so can we all agree this meme is dead now?
So can we all agree this meme is dead now?
Why do you feel threatened by people who are different from you?
tanned American detected
because there are millions and millions of them and it means the death of my people and culture, and anything that is similar to my people or culture in the long run. in the short run it means taking political power away from my people which is directly against my interests.
Bitch I'm white as the driven snow. I was born and raised in montana where 94% of people are white.
Because it's a natural human instinct?
Because we are a minority. We do not need to be giving our blood and treasure to the majority.
Based Taylor says so.
>white person who barely knows any non-whites is bluepilled as fuck
You are part of the problem.
I could deal with caucasion nationalism but browns need to leave town.
You're fucking British. I don't give a shit about you, and I also know that white people are still a majority in Britain. Not only that they are a HUGE majority in the top 10% of wealthy individuals.
You will enjoy many decades of power before the scary brown people outnumber you.
You do not understand. I do not feel threatened by minorities like you. I feel disgust towards you. Most of your kind are scum - utter human trash incapable of putting together a decent nation - which is why the nations of your origins are all garbage countries as well.
The United States is a great country because my forefathers were hard working and cared about the well being of those around them. Your shitty country is shit because your forefathers were shit.
My forefathers worked their asses off to ensure that the nation I was born into and the people and culture I would be continuing would be one that would give me a shot at a good life.
Now subhumans like you pollute my nation with your weak work ethic, your utter disregard for those around you, and your absolute emphasis on material goods. This pollution disgusts me because it directly contributes to the ubiquitous social decadence and moral decay.
I do not feel threatened by you. I consider you so far below me that I do everything in my power to get rid of you. You are nothing more than a parasite. What's worse is that you genuinely don't recognize why you are a parasite.
shut the fuck up retard your post is low iq
I've lived in the blackest part of Brooklyn for two years now. Come at me racists.
because they are taking over the country
move into a non white area to get a preview of the future of america
>I've been away at university for two years now
Fuck off kid.
Because natural selection favors people and cultures that are tribal.
Trump is the last shot at civic nationalism and multicultural americanism.
It's fucking hilarious because you're talking to a white dude from montana and projecting all your insecurities. I fucking love it keep it coming.
You've got to see the bigger picture.
LOL that's actually true. I graduated from a university with a knowledge of python, Java, css, and Javascript. I'm drunk so I'm forgetting one other programming language. But you're right. I've been out of school for 2 years.
Yeah, no shit.
You talk like a naive fuckstain.
>I'm forgetting one other programming language
thanks for the bait, now get
There should never come a time when brown people outnumber whites in European nations.
When we're killed in their nations they say we deserved it. When we're killed in our own nations they say we deserved it. When one of them is killed anywhere they scream bloody murder and say how racist we are and that we need to be exterminated.
They even ignore the fact that when we invaded Africa we brought along invention and agriculture which caused their numbers to skyrocket. Now as they're invading Europe and America (BUT WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO STOP THEM IN THEIR TRACKS IF WE WANTED TO) they bring nothing but crime, terror, and genocide.
Don't be naive. They spread fast once they've taken hold of areas. They will also try to create legislature that will destroy your life so their fellow mudbuddies can eliminate you easier.
My university was almost all black and non-white. It felt like I was having a private class with the professor at times with the amount of participation L'quanda and Jahron contributed. In the restrooms they would take drugs and you could smell them smoking in the stalls.
College gave me a good real life experience. Worst two years of my life. But I'm glad I would commute instead of live there.
>My forefathers
t. Fag with Eurotrash peasant grandparents who immigrated from a euro shithole around ww2
Civic nationalism is fine as long as there is a caste system. Prove me wrong.
well said
It never was alive to begin with.
Multi-ethnic nationalism is what the United States tried. And look where it got us.
Was working fine until abolition.
>using "racist" as an insult
I'm actually concerned about these ethno-nationalist faggots. So far as I can tell, they're actually hardcore leftists as they seem to try and completely derail anti-globalism and 'my country first' policy by forcing wholly unsupportable positions into nationalist movements. These faggots seemed more determined than most to keep the EU and sprawling supranational bureaucracies alive.
america was whites only during that time lad
"College gave me a good real life experience."
I agree it's a very interesting period where you learn about yoursel...
"Worst two years of my life."
...well you clearly either didn't finish college or are too stupid to know that a bachelor's degree requires 4 years of study.
I think it's an experiment suited to the colonies, Europe needs to become white again.
>I'm from the state with the lowest black population
worked great for pooinlooland
lurk more rebbit
try asking a leaf
Jared Taylor > Jesus Christ >>>>> everyone else
Ethnic nationalism is idiotic though. I'm supposed to be fine with westernised non-whites who integrate and contribute getting kicked out because hurr durr muh ethnostate and then welcome in the white ISIS supporters? Not to mention the legions of cucks who seek nothing but the destruction of whites, they don't get kicked out, because they're pale, and as we all know, a propensity towards sunburn is all you need to create a functioning society.
Civic nationalism is the easiest way to red pill normies without them automatically assuming you are Hitler. Once they are comfortable with the concept most will red pill themselves.
It was never a thing in the frist place, nation is by blood, and anybody(except leftists obviously) will chose to side with his own blood rather than with strangers
go back to /reddit/ nigger >>/out/
The only reason for an ethno-nationalist to be against civic nationalism is if they don't believe that culture is a result of race.
Having assimilation be a requirement to immigrate means that mostly white people will be immigrating to white nations. You let in a few non-whites, but they're the absolute best of their countries, and the trade off is you have a policy that you can actually sell to the rest of the country.
What's the issue with civic nationalism that maintains actual borders and some cultural patriotism? I know that open border policies are national suicide, but I don't care what my neighbor's ancestry is as long as he doesn't harm anyone.
which country is this?
I don't see our fag in chief
Anyone who is in favour of civic nationalism is a non-white
prove me wrong
Why? You don't believe me? I've lived in bozeman for 19 years and then Queens and Brooklyn.
>crime and terror
Crime and terrorism have gone up with the rise of the migrant crisis. I don't know how that isn't widely acknowledged.
Not quite true, by UN definitions at least.
You forget that ethno-nationalists try to conflate the two (more so, overtake civic nationalism) and make both as supportable as the BNP. It's controlled opposition desu.
IIRC the black population was a higher percentage of the population back then.
It was still almost 90% European for the majority of it's history
they couldnt vote though and were not considered citizens
They were't considered people, they were property. Oh Häns the good old day.
until the 3/5ths compromise where black people counted as 3/5th of a vote.
so you be sayin niggers were arround tree fiddy?
>tfw no qt colonies to rule over
those men dont look like theyd die or kill for a slice a bread wtf are you on about brit? Are you implying that nationalism only exist in color form?
means people belongin to a nation. you seem to be in need of a swift neckin' OP
>posts picture of people who aren't civic nationalists
>believes everyone of a different race should just LEAVE regardless of ideologies, business they bring
this is why you're retarded op
>implying civic nationalism can't work
Biological urge of the survival of my genes.
You are a hateful degenerate cunt that is superior to nothing :)
All white Europeans, wow!
That's not what civic nationalism is.
They weren't counted as any vote since blacks in most of the country didn't have suffrage. The Dred Scott case of 1857 held that Americans of African ancestry weren't citizens according to the constitution. The 3/5 rule of 1787 meant that slaves accounted for 3/5 of a person in the census. This was important for determining Congressional representation by state.
pretty much this
get fucked civic nationalists and your normie race issue avoidance outlook
>he went to college instead of earning 100k starting outta highschool
none of those are civic nationalists, they are all liberal democrats
fuck off "le hitler dindu nuthin" scum
those countries have majority white but the non-whites supported trump too.
I think it's completely garbage tier to kick out red pilled non-whites, there legally. it's a fucking infringement of your Constitution.
>you can't be a race realist AND a civic nationalist
you can if you use your brain really really hard.
seriously I fucking hate the election for bringing in so many retarded stormfags.
Civic nationalism is a jew invention to subvert what should be ethnic nationalists
>everything I don't like is a Jew invention
coping mechanisms for the emotionally illiterate.
explain rationally why you can't have civic nationalism.
That's the whole point of caste systems.
Rome. Politicians get greedy and lower the standards of citizenship meaning citizens are not loyal to the government and so when the money runs out people don't stick to being Roman, they remain loyal to their old ethnicity, beliefs and nations.
granting citizenship to anyone for money =/= civic nationalism.
the thing with history is you can learn from mistakes. don't allow people who don't assimilate to benefit from your country at all. it's pretty simple.
if politicians fuck the people over, fuck over the politicians. just like America did with trump blowing the fuck out of the establishment.
>granting citizenship to anyone for money =/= civic nationalism.
That's the inevitable decline of civic nationalism. Politicians realise they can get more money by increasing the tax base by allowing easier citizenship.
Political greed never goes away.
>That's the inevitable decline of civic nationalism. Politicians realise they can get more money by increasing the tax base by allowing easier citizenship
>politicians cannot be changed or removed when discovered to be corrupt
okay Australia.
American Civic Nationalism > White Ethnic Nationalism because whites naturally give their nations to jews and genocide themselves through cuckoldry
Japanese are arguably the master race and the emperor proves it
Civic nationalism is fine. One culture. OPs picture is multiple cultures, many of which hate each other. Nationalism of any kind CANNOT work with competitive identities.
>civic nationalism
>mayor is a fucking haji trying to undermine the people of his "country
That isn't civic nationalism m8, if he was a civic nationalist he'd be against unchecked immigration, sharia law, and people or legal immigrants who don't assimilate to the country's culture and values.
Or is that not civic nationalism?
Civic Nationalism is FORCED assimilation
>>politicians cannot be changed or removed when discovered to be corrupt
So how about that America.