*sips tea*
*sips tea*
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Get a job, Pedro.
Cry more bitch.
Imagine how old your are now 20? 30? 12?.
that's how old you'll nearly be before you even have a hope of getting in power agian.
How old is most of the supreme court justices?
Due you think they can hold on longer.......
Even if you reclaim power.
and they're all making america great again
the fact that you're mad about them is just icing on the cake
>it was always about the number of executive orders signed, not their content
Libtards btfo by their own stupidity.
>he'd have to MAGA as hard as he's going in his first week for 100 days just to catch up to Obama
Geez Obama must have signed a lot of executive orders
Obama writing LITERALLY unconstitutional EO's because he knew congress wouldn't pass it. Trump is using EO EXACTLY how they are supposed to be used and are not unconstitutional or in lieu of congressional approval. See the difference retard?
Turnabout is fair play.
Fuck off with your tea, that drink is so 2016.
Number of executive orders are utterly irrelevant, it's the content of them that matter.
congressional approval should be required to increase spending.
no approval should be required to cut spending.
he can sign 10,000 in the first 100 days as long as he keeps killing spending and destroying unconstitutional federal power.
>sign executive order to not prosecute millions of people illegally occupying American clay
>sign executive order to overturn previous executive order on the grounds that I can because he did
Obama was a commie. Trump is God. See the difference faggot?
Oh gee it's almost like he wants to fullfull his campaign promises as quickly as humanly possible or something, like an actual servant of the people should.
Do you really think he is going to keep up this pace of executive orders?
>orders federal agencies to stop doing shit
>See the difference retard?
He does, but he rejects it
Curious, I'm dumb lazy and about to go to sleep. Which EOs were so bad? I'm sure there's one, but fuck if I'm going to to research.
Was it the one with all the drone killings? I hear that was a thing.
Going to bed soon so I'm not gonna do it for you but he Drone Striked and american citizen. We have this constitution that kinda says you can't do that.... Also tons on obamacare. dozens were ruled unconstitutional by Supreme court
Extrapolating is fun!
I am unapologetic ally not whining about "executive overreach".
Besides, people with brains repeatedly remind everyone else (to no avail) that it's not the number of executive orders, but the content.
That's because most of his executive orders are/will be orders to reverse orders that Obammer signed.
Obama shouldnt have made the presidency super sayan mode
Dont make rules your opponents can use against you
>republicans look out for republican interests
im itchy Trump should be president for the next decade
> 1 post by the CTR shill.
Get paid yet shill, or are you working for the promise of back pay?
*sips raw sewage*
>american politics
pic one
>Be power hungry cocksucker
>Extend executive power because "Muh legacy"
>Someone else comes in and rips everything you ever built to shreds
>Pay the consequences of being a power hungry faggot by handing unlimited power to your arch nemesis because the people didn't like you or your "Legacy"
*Gulps whiskey*
What are you? 16?
Do you get your political opinions from you parents?
wait which one was the constitutional scholar?
> assuming he will just sign exec orders for the next 100 days
He gets them from your mums puss.
I hope one more dies my decade will be made then hopefully fucking Ginsberg.
Mostly undoing the prior cuck's orders. based
because it makes sense
sry it made some people cry but its time we start following the laws
Get these fucking Plebbit memes out of here faggot
>media makes a big deal of everything that trump signs
>creates the illusion he is a super productive president
>trump reelected
So this is the power of shitposting.
by the end of it you'll be thankful for that.
The one that wasn't a Kenyan
Why is he doing so many though, just out of curiosity? He has a Republican Congress and soon to be Republican SC. Seems unjustified.
Well considering that border defense and law enforcement are both the responsibility of the executive branch, of which he is the head, I'd say he's using them exactly as intended.
Donald is also John titor and trying to save a crumbling soceity
Because many areas he is addressing are covered by the executive branch.
That's because payback is a bitch you cunt.
*sips black cum**
The Democrats spent the last eight years giving the Executive Office an unprecedented level of power and authority by grossly expanding the scope of executive orders, and they almost certainly did so under the impression that Hillary Clinton would be President for the next eight years and would use these expanded powers to force through any legislation they wanted, unopposed.
The left made a boneheaded powerplay and it backfired - inadvertently giving Trump the tools he needed to undo decades of work by globalist politicians in a matter of days.
Don't get pissed off at Trump for taking full advantage of the mistakes you guys made.
>drinking bagged tea
>Doing far more shit then liberals will ever do.
Cry more marxist pussy.
Hey OP, guess who just learned the Iron Rule of Politics? What's good for me now is good for you later, what's good for you know is good for me later.
Go ahead OP, raise your hand.
In real life the learning never ends.
>1 post by this ID
at least people learn things in these threads.
Executive orders are not executive overreach any more than passing laws is "congressional overreach".
Stupid libtard is stupid.
>on track
When it DOES then you have something. Until then you have no idea where it stops and this is low energy conjecture as an attempt to shill.
Have some pride in your work, loser.
>constitutional scholar
I love this meme.
This. The West has shitntaste in teas. It's either Briish tea powder or disgusting southern sweet tea.
I can't find a single person who was okay with Obammer's executive orders who isn't bitching about it. So... Sip your fucking tea I guess.
Because he is following the law not circumventing it
quality vs quantity
our frog is stronger
Realpolitik my friend
If it works I don't care
>Been active in office for three days
>Libtards already complaining
Gonna be a long 8 years for you guys.
>southern sweet tea
Southern sweet tea is great if it's not over-sweet.
I don't recall anyone bitching about Obama's number of EO's. Just that the EO's he was signing were either bullshit or entirely worthless and was just doing it for brownie points.
>that order he signed about background checks on firearm purchases and stores needing an FFL to sell firearms
>people praising him for finally standing up to the NRA and shit
>everyone's collective faces when that's literally how firearm purchases have always been handled and it changed literally nothing
It is always filled with 889 grams or more of sugar per oz. Its only passable if you make it yourself.
I prefer no flavor in tea though personally.
>Uses Kermit as his meme
Nice try shillary
>Its only passable if you make it yourself
Well I assumed that's what you meant.
Not if you count presidential findings, presidential memoranda etc.
Do any of his EO's violate or sercomvent the Constitution? Because if the answer ends up being no then that would be why.
under rated
Ben Shapiro literally does this every day.
>how old is most of the supreme court justices
how old are you? doubt your even old enough considering how mature you sound
Obama was a Manchurian president, working against the will of the people after his 24 month honeymoon. Without congress he could no longer forward his misguided Marxist agenda.
So, unprecedented executive overreach with the backing of only the fawning progressive media and a burgeoning class of snowflakes, nig nogs, and his imported immigrant underclass.
It worked.
But now his BS is done and the rule of law returns. Just listen to the Home Land Security address today. No need to pass new laws, just enforce the laws that have been on the books since before the Obama travesty.
>8 years
You reap what you sow.
the majority of Trump's executive actions repeal Obama's executive actions.
Thanks Obama
Also Trump is mainly using them to undo a lot of what Obama did.
Obama used them to get his way, with or without congress.
He doesn't know the Kermit drinking tea meme is from 2015
This motherfucker better stop writing those executive orders! This is some shit! Obama only wrote over 250 of them to push the lib agenda down everyone's throat! Trump needs to stop writing them or else he will fuck up everything Obama did! Fuck Drumpf! Fucking racist sexist pig orange asshole!
I am worried about Trump abusing executive powers, but the need for liberals to be punished for abusing it in the first place is more pressing.
Most people (outside of Sup Forums) who voted for Trump don't even like him, they just hate liberal white guilt wusses and want to see some payback.
Shit bait but I'll address it anyway.
It's not even a week into the biggest shift in political policy since Reagan. A large number of executive orders is expected right off the bat. Extrapolating that rate over a long period is retarded. Even then, the orders are mostly well within his powers over executive departments, and nothing that wouldn't be passed by a Republican House and Senate anyway.
Trump does everything bigger and better.
I'd explain further, but you aren't quite the deep end of the kiddy pool.
On my Facebook feed, I see so many attempts to make conservatives seem hypocritical, but every one of them are shallow strawmen. The weak display and lame memes are almost as laughable as their after election tears.
Liberals cannot into diminishing returns; that's one of the reasons they suck at spending and econ