Why does it seem like everyone has some form of anxiety or depression these days?
Why does it seem like everyone has some form of anxiety or depression these days?
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We're not meant to handle such a complex and abstract society.
Because postmodernism.
you cant have an opinion publicly without having a history of adversity or oppression and anxiety/depression are easy to fake
Modern life is unsatisfactory because it focuses on instant gratification and distraction while cutting out human connections to society and nature
This. Also leftists.
I'm actually fine! : ) ....... : (
>technological advance, particularly television & social media
>bad parenting
everything constantly makes us feel inadequate and it effectively makes babies out of us
Basically everything about our society is unnatural
Nailed it.
>high-sugar, low-nutrient diet
>nihilist media (movies videogames and tv shows feature gratuitous gore, torture, sexual violence, etc with no positive values or messages)
>social media makes you feel like you're living an inadequate life
>constantly bombarded by advertisements trying to sell them happiness in a bottle
>general zeitgeist of mistrust, paranoia, cynicism, and irony
>no actual culture left (any sort of pride is stamped out) = no identity
>art is no longer about beauty
Gee, I wonder why
>have problem
>think it's normal and just overcome it
>libcucks come along
>give everything a distinct name
>tell you it's okay to have it and that everyone is there for you
>retards drown in the attention and capitalize on depression/anxiety rather than coping with it
gee I wonder
how do you know it wasnt always this way??
It's nearly impossible to find a job that pays above $18/h($12/h USD)
the greatest generation fought through the bloodiest war in world history and came back and built the best society ever achieved by mankind
now we cry because someone called Bruce Jenner a 'he'
Thanks to modern technology, humans (in 1st world countries) no longer spend every second of their life trying to survive and reproduce. This gives us time to be introspective and eventually leads to us pondering our own existence.
The problem is that people realize existence is pretty fucking shitty. Most people distract themselves from this with drugs/TV/work/vidya etc., some people can't distract themselves and become depressed.
Because we live in a mentally ill society where people can't even come to agreement on the most basic of concepts.
Because it's cheaper to give someone pills than to find out what's really wrong with them.
We have been pondering our existance for a long time and depression has also been around for a long time
the problem is we are treating depression as a disease rather than a state of mind that can be directly affected by your physiology rather than psychology
people eat shitty, don't exercise, don't go outside, stare at a bright screen all day and jack off to porn, conquer the world in a video game, or have hundreds of friends on social media
almost everything that gives us pleasure today is synthetic
I'm hoping the 2020's see a reverse back to authentic living again but I doubt it
What about people who have genuine serotonin/dopamine deficiencies, or those who develop neurotransmitter problems through modern psychiatry/medication?
It doesn't "seem" like it, it is. 1 of 4 American women is on a mental health prescription medication. Women are 40% more likely than men to have a serious mental illness each year.
genuine disorders like that are few and far between
now anyone who gets sad that eating donuts makes them fat has ''depression''
There is a great malaise, a large knowledge of purposeless nihilism inherent in the system. We can't even make up good struggles.
Faggotry is encouraged
Homosexual marriage legal
Transgender rights
Cuckoldry fetish
Nigger president for 8 years
Lucky it's just anxiety and depression
I don't know man I think people with fucked up neurotransmitter and hormone levels are more common than you think, you're right in that tumblr special snowflake types make them look bad.
Blah blah blah blah.
Media control of everything we see, hear, and feel.
Our unelected Inner Party needs anyone who cannot be driven around by panic, to be too depressed to try to fight back.
All people have to do is eat lots of meat and vegetables, get regular exercise, and shut the fucking TV off for six months. If they are still depressed then they have a legitimate problem because most "mentally ill" people just have garbage habits and fail to take care of themselves.
I really think the internet and access to information has a lot to do with it. Like, think back to pre 9/11, pre internet, pre "always connected" culture. As long as you didn't directly grow up in a bad area/shitty situation, the future seemed bright. NASA was constantly making great leaps, so was technology in general. Sure, there were recessions but overall the economy was steadily growing and there were opportunities for people all across the career spectrum from retail workers to stock brokers. Now, consider that all retail jobs are minimum wage and part time, and have not kept pace with inflation. And it's a lot harder to be a high-energy guy trying to make it big on wall street because sales/trading at banks is in structural decline, everyone has a million years of experience already applying for internships, and salaries aren't as good as they were pre 2008. Basically, everything has just gotten shittier and the internet has allowed everyone to see it happen from all angles, causing more people to just get depressed and 'give up'
people with weak genes are breeding too much
Infantilisation of the younger generation via social media/MSM.
women are depressed because they are working stressful jobs they dont actually want when they'd be happier raising a family, and their own biology is signaling to them they are missing something in being childless. women also are designed to pair bond but jumping from one night stand to one night stand leaves them more and more incapable of finding happiness. finally, semen in the vaginal tract triggers all sorts of happy chemicals in the female brain, condom usage and pulling out is a happiness cock-block for women.
men are depressed because these women aren't available to them, chad is fucking the same dozen girls leaving the other 11 guys with dry dick sadness syndrome.
ironically, the feminist movement has returned us to a harem culture where the only person who is making out like a bandit is the bandit king, everyone else is miserable.
Take the Iron Pill and it all gets better
Lack of faith in god desu
because they live in the city or their moms basement.
Because we're glorified domestic pets in an open air cage. Why do you think cats and dogs get fucking depressed and fat and have to go on diets and take SSRIs. Oh sure they're literally castrated, but the modern human isn't far off. We lead lives totally disconnected from ourselves. There are no sane urbanites. It's a bunch of Tropicana plastic palm tree hyper-reality bullshit.
In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.
The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."
>Breeding never resumed
No physical exercise.
Indoors too much.
Unhealthy food.
Working too much instead of raising strong family.
Focus on media and possessions instead of reading and conversation.
this, also
>HR jews are stopping us from getting decent jobs
Abstract foot fetish thread?
can be counteracted with exercise, after a few weeks the antidepressant effects are stronger than SSRIs but without the side effects. wish I could remember the paper I read this in so I could show you
Everything wrong with city life. Moving away and never looking back. Nature makes a huge difference.
Only weaklings have anxiety or depression.
Grow a pair. Man up.
Who is the bandit king?
Nah more like a lack of faith in humanity
Define sane urbanite
>have legit and deep ingraned problems or sadness from not being able to move on
>just man up d00d
6.9/10 b8 faggot
People walk around all day separated from each other completely and believing that they're the main character of the whole world's story and everyone else is an extra.
>Drive car, look at others on the road, the only emotion you can feel is hate
>catch eyes with someone, immediately look away
>people who talk to strangers are fucking weirdos
>Work 8 hours a day in isolation
The world we've engineered for ourselves has been built not just to accommodate, but encourage a lifestyle of complete isolation from other human beings, while providing stimulus in the form of fantasies where you're basically god.
The true redpill is talking to people. Not at people. It's easy to live in complete isolation and live in spite of other people, spending all day staring at a screen and fooling yourself in fantasy for an hour at a time that you can fight villains and fuck supermodels. Inaction is the only action required for that, but the easy route is never rewarding.
At the end of this life is vast nothingness and blissful oblivion, so go fucking talk to people.
Ask people how they're doing at stoplights.
Wave at strangers.
Ask people you've never met deeply personal questions.
Why are we depressed? No one talks to anyone anymore.
The only way to separate people from their delusions is to force them into real meaningful human interaction. Being alone will disconnect anyone from reality.
>Drive car, look at others on the road, the only emotion you can feel is hate
I always am accommodating on the road to others, wave, thank them with signals if they let me in, flash lights on&off to let someone know it's okay to merge, etc.
>catch eyes with someone, immediately look away
People do this? I always smile and nod.
>people who talk to strangers are fucking weirdos
>Work 8 hours a day in isolation
Whatx2 - what is an office?
I feel upset.
>I always am accommodating on the road to others
you are an anomaly, friendo. godspeed
also the greentext is what the general populace believes, not necessarily assertions about reality
There's some truth to this but even when I was on the swim team and exercised like a madman I was still hopelessly depressed. Physiology is definitely a part of it and exercise helps with depression, but it's not the only factor.