Is America a dead nation?

Is America a dead nation? I've been having this thought for a while now. Our culture (whats left of it) seems so empty and commercialzed, our history, the men who built this country who made it are ridiculed and called backwards in our schools. In history class the Americans always seem to be the "bad guy" Our military seems to be kek'd (i'll post a copypasta)

I'm lost, all I see in this country's future is balkanization and sedition. Should I jump ship to place like australia and help preserve it or stay and work towards an ethnostate
>invb4 Trump is president now
Yes and thats great but I think its too little too late
>inb4 have to be 18 to post
I'm 18, a senior in highschool

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You have to be 18 to post

>inb4 I'm 18

You have to be 18 to post.

Fuck off nigger it answer my question, Is Anerica a dead nation?

The thing is, it is never too late. Thinking like that is a sign of a weak man with no character. Trump spiritually revitalized white America, just wait and see what happens next..

Yes and no.

all countries are kill kid. that's the part of the plan so that (((they))) will say "gee look at the state of all the countries goys, this is not working, why don't we unite under one government"

don't feel bad though, that's the kind of age we get to experience and there's no reason to fear while there's only God

I once read that once a nation is dead its gone forever, you can only imitate it after that. I look back 100 years ago and I see a completely different nation, culturally and demographocally. Are we still Jackson's America? T.Roosevelts America? Eisenhower's America? I really don't know

America died on 9/10/01 when Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion was missing from the DoD, and we couldn't account for it. The "airplane" which destroyed the DoD finance office the next day was just the nail in the coffin.

>>what is life like in the army?
Depends on your job. If you're a killer, than you have a crazy schedule, hump a ruck, and have to learn how to suck it up. If you're a fucking pogue, you can literally end up with a 9 to 5 job.

>>is it pozzed on account of obongo and will that change under Trump?
Obama 100% fucked up our military. It's essentially a liberal arts college in uniform now. Faggotry, feminists, shitskins crying about "muh racism", and Trump won't fix it.

>>did you feel like it was worth it?
No. As an actual fighter, it disgusts me that they think so little of us that they would push females and open faggots in our ranks. FUCK them. Never fighting for this nation again.

>>is military service better than college?
Fuck no. Don't waste your time, as congress has absolutely ZERO respect for you, and senior leaders will throw you under the bus before they'd ever risk their career defending you


No we are not their nation. Theirs was an Anglo nation. THE THING IS THOUGH, WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN NATION RIGHT NOW AND WE ARE. Be strong and positive. If we are all deadbeats staring lustfully at the heels of history than the nation you love will not be reflected and kept alive. Stand up, we have only started fighting and alot of things are better now for our cause than they were 30 years ago. Would our Great Grandfather's opt out and be pussies in the face of struggle?

America isn't dead but it is dieing. Balkanization will happen within your lifetime though

>would our great grand fathers opt out in the face of a struggle?
My great grandparents were immigrants so in a way yes :^)

I see your point, but I guess what I'm getting at is should we focus on pooling our energy and power into creating a strong ethnostate while the libcucks die out in neo brazil (and then reconquisita) or do we try to fix the whole country, commiefornia included? My point is there are a lot of cucks and leftists to deal with

>Our military seems to be kek'd
>Seems to be kek'd

Check the pasta


i dont agree with the other user. i think he has the right attitude but ultimately there is no reversing whats happening without some sort of bloody war. it'd be smart if whites had some sort of back up places but theres nowhere left to go. im sure there will always be some whites who have been preserved in elite circles or super isolated communities but even thats a maybe to be honest

It would have been if Hilary won.

Trump will make America great again.

Empires usually survive around 200 - 250 years and America is somewhere between 230 and 245 so to answer your question, it is not dead but it probably won't last much longer. Read the fate of empires if you want to know more about the cycle of empires.

This is how I feel. I can only see Balkanization in our future. Trump was the right choice, but far too little much too late

In ways

The UNITED states is over, it will break apart over the next few decades.
I was considering moving there in the next few years, probably Texas.
Australia is very socialist, but you can enjoy a peaceful life here if you can handle the overbearing sense of entitlement among your countrymen.

The US is not an empire

I was thinking of going to your country, Happy Australia btw. I'm an Anglophile, ethnically speaking I'm full Irish, but they're honoray anglos in the anglisphere, like ned kelly right?

Just because we don't label it as one doesn't mean it doesn't possess the qualities of one. We are the world super power right now correct? Do we not control what goes on around the world?

>it'd be smart if whites had some sort of back up places but theres nowhere left to go
Australia and New Zealand seem mostly white.

Russia has a huge 'white' population but that place is a shit hole.

Australia is the last white western nation, we need to help them push back against chinks tho

New zealand north island is cucked but south island is based, 93%white

Russia is a mix of some whites, mongols, tar tars, chechens and so on

We're not dead yet. Buckle up, cuckaroo.

Yeah you'll be accepted here no problems with that, but you'll always be known as the American even if your name is paddy.
I find Americans are more polite than us and enjoy chatting with strangers, only real difference I have noticed.
Lots of irish descendants here, numbers are probably on par with anglos.

I'd give it until Trump is out of office user. Right now we are at the point of "being all in, or nothing" in terms of trying to restore our country to its former glory. Just see what happens. Liberals (for the first time really) are being drastically challenged for their power within our country, and they are losing with the "common folk" rather quickly. We are almost to a boiling point and with Trump in charge, a lot of these things you're mentioning could change under his leadership.

The boiling point is about to his our nation, and hard. When that happens, military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies will more than likely side with Trump (since he's the only one acknowledging them positively).

All in all, give it some time and see what happens. Revolutions like this have happened before (just look at Germany's state right before their rise). Brexit happened, Merkel's being challenged, we are building relations with Russia, other European countries have just about had enough of liberal tyranny, etc.

Yea I'm not trying to herotage fag, just saying that I would like to mive to a country in the anglisphere because, (in my opinion) Irish and Anglos assmilate real fucking easy
See:your country

In a way we are though

>probably Texas.
Fuck that. Too many spics. Move somewhere like Arkansas where there's tons of woods and guns. Wait a few years when manufacturing jobs are back then try and find a city in someplace like that with lots of factories.

We're a Walking Dead nation! Tune in to fresh new episodes of the most watched show on television!

Our culture is winning you dumb fuck.

And what is that culture other than pecerted consumerism and hedonism pushed by (((them)))? What remains of our actual culture has been commercialized for shekels

US didn't become an empire until Teddy, before then it was still isolated.

You have to be 18 to post.

Time for 200 years of China on top I think. US + Latin America + Europe would've been a good counterweight but that alliance is splintering.

China will collapse in the next 10 or so years and will fall into a civil war backed by Taiwan.

The world economy will be severely shaken and WWIII will come shortly after.

If it ends will nukes most of the world will be fucked.

If not we will experience another economic boom if we are on the winning side.

you're full of buzzwords kiddo

This. There are multiple separate nations in the United States that actively despise and antagonize each other.

Don't be surprised if there are multiple countries that were once part of the old US.

Am i wrong?

America no longer anglo-saxon white country anymore

race-mixing is epidemic , most white american actually quadroon some shit

south africa is america future

Majority mulatto america will start to resemble Brazil or Dominican republic

Brazil also have some niggro slave in days of old

today every single Brazilian look like mixed and retarded

RIP eisenhower's america

I like fishing man, I need somewhere away from commies & nig nogs on the coast, and where I can play with muh guns, where go?

Hot Springs has tons of lakes for fishing. Tons of woods too so anywhere you move you can likely shoot guns in your backyard. The city is technically around 40% black though but you never notice them because they stay in some shitty little urban part of town. I see maybe 2 black people every month.

We're literally not even a nation according to the definition.

Multiculturalism was a mistake.

it's really more of a rural/urban divide IMO..there are counties in rural NY that have more in common with the deep south, politically, than they do with NYC

America was never alive because it was founded on Liberalism and Protestant/ enlightenment ideas.

For once the leaf has a valid point. Catholic Monarchy for the win Fampai!

Yes. Sad.

Yes it is. Most of the whites will kill themselves via heroin overdose, while spics and niggers will take over the cities.

delet dis

fuck off papist scum

Implying this isn't already happening
Impling it hasn't already happened

Roman empire = Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire)

More than thousand years survive

Portuguese Empire - officially over in 1974

more than 600 years

>america education

America has industrial power and white majority until immigration law 1965 (which Jew representative Emanuel Celler make bill)

You are never have been A empire

You got a problem protestant good goy?

>celler was a jew
Really? I'm not suprised by this point, i always expected jewish involvement in that bill. Can I have a source on that please?

The Catholic church is in by far the worst state it's ever been, and was in dire need of reform since in the high-middle ages, which lead to the protestants. As necessary as catholic monarchism (see maistre) is I don't think we can pull it off. The west is doomed. Its foundation have been torn down or reduced to cardboard and its rotten at its roots. (the people)

We need a great calamity or in the not so distant future we will end up like the jews without a home worshiping pagan idols and always living as revolutionaries.

Yea I see a great fall in our future

The country has been extremely divided multiple times before, not just concerning slavery and the Civil War. At the end of the day, the left-leaning parts of the country are too dispersed to meaningfully exist outside the union, and it's not something liberals will fight for, other than voting in empty referenda.

I suspect the next decade will see the kind of national renewal, a vision of a unifying national policy, that we saw with the New Deal and FDR (something Obama promised, but failed on). The sixties counterculture was the last big cultural and political upheaval we had before now, and the divide that came out of that was never really settled; 70s was just a hangover, the 80s and early 90s saw a resurgent right, while the left took over key positions in academia, media, and more, and they've come to the fore and have been winning since the mid 90s, all while immigrants (who receive mixed messages about what America is about) streamed in under the neoliberal consensus of both political parties.

The divisiveness of the past couple years and right now are the result of the past few decades' simmering tensions finally bubbling to the surface.

i wanna move to europe

His Father is JEW , paternal grandparents is JEW

paternal grandmother raised him as Jew

He is 100% JEW

Depends, are you a euro mutt or ethically pure? Like me :^)

businessman VS landowner =/= Country divided

that was struggle for leadership

roman empire general also fight each other for imperial prestige

Today america seriously divided
because whitty become dying race

and every single dindu want some sort of economic liberation

worst part is white women favor to socialist government

more like too busy fucking children to support zionism


Proof: America



Long ago America sold itself for imperial power and then built that power on the foundation of our opposition to the Soviet Union.

So when they collapsed, we too collapsed. It's just that we had farther to fall. You can see it in 1990s culture, from the X-Files to Waco. Interrupted by 9/11, but accelerated by Iraq.

It's an empty shell of a nation, acting out the role programmed for it in an increasingly antique post-war era.

It will either find a new mission or it will implode.