I think something is going to happen very soon. Something beyond what we know of. Something of myth and legend...

I think something is going to happen very soon. Something beyond what we know of. Something of myth and legend. I have been swallowing every pill at a rapid rate, trying to read everything I can to benefit myself, and I feel like it is bearing down upon on. Trump is a catalyst. Does anyone else feel this way.

>Trump is a catalyst

Nah, he's gonna be the climax. The markets are gonna crash very soon and the establishment wants to start a war with China. With Trump(Pence) at the helm during these times, be prepared for an authoritarian fundamentalist christian government, leading a "holy war" against Muslims and the Chinese. Say goodbye to your civil liberties and American way of life as you know it.

How's the weather in Seattle, Cucky?

I'm not saying he is the cause of change, but his election will be the start I think
I could see something like this happen..but i forsee something unheard of happening, return of a supernatural being that created us, the revealing of something like agartha, etc. something world changing

LOL, I'm in LA so close enough. Bud.

I do, actually. I've been feeling like this for almost a week now, having dreams and nightmares about it. Trump isn't the cause or the catalyst though, if anything, he's simply slowing it down.

Trump is only beginning. We will see a great spiritual awakening in our lifetime.

Also this. For something as immense as this to happen things will need to get really bad.

>"holy war" against Muslims and the Chinese
i came

More like civil war sparked by leftist misbehaviour being met by authoritarian response while civilians get dragged in by being attacked for being Trump supporters and FUCKING WHITE MALES
If any one event could kick off the civil war, it would be a mass shooting at a Ricky Spence concert/speech.

>Trump is a catalyst
>Trump is a cat


Can't fucking wait t b h f a m

Over the last week of Trump's presidency I've felt as though we are now seeing something beautiful. For years, we as a people have been on a decline spiral funded by the mass liberal media. No longer will we be controlled by, no longer do we just have the collapse to look forward to. We will be free to spread our wings across this new world.

Trump was the better chance of slowing or making peaceful the left/right coloured/white immigrant/nativist war, but with the Left's generalised refusal to recognise the regime, there's gonna be war.

people have been feeling htis way for centuries
most of them were wrong

*trump is a fat orange fucktard


Mattis will lead the thunder warriors

>funded by the media
It's funded by the Jews, user.

The media isn't liberal its corporatist. And that includes Fox News.

This is eery. Can you give me a quick rundown?