Sanctuary Cities


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Yeah, you will.

They can talk all they want, money won't magically come out of their mouths.

I always imagine ¨sanctuary cities¨ as places with a lot of birds and exotic animals.

no, but you will go

Yeah, you will.

God damn it Trump, it's like you forgot how to play 6 dimensional parcheesi. You make more sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants so they all go there and you can round them up and send them back more easily.

We will fuck them up

Either you'll comply or you won't see a federal dime (other than your police departments.)

>(a) In furtherance of this policy, the Attorney General and the Secretary, in their discretion and to the extent consistent with law, shall ensure that jurisdictions that willfully refuse to comply with 8 U.S.C. 1373 (sanctuary jurisdictions) are not eligible to receive Federal grants, except as deemed necessary for law enforcement purposes by the Attorney General or the Secretary.

Why would mayors want to protect illegals?

No you'll be dragged kicking in screaming into the new era of progress and prosperity.

Prepare to cave, underling.

They want cheap mexican labor for their restaurants and developers.

These mexicans are exploited and given no benefits or labor law protections.

Mayor Marty Walsh of Boston is a Roman Catholic and supporter of sanctuary cities.

Are sanctuary cities for illegals or just any immigrant?

>vows immigrants are welcome in their cities


Why the fuck do they word shit like this? God, it pisses me off.

Labour force, they're consumers socontribute to their economy and most don't have criminal records.

>international criminals are welcome in our cities

ok liberals need to fucking die

Pretty sure legal immigrants don't need a sanctuary city.

>exotic animals.
Well you're right about that

That's their voter base.

Gotta get dem votes

What else would you do? Become fiscally independent? bahahahaah suuuuuuure.

>less government interference
>except about the stuff we want to interfere on lol

>Why would *democrat* mayors want to protect illegals?

voter fraud I guess

Just raise local taxes to pay for the invaders you insist upon harboring in direct violation of federal immigration laws.

You commies love taxes. I'm sure your residents will be happy to pay extra to save the precious illiterate brown people.

nigger if you are an immigrant you got nothing to worry about. It's the illegals they are harboring and if they have any terrorist in the mix they are fucked.

Trump is raising taxes to fund Le Wall

Its their imported voter base

The wording on the news headline confused me

If they recognize that non-citizens don't have an inherent right to permanent residence, use of taxpayer-subsidized transportation, taxpayer-subsidized medicine, etc., then their liberal constituents will REEEEE and vote them out.

No, they're right. They'll go, but they'll be obnoxiously loud about it. There was an interview this evening on NPR with the mayor of Santa Fe. The reporter kept asking what he would do if federal funding were cut. He kept saying, "he cannot destroy our values of diversity," or variations on that theme. In a three minute segment he said the word "diversity" at least 20 times.

>takes out of context quote from a poem about author's father dying
>compares it to a bunch of whinging babies
>thinks it makes them sound erudite


baby want milk

How do you vote if you are not citizen of US?

America is a sanctuary for legal immigrants.


the time has come

execute order 66

Legal immigrants are worse since you cant get rid of them when you want like illegals. Illegals also dont vote that much compared to legal anchor babies. Legal migrants are worse since they vote and you cant get rid of them and they are just as dumb as the illegals


That's why i'm not going to hate at least you asked a question about it instead of swallowing the MSM cock

>less government interference
Then how about less gov. money

Far too easily

Why just illegal immigrants? Why don't they provide sanctuary for other crimes? That seems a bit one sided to me.

>this post, this flag

Mexico, you're not sending your best. Who do you think you're fooling?

>people say the only immigrants they're against are ilegals

That's by design.


Just fucking sink already.


we want you to chimp out and burn down your cities some more

>exotic: originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country
yes, yes, this fits, though Mexico isn't very distant

they will self deport once there is no more free money

>Sanctuary cities lose money
>Their communities go to shit
>Siphon what little money they still get for law enforcement to fund DEM PROGRAMS
>Their communities literally become third-world-tier
>Republicans use these as examples of failed liberal economic policies
>Golden age of Republicans and strict immigration laws begins


Quietly or kicking and screaming. Don't care. They'll go.

Votes, along with more people dependent on the government.

You register with your address, go in to the booth, and vote. To make it even more complicated California DMV has started issuing drivers licenses to illegals that are almost identical to that of citizens. Your average retard working at a voting booth isn't going to look at the tiny little symbol of the back of the license to see if it's for a citizen or not. On top of that, some places are automatically registering people to vote when they receive their license. We're in a do or die situation and trump is our last hope for making things right.

In California and a few other States? Easily. In states that require ID? Not so easily.



Give me a fucking break, every fucking one of your cities would go fucking bankrupt over night if you lost all of your federal funding.

This is all posturing. They will make it seem like they're dead set against it, then claim they were powerless to oppose it (which they are).

Why do we have a nationwide age limit for drinking alcohol, smoking, etc? Because the feds won't give states money if they don't play ball.

That's bullshit though. It's not like there are a bunch of illegal immigrants in California.

That's so cute taco

Good,Fuck Trump


That's why we don't want them to come back, you can keep those people

>issuing drivers licenses to illegals that are almost identical to that of citizens

Not anymore senpai

Yep. Don't write us all off though. 33% still went for the Trump hail Mary even after all the bullshit tricks. There's a fuck load of sane people in northern California that would love to secede and form a new state if Congress would get behind it. And we control the water that those cucks in socal are in desperate need of.

>implying they have a say in the matter

New York city raises taxes all the fucking time and their idiotic residents just complain but keep voting the same people in.

Why do liberals always have to quote popular movies to try and make their shitty point?

underrated post

Jesus Christ. Just cuck my shit up. Thx for the link.

Crying loudly and screaming before your execution doesn't make the guillotine fall any slower.

Los Angeles fag here.

I will actively support the removal of Mayor Eric Garcetti if he continues to pledge that LA will be a sanctuary city.

For decades our streets have been plagued with gang violence. Currently LA has over 80,000 gang members. A great majority of those gang members are illegals. Sanctuary cities are plagued by crime and violence. Trump is 100% right to defund these cities.

>implying this isn't already happening with federal funding



>U WOT M8?

There's a reason Dems also want to get rid of any law requiring you to provide any prof of citizenship in order to vote.

>How do you vote if you are not citizen of US?

Odd are it's the bulk of their voting base. You dont get 130% voter turnout in red districts...


That's what I'm saying. Commies won't care. The goal is to approach 100% tax so the government beaurocrats can supply everyone's more efficiently than the free market.

It's literally what they believe.

They're liberal whores and require funding from third parties. They'll do exactly as they're told.

>Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Isn't giving aid to foreigners against the will of the president treason? Sure sounds like it to me. Let's have these mayor hang.

Hey ctr, you got a source for that?

Why don't the mayors as the people to vote on their city being a sanctuary ? Because mine is and I don't recall it ever coming up for a vote

I suppose because it's against the law.
Then again my mayor is a pedophile so I guess no one cares

Have you read 1984? Newspeak

Not criminals? ...But they came here illegally........

>Don't have criminal records
>Here illegally
Pick one Dominguez


This. And it's not just Cali. I believe NY did the same thing. James O'Keefe got someone on tape talking about it.

Tough shit, Paco. Prep your butthole, cause they're coming back to fuck your country instead of ours.

Newspeak, doublethink, antisex. I wonder if Orwell would have written it if he knew just how crazy liberals were going to get.



Leftists are the worst sort of people.

What is a sanctuary

Yeah, warfare by twisting words, trying to define your reality for you. Fuck them.

votes and cheap labor.

Cali likes to act as if it's progressive but in reality every business owner has a couple Mexican slaves about.

A city where if you pretend to not speak english and have no ID they won't arrest you or imprison you for pretty much anything. You have to practice your sad Mexican eyes though.


>everyone who complains is a Dem
>wont get their state gibs

Yeah im not worried about that...