2001
go back 2 reddit

No, it's that he didn't ban Muslims from anywhere that actually attacked the USA.

Well he got six of them right.

>9/11 hijackers

yes goy, it was the Saudis and UAE

Do we get immigrants from Saudi Arabia? They are a supposed Allie. If it's not an actual immigration issue with them it's not worth the trouble of putting them on a ban list since on paper they are an Allie.

gj not sageing a shit thread, newfaggots

Just about every terrorist attack we've had on our soil had some tie to Saudi Arabia.

Every fucking administration gives them a pass.

ban saudi arabia

What makes anyone think this is done with regards to 9/11?

>bans Shias, Yazidis and Zoroastrians
>Wahabis from Saudi Arabia are welcome!

because i can win Facebook likes by saying i'm against the war

The Somali ban though really makes up for all of it. Worthless fucking bug people.

AQ has always been active in Yemen and ISIS has territory in Syria's borders. So lets not act like these are bunch of innocent places.

The lack of Saudi Arabia is distressing, I'm hoping it changes. At least this is better than the previous administraton's #RefugeesWelcome, but I dont think I can support a second term if it doesn't change to include Saudi Arabia.

fuck off faggot, grown ups are talking

Because rapefugees aren't from Saudi Arabia and the UAE.


As long as OPEC only accepts dollars for oil, the world practically underwrites US debt in order to get the interest in dollar so they can service their oil energy requirements.

Saudi is the lynchpin to that within OPEC.

opinion discarded

9/11 was 16 years ago and that was 1 attack, look at all the recent attacks and where the attackers came from.

Because 'them' that we are trying to kill is not always the same 'them' that we're denying refuge to.

We're trying to KILL terrorists while a majority of the refugees are not terrorists.

Many of the refugees are fairly backwards and embody everything the Left hates about regressive southerners in the US but that's another issue altogether.

Same. I mean it will be telling if he actually bans financiers of terrorism (the ultra rich shiekhs) or just placates them.

Saudi Arabia is a powerful force in the Middle East. UAE as well. These two while they did have nationals that did 9/11 they don't support terrorist actions against the US. Plus they're rich as fuck, their oil sheiks come over here and blow tons of cash. Same can't be said about any the failed states or with Iran who's like the North Korea of the Middle East.

Not happening. When Congress was thinking about letting 9/11 families sue S.A., they threatened to sell off billions worth of U.S. Assets.

Shit, two days after 9/11 Bush invited their King to the white house, and allowed all Saudi nationals to get out when the country was under no-fly order.

Too much money involved with them.

Fuck em

> Radical Islamist's are from one place even though there are wars throughout all the places mentioned.

Sure ok buddy. But, how would you feel about us bombing and destroying Saudi Arabia and UAE? Or were you just using a loose idea to support your poor agenda?

> that was 1 attack

That killed 3000 people you fucking idiot

> look at all the recent attacks

> San Bernadino

Still Saudi Arabia

Seven outta eight ain't bad

> But, how would you feel about us bombing and destroying Saudi Arabia

Stop, I can only get so hard

Saudi Arabia funds that Wahhabi craziness and destabilizes the region intentionally. They are as responsible as anyone.

stay in your country.

Persians aren't bad pretty peaceful people tbqhwu

>they don't support terrorist actions against the US.

kek of course they do

Plus UAE, KSA, & Egypt they all buy decommissioned US military equipment at heavy mark up. It would be stupid to foul that relationship up. Plus there's not a lot of immigration coming from these places.

Destabilized region is a good thing. Keeps the region from using the oil to become a world power.

You colossal idiot.
Saudi and U.A.E. are brown too.

Still Saudis OR they're home-grown Muslims who become radicalized by various cells in the US (The san bernarino guy got radicalized by his wife I heard.)

I wish we would just nuke Mecca and take all their money and be done with it.

The Saudis and the Israelis are two sides to the same coin.

Trump can't enact legislation against them - they own him.

They're literally known to be connected to the terrorist groups.

>911 hijackers

Trump and Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., they've owned all of them.

Wonder why those two always get a free pass for their bullshit? They're untouchable.

The destabilization is what has caused the refugee crisis.

Yazidis and Zoroastrians are based good people.

saudi fuckers are terrible

I never understood this. The terrorists were Saudis, who were clearly funded by Saudi Arabia. But they invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.

Well AQ was hiding in Afghanistan, but both wars were ultimately stupid.


Afghanistan= Poppy production
Iraq= Oil

Both countries also not owned by the IMF and other world banks, and neither was Libya. But they do now....

It was only like 1-2 UAE pilots, the majority were mainly KSA

First six have fairly powerful islamist revolutionary groups challenging the government with varying degrees of success. Iran is the usual political foot ball, hates us and our Jew overlords. Also we want to counterweight a fairly populous, homogenous power from asserting control in the Middle East.

>using a 16 year old fact to discredit laws barring immigrants from countries that are currently a problem

None of these countries or their citizens have ever carried out an Islamic attack on US soil.

Afghanistan was invaded because the AQ training camps were there, even though most of the funding was coming from Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser extent, Pakistan.

The strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia was too important to jeopardize, but now that the shale boom is coming to America, this will likely change. The Saudi's are the de facto leaders of OPEC, and the 1973 oil crisis made it clear to the USA that fucking with them will jack up the oil prices. The Saudi government cooperates with the American government, but Saudi oil money still funds Wahhabi groups around the world. The fucked up calculus is that Saudi's sell oil to America and then turn around and use that money to fund jihadist groups that threaten America.

Basically, American foreign policy accepts the security risk posed by Saudi's in exchange for cheaper oil. When America finally becomes energy independent they'll be able to tell the Saudi's to fuck off with their bullshit.


How many refugees are coming from SA and UAE?