Why doesn't Drumpf fix the water contamination issue in Flint?

Why doesn't Drumpf fix the water contamination issue in Flint?

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Why didn't Obongo?

Because he's only interested in political pandering and making money for himself and his pals.




because the people who live there arent worth it

Just put kool-aid in it and it's good to go

The real answer is replacing an entire city's leaded pipe system is a huge undertaking that requires many years to fully address.

Because it's not a federal issue.
Michigan is run by Democrats.

No seriously though, if he at least mentions it, it would a) make him look like a good guy and b) piss of the media even more. Literally a win-win situation.

Because he was only interested in political pandering and making money for himself and his pals


What Trump shill site is visiting us today?


I cannot wait till the people employed by david brock are imprisoned.

Why did Detroit cut Flint's water access off while they were still developing their water delivery system for the city?

obama wanted to rediversify the area.

Oh, and which administration was that under?

In Flint we have a saying.

If its brown drink it down. If its black, send it back.

trump will have it up and running within 6 months

It's fixed. Like 2 days ago. They're still working on some pipes in the area, so filtration is still recommended, but lead levels are now at acceptable levels.

I never buy water i have my own spring with fresh clear mountain water.

You mad americucks? You have the biggest country with so many freshwater sources and still you can't even provide clean water to your general population, and if you do you poison it.

Filthy jews.

People will believe this.

Flint fag here
Its not that big of an issue

Why don't Flint faggots fix it themselves? They fucked it up in the first place.

Besides they didn't vote for him, so no gibs me dat.

mountain water can have contaminants


How about a source on those alternative facts?

The good Mexicans get to stay and fix our pipes.

It's not only Flint.

Lead pipes are ubiquitous through the US



Why doesn't Flint fix it themselves? Are they to fucking lazy? Is flint full of welfare lazy ass potatoes or something?


>The drinking water in Flint, Mich., is now in compliance with federal regulations on lead and copper content, officials said on Tuesday.
>“We are not out of the woods yet,” Mayor Karen Weaver said in a statement. She called the results of water tests “encouraging” but said residents should continue to drink bottled water or use filters.
There you go guys.

What was the cause of the contamination in the first place and why hasn't it been fixed?

Flint did it themselves to save $$$


But not here, it gets tested once a month.

City cucks have worse water, contaminated with aluminum, they clean the water from germs with aluminum, kek. maybe that's why they are so retarded.

Building a thousand mile wall is no different.

I really hope he does. Liberals will shut up for years if he does this. Do it under budget and ahead of schedule.

Didn't trump won in michigan?

Tbh, I disagree with most everything Trump does except building a wall. Not that I think it was prevent immigration via flying in on visa, but that when our climate goes to shit it will keep out whores of refugees looking for food.

So... What happened to fixing our infrastructure. What happened to under budget and ahead of schedule?

I believe he said he would during the campaign. It would be a good move.

nah, I know some good white men who can do that for a reasonable wage

the good illegals get to experience equality under the law and get sent back just like the rest

>German Rivers.

>Why don't Flint faggots fix it themselves? They fucked it up in the first place.
True. But user you have to realize the entire flint government is niggers. They can't maintain anything on their own.

Only 2916 days left in his presidency, we better get to work

>hopefully by the end of the year
Replacing those pipes are taking too long, is this Trump's America? Low energy.


From the article, it says it will be a year before the water is safe to drink due to pipes needing replacement, but its good the water itself originates with acceptable standards, thanks for the source Sup Forumsock

>still not safe to drink

Alternative meanings to go with alternative facts

The Flint water plant was operated by 100% black employees.

They have had black manage, and black city councils for thirty years.

It is a black problem

>bitching about trump not fixing it when it was in Obamas courts for like 3 years


retard obama is a zio globalist
isnt trump supposed to be better than obama? i thought trump wasnt another kike?

Why did Democrats poison their city in the first place?

The decisions are not made by the employees. The decisions leading up to this incident with a public water utility were made by the Republican administration at the time.

Well, I believe in my original post I did state
>They're still working on some pipes in the area, so filtration is still recommended
Not trying to be a dick, just pointing that out. And you're welcome.

t. guy who lives 10 minutes away from Flint.

I'm surprised he isn't yet. Real estate and infrastructure is what he loves doing.

why doesn't flint fix it themselves?

>keep using filters
I know a guy who can help

Why do most Germans like sparkling water / carbonated water?

Not for cities with majority blacks. They've been offered help and they don't want it.

>water good
>pipes are bad

I see you're engaging in Alternative Reading.

Why didn't Obama fix it during his final two years in office? Why haven't the democrat leadership of Flint fixed the issue? Even better, why did the democratic leaders of Flint do this stupid shit in the first fucking place?

Trump stopped the money from going to Palestine

You're a retard. Probably 90% of the water supplied in any area that's more than 50 years old uses lead pipes. Houses that were built as new as the 70s are painted with lead paint. The only reason more attention is being paid to Flint right now is because of the shitstorm. Whatever, I filter all my water anyhow. It's not hard. I'm not saying it's right that the American government felt like it was OK to put lead in a lot of different things was a good thing, it wasn't. But there's nothing we can do about it now aside from abatement. And that's being done.

>be black
>drink lead

I don't particularly care for gooks/chinks/wops in general, but goddamn do I respect them

Also, I thought wop was a derogatory for Japs
Turns out it was made for pasta niggers

why didnt 8 years of obama?

Why in the fuck would anyone, black or white, maintain lead plumbing?

Funny you should mention that.


Are black people really stupid enough to drink that shit?

Explain how good water delivered through bad pipes is still good?

>Why didn't Obongo?

another failure of the environmentally conscious (except when their feet are held to the fire) democrats

Could be smarter to invest that money into renewable.

So I point out how the article says it's not fixed be because the water is not safe to drink and that's retarded? Sounds like someone's been drinking flint water.

Who cares if niggers have drinking water.

Too bad Whites in MI are probably paying a fuck ton for that water.

No one is dumb enough to drink it. The blacks just love raising a stink, and playing victim. Sure, the water was fucked up, but the city handed out filters, and fixed the issue as quickly as they could. And now the blacks are still crying because they want more dats. They're not OK with just getting some filters, and new pipes. They want millions. The city is a shithole, and unsafe as fuck, blacks there get a lot more lead walking down the street than they do drinking the water.


>Crime index of 5. 100 is safest.

By not dissolving the pipes, so the pipes never become part of the water.

I am willing to bet that happened multiple times

No it was made by the city to cut down on money because they got their water through detroit. They then the city council without properly doing all the safety checks used the old city pipes thus leading to what we have today.

he's already mentioned it throughout the campaign,

the problem is that reality probably smacked him over the fucking head when someone sat him down and explained that its a blackhole project that will never see any return because only niggers and poor whites live there now and no one wants to rebuild that place.

its a crime ridden shithole. There is no upside to dropping 250 million dollars on this project when their own state has done nothing to even address it.

with that said, if he can re-appropriate the 200+ million that was going to Palestine, then he might be able to use it for Flynt. But that is going to entirely depend on if Michigan is willing to go in half on it, which is his bare minimum requirement. So either they get Micheal Moore's fat ass to chip in or the State comes up with the money.

But that is happening, so again, how is this fixed if it's still not safe and won't be for at least a year? How can good water traveling through bad pipes be good

>hasn't been president for a single week

It's too bad you can't rely on saltwater to keep you hydrated because you fags could supply the entirety of California for the whole eight years you're going to be bitching.

Because he rather be edgy and waste money on a fucking wall that won't do shit.

>t. illegal

Niggers dying from lead poisoning is a good thing.

Flint's problem is it's contaminated with niggers.

Cyanide levels have been adjusted accordingly.... good to go.

Why don't they just buy Infowars water filters?

Why not the Mayor? Why not the Governor? Why not the Senator?

OP has less chromosomes than a normal human being.