Deportation strategy

>Wait until the wall is finished before deporting
>12 million illegals leaving would damage the economy for their consumption alone
>Give anyone with a criminal record the boot
>Any other illegals given citizenship provided they pay back taxes owed
>More money for govt
>Grateful Hispanics start voting Trump in greater numbers
>Mexicans as a group become better regarded by mainstream population because the crims are gone
>Trump wins again

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the wall is going to take much longer than 8 years to complete. It's a bigass wall.

It won't if we give people jobs and use mexico's money to make it a simultaneous piecemeal assembly based on location, instead of going from one end to the other.

That's true, but you have to remember only so many people can work on a section of wall at a time. Too many cooks will spoil the broth. I mean, I want that fuckin wall, it's just gonna be hard.


Agreed. It won't be easy, but it's certainly possible to expedite the process by assigning zones of assembly and staffing them accordingly with goalposts to meet one another at. I think most imagine starting on one side and finishing on another decades later, which would be a ridiculous assumption.

>>Grateful Hispanics start voting Trump in greater numbers

that's where you're wrong kiddo

Reagan tried the same thing and it completely backfired

Hispanics will always vote Democrat for gibs me dats. no ifs ands or buts

Hispanics will always see whitey as the devil
Don't fall for conservative spic meme, they value a welfare state above any and all social issues

30% of hispanics voted for Trump. Without that voting block, your movement is nothing, chump.

>Give anyone with a criminal record the boot
They're all criminals if they're in the United States illegally.

The only spics that voted Trump were Cubans

million illegals leaving would damage the economy for their consumption alone


don't need any extra taco shits in our sewers thanks

>Any other illegals given citizenship

Stopped reading there, kill yourself

>the wall is going to take much longer than 8 years to complete.

the wall has to be bigger than China's wall, even if he just has to loop it around at the end and go back two or three times

What are you talking g Bout, Reagan got reelected and his VP won after his 2 terms. Doesn't get better than that.

Cubans aren't numerous enough to make a dent. I know it hurts Trumpcuck, but Mexicans make or brake Trump.

>Any other illegals given citizenship provided they pay back taxes owed
Fuck you nigger. I'm a legal slav immigrant who moved here to do work that requires high qualification and I've spent many years and tens of thousand dollars to get just a Green Card. I only dream about getting US citizenship many years later. And you want to handle it to fucking criminals who's only accomplishment was to hop across the fence? Fuck you!

>>Wait until the wall is finished before deporting
Trump comes from a business of building things.
Prefab walls not a problem.

million illegals leaving would damage the economy for their consumption alone
Not if legal workers take their place

>>Give anyone with a criminal record the boot
Please do

>>Any other illegals given citizenship provided they pay back taxes owed
good, but i doubt it.

>>More money for govt
States will need them if the sanctuary shit cuts them off from fed money

>>Grateful Hispanics start voting Trump in greater numbers
pretty much yes...

>>Mexicans as a group become better regarded by mainstream population because the crims are gone
Hope this happens yes.

All of them out. No exceptions

Despite hispanics, not because of them.

Those numbers are always fucked up.
3% may be able to vote but doesn't mean all 3% did vote.
What percent of that 3% voted?

What are you talking about?
>Mondale 66%
>Reagan 34%

Reagan got 1% more hispanic vote for his re-election than Trump did with his "racist" campaign.