Should trump go bald? See pic. I think so. He looks boss being bald. Do it, President Trump!

Should trump go bald? See pic. I think so. He looks boss being bald. Do it, President Trump!

Trump is too insecure to shave his head.

No. His hair is his trademark look and it would never grow back.

No, spray tan with bleached hair is the look of the new right

Nah kek wills he keep his hair.

Trump should grow a beard.

He should wear a metal mask and talk with a robot voice.

Way too much fuel for the media to depict him as Mussolini.

I don't think the lex luthor look is the way to go right now. maybe 6 years from now

thats just full blown villain tier

How about reverse hair?

I tried.

He will get cancer and will have no choice

He'd be a more autistic version of Lex Luthor

no cause then everyone will start calling him baldy

I think they are just prone to tan

He can't go bald.

His scalp is covered in scars from all of his reduction surgeries.

Nah he should grow his hair and beard out long and stay true to his Scottish roots.

>goes bald
>grows goatee
>we nod now
wait...he kinda looks like kane...

He'd become some sort of Kane-Lex Luthor hybrid

A lot of people assume it's a toupee anyway.

I think bald looks better on him...

another one

I used those 2 for this!

Looks like the villain from Iron Man 1

Lex Luthor