>Italians arent white!
>Rome was the pinnacle of western Civilization
Explain this to me Sup Forums
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educate me you faggots, whats the deal with this broken fucking logic you retards
>racists say italians aren't white while simultaneously saying italian science is proof whites are better
>inb4 italians aren't romans
It's called snow nigger logic.
>Not Greece
Wut? Greece was the pinnacle of Western Civilization, not Rome.
Rome was a generic empire.
Classical philologist here
Rome was a den of retarded degeneracy and hilariously inefficient, most of the values people think we have from them never existed in their society and a pure projection backwards to give them some legitimacy.
T. Expert
People who say Italians aren't white are some of the biggest retards around.
Only those fucking community dividing jidf and other alphabet squads say italians aren't white(other than just memes, but they are psyops themselves as well mostly, to control you).
Oh look. Op is probably one of them or a paid shill.
Rome was notable for it's Government, Law and military. Ancient Greece is the mother and anient Rome is the father.
Military tradition matters more than what some nobles who have fetishes do in their spare time.
latin's and italian's are not the same people and i mean OG latin's from Latinum not Latinos
Modern Italians have nothing to do with Rome's glory, at best they are the descendants of slaves intermingled with African and Arab rape babies. The "Romans" of public imagination were actually a subgroup of Nordic Aryans that had invaded from the north and have since long died out. Pic related, an artist's rendering of Julius Caesar.
How is it broken? ITALIANS are not white. ROMANS were white. How does this make no sense retard
They were olive toned. They didn't to be white, but they weren't brown.
Italians and Greeks are honorary white people.
Do you feel good when you send posts like these you fucking faggot?
This is the shit that I was talking about in my post, Greek society was way more degenerate than even the Roman one and you clearly have no Fucking idea what you're talking about, their values and even their philosophy has fuck all to do with us, people just like to pick out a single line from 300 and then act like it represents them.
Two examples:
Greeks had a word for new debts to pay if old debts and a word for the process 2,5k years ago already, they've literally always been debtniggers
Example 2:
A Roman upper class citizen was expected to always be busy with work when in the city (negotium), while free time (otium) was reserved for their vacations on the land, of which they couldn't make too many without seeMing like lazy cunts
Meanwhile rich Greeks showed their status by carrying sticks, not to bear people with, but to lean on while standing around and doing nothing except talking about dumb shit in public places because they showed their riches by being able to afford to be lazy, even the Romans thought they are airheaded idiots swith lofty ideas with little sense to them.
Ps: the phalanx was fucking retarded, which is why the Romans quickly gave up on it when fighting Celts and it only worked for Greeks because they either fought other Greeks or idiots who'd run right into it.
The military tradition was completely Fucking retarded as well, including shit like idiotic rituals before doing pretty much anything,which could fuck you over and having 2 commanders who shared their command by commanding on alternating days which could Fucking destroy them if they had differing opinions (in fact that's exactly what happened when tens of thousands of Romans were massacred during one of the battles against Hannibal,I think it was Cannae)
Still yet they prevailed over Carthage and many others.
thats not what a real pillum looks like right?
t. user's ass
Yes Rome was better than Greece and made Western civilization great, but Greece still was the basic basis of western civilization.
This is why the mother/father analogy works.
Insecure snowniggers
Nordicism is we waz, but instead of another race it's another ethnic group insecure about their past being jelly of other caucasians history.
Nordicism isnt history, is "feel good" propaganda for the germanic cucks.
Notice how celts dont give a fuck about that.
Truer words.
didn't need to be white*
>The military tradition was completely Fucking retarded as well, including shit like idiotic rituals before doing pretty much anything,which could fuck you over
It wasn't too uncommon for the time.
>Mexicans aren't white!
>The Aztec empire was the pinnacle of pre-Columbian civilization
Explain this to me Sup Forums!
They “prevailed“ thront sheer luck and lost several huge battles, they only really won one.
The reason why they won against carthage in the second Punic war with Hannibal is because they kept on sending more people into the meatgrinder, they even lost the majority of their young nobles which is why they had to rise up new people to that rank later which had great ramifications for the cursus honorum.
Seriously the only advantage they had was that their citizens were willing to die in droves like idiots, since usually on the old days you'd win a decisive battle and then that's it and the enemy is beaten, the Romans lost 3 horribly with nearly noas casualties on the other side and “won“ the war by simply not engaging with Hannibal anymore and letting him sack the rest of Italy until he was called back to carthage, the only reason why they won the last one was because a young Roman commander used Hannibal's tactics against him.
Look up Fabian tactics or strategies, don't know the English term, it's basically about never engaging because you know you're inferior on battle even with twice the numbers.
>tfw Turkish
Italians used to be white but the germans infested their gene pool and now we have the shitskin mutts of today
Hmm, it's almost as if these statements are coming from two completely different people.
No one ever said Italians aren't, it's just that they aren't really Romans.
>inb4 Norcucks and Anglocucks unironically say Romans were Aryans that fled to the north
the vandals were viking who only raped and murdered, similar to niggers. Not only that, but all statues of julius caeser, have hair and dressing similar to Mediterranean people. Meanwhile, snowniggers fucked bears in the north and did nothing of value
>Germanic we wuzism
Cucked themselves to death, like it's happening again now to us all.
>Italy's racial demographics are the same now as they were 1500 years ago
This is like thinking that Greeks have always been Turks. The people of the past are not always the same people as today. Especially in regions that were frequented by foreign races for centuries.
Both is bullshit, tell me some great ideals both of them had which formed western society, you won't find shit.
This is what I meant, people have no clue and just project their own shit back on them.
It didn't get much better over the centuries and Romans lost whenever they found ab enemy who didn't play according to their rules, didn't just charge in like retarded barbarians and didn't run away until they were forced into a siege.
>german cuck who likes carthage because muh multiculturalism
Color me surprised
the bottom half got raped by nigger invaders after the fact. southern italy should probably be a part of africa.
Hannibal knew he could break Rome by making it's allies defect if they lost too much. Fabius pretty much advocated Attrition and gorilla tactics. Because he knew Hannibal's soldiers would desert if they got bored.
Mexicans are not white. There was no whites in America, the caucasian genetic component in the americas was older than the white phenotype in the caucasian race, the caucasians were absorbed into the mongoloid populations.
Since there was no whites the reds ended up being the pinnacle of pre-colombian civilization.
`did you got that filthy chicano?
Fucking retard Germanigger. I hope you and your kin get raped by a pack of Arabs.
Yes it fucking was, what the fuck?
The entire Government of eine was inefficient and dumb as shit and only survived several crises out of sheer luck, they could habe had an emperor and really should have one way before that already, if the guy at cannae would not have lost he would have become one for example.
that pic is infuriating
you are one RETARDED kraut
holy FUCK
>pls spoonfeed me shit i can easily google
>oh you wont waste your time? ahah fucking romanz
it doesnt seem possible to you that something similar to what is LITERALLY HAPPENING TO YOUR COUNTRY RIGHT NOW happened to the enlightened folks back then?
>implying I like filthy pirates
Historical facts don't equal bias you Fucking shitskin
>hannibal knew
He didn't know shit,otherwise he would have failed and the Romans would have never given up because of that,he just didn't think he could take on Rome itself
Why so butthurt?
*cough* >What is alexander the great?
Why would you fall for obvious bait?
I am educated in the matter while you're not even white, next.
Nigger when did I even come close to that topic?
Were you shit-posting on /his/? Rome destroyed Carthage, sacked Persia's capital at least 4 times, and held complete dominion over most of Europe.
At the battle of Zama the Romans won decisively even though they were outnumbered. I'm not sure what Romans you're talking about but Scipio Africanus learned Hannibal's tricks and whipped him with superior planning and tactics. Hannibal forgot that you can't fight the same enemy over and over with the same tactics or they will learn your art of war and that's exactly what Scipio did. He set a trap for Hannibals war elephants and they walked right into it.
You really don't know what you're talking about if you think they won by not engaging when Scipio destroyed Hannibals entire army on the battlefield even when outnumbered.
This is why jews will always have you beat Sup Forums they know how to get under your skin
The only person speaking sense
Educated from comic books you dumb rape baby? Every post you push the levels of idiocy further
>while you're not even white
you're on Sup Forums aka "waaah refugees wahh BLACKED"
>Not Canaanite kike bastards
The Carthaginians were subhumans that practiced human sacrifice, no wonder a snow nigger is defending them.
South Italy was raped by moors after Rome collapsed
We were raped they say by snowniggers and sandniggers ;)
Rome was built on the concept of fides "the rituals" are what expanded so quickly the republican Rome, through the "foederati" joined cause Rome fought legit wars in the ancient sense. The pragmatic ways of the greeks were what caused problems to Rome, and even our society today.
>Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome
The ones that didnt get blacked are FUCKING INBRED AS HELL ASHKENAZI JEWS
They actually didn't do that type of Mongol shit and were soon kicked out by Normans anyway.
>Romans didn't practice human sacrifice
A failure who spent his time conquering sandniggers, never governed anything and died early die to drinking and Fucking most of his life with his ragtag realm in shambles.
He was literally just a guy who never stopped conquering because he knew everything would fall apart once he did, when you rise a tiger you either keep on riding or get eaten, boyo.
Never been to that board, I didn't say Rome wasn't successful in the end, read my posts again, they just lost so often until carthage got tired of winning.
Literally the equivalent of breaking both of your enemies fists with your face in a fight.
Also the Persians never really got their shut together again after Alex.
The only significant battle they won and only due to using Hannibal's tactics, I covered this before.
Learn to Fucking read you utter retard, what I said about Fabian tactics concerns the long time before that, you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Zama was one battle, Scipio won by using Hannibal's tactics, I said this before, Christ.
shut the fuck up chile
Say it with me:
Come on!
One more time!
Greece is the cradle of western philosophy. Most Christian philosophy comes from Aristotle my dude. Rome was more degenerate. Greeks would try to be virtuous at least.
Carthage's navy AKA BEST NAVY in the western Med got raped by some Italians in their first war.
LOL cry more
>Comic Books
No, I had to translate most of the primary sources which we build our knowledge on, I mentioned my qualifications early on already.
Uneducated nigger.
The foederati joined because they had to, Romans weren't exactly bothered by genocide, which they proved several times, the bella iusta usually had bullshit reasons behind that and the Romans knew that.
You could not be more wrong on every level.
>>Italians arent white!
Don't fall for the divide & conquer.
can u read? its literally proven you dumb blacked piece of shit
The Romans abhorred human sacrifice, part of the reason they fuckstarted Carthage's shit as bad as they did.
Italians were whiter before getting blandda'd during the Dark Ages.
Pic related, Roman Emperors described as having blue eyes, etc.
Actually the Incas were the pinnacle of Pre-Columbian civilization. They were also the largest. Everyone argues about which military was better but they were both suited to their own environments so you can't really compare that one.
[spoiler]Man why is Steve Michael Harriston so snazzy looking[/spoiler].
>I had to translate most of the primary sources
ahahaha you dumb cunt, they've been translated for a very long time you liar. or maybe you're an idiot who wastes time?
historians of antiquity are heavy exaggerators, but you WOULDN'T KNOW THAT!
except he is correct. roman is not equivalent to italian.
so goths wuz blacks n shit?
I don't care about Southern Italians in particular, if you are a Norcuck/Germcuck We Wuz you can fuck right off.
Look at that picture and tell those are your ancestors.
Wrong, read my posts before you say shit like that.
99% of Greek philosophy was dumb bullshit, we like to take the 1% and ignore the rest but that simply was not the case, most of their philosophy wouldn't even count as philosophy nowadays but was simply religious bullshit which even their peers laughed at.
Yes, do you think I'm a carthageboo and care?
Romans rapes them by building planks they could hook into the enemy ship, I don't know the English term, but it basically allowed them to fight on sea as they did on land, though they only did that after finding a stranded c ship and stealing the design.
Honestly the carthaginian whining was hilarious, they were really upset that the Romans were “unfair“ and turned sea battles into landbattles, kek.
>The Incas, Aztecs and Mayas were all scientifically superior to any ancient Germanic culture as well.
Who the fuck would say Italians are Greeks are not white? White does not mean pale fucking skin. White means European, Europeans are the most genetically diverse people on this planet. I would die for Italy, like I would for Germany or Great Britain or Greece.
>Literally the equivalent of breaking both of your enemies fists with your face in a fight.
Try my nuts to your fist style!
It doesn't matter if it's one battle it's the one that ended the war and it wasn't won by not engaging a larger force. You can't say the Romans wouldn't engage larger forces and won with luck when they won the war by beating a larger force with superior tactics. You can't have it both ways.
>We wuz KANGS an we yoozed to CHIMP OUT an sheeit when we wuz BERZERKERING
Rome won in better civil and military organization (not strictly talking about the battlefield), lateral thinking (Hannibal was good too) and demography. Hannibal attack was like pearl harbor, tough but not useful in the high end, he destroyed the legions at first, but rome was able to raise even more troops in a little time, fighting in multiple fronts, reconquering the traitors cities, razing, and killing the barcid generals of the reinforcing armies of Carthage, fighting also in iberian peninsula.
I'm talking about the Moors and Turks and various North Africans blending with them.
The Greeks did haphazard social and philosophical experiments which really fucked them up later, but it did create some really good gems.
this is bait
If pururaucas (men of stone a.k.a. golems a.k.a. secret non-Jewish Incan magic) rise from the fucking ground and beat their enemies for them them then I'd say that they WUZ SCIENTISTS N SHIET just so they don't kill me.
Existed only as punishment, and very practiced only in archaic Rome.
Not really
Ancient Germanics had writting systems, wheels, advanced metalworking,ships capable of intercontinental trade, etc
Oh shit I just remembered something. They actually WUZ scientists and shit in the form of botany. Pretty much they used their ancient botanist priests and had them research and crete new forms of crops so they can use it where it's needed.