The weakening of the Alt-Right

> The weakening of the 'alt-right': how infighting and doxxing are taking a toll

> As the far right movement has emerged from obscurity, it has also become a target, facing what Richard Spencer calls ‘a literal and figurative punch in the face’

Link :

Check out the comment section. Funny how the tolerant left legitimizes violence when it affects people that don't agree with them.

> as an old English socialist and cultural liberal who is probably way to the woolly left from most of you and actually has a medal for services to free speech -- yes, it is always correct to punch Nazis.

1. Everyone that disagrees with me is a Nazi
2. Nothing wrong with assaulting Nazis

I'm not sure they've thought this one through. 2 words : Castle Doctrine.

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I would be alt right but I'm not alt white

It was destined to happen. The Alt Right was a loosely United collision that immediately splintered after Trump's victory I called this Month's ago before Spencer's Hail Trump victory speech



- Said nervous man for the 16th time since Hillary spoke about the alt-right

who fuck cares about the alt-Right. It is. Just a bunch of edgy teens who think they are smart with their "muh red-pill" culture. A bunch of useless, directionless faggots who want to ruin the world. Fuck all of you I hope you all rot in a shit stained brazillian holding cell.


alt right = anyone that uses Sup Forums memes. it's not weakening so long as there are parts of the internet with freedom of speech.

The alt right doesnt even exist its just a term some libtards saw somewhere and made up that its a movement.
I cringed when on a mainstream forum some little cuck called me an alt right for no reason except stating Trump won.

Welp it's over, the alt-right is done. I guess I will become a leftist now.

its not all bad news

the Alt Lite has been signalling pretty hard that they're on the same page as Richard about the scatslave ANTIFA assault - PJW, Stefbot, others

at the end of the day Richard is certainly right about one thing - the way things are going necessitates the increasing prominence of the Alt Right's ideas. Richard Spencer isn't famous now because he's a particularly good public speaker of intelligent person (both debatable), its because white identity politics are inevitable when you have muzzo migrants committing mass shootings, feminists saying ALLAH AKHBAR, big democrat politicians that "white people need to shut up" etc etc etc

don't worry about a bit of turbulence

We haven't been splintered, we've just been celebrating our victory, and laying low. They are falling right into our plan, they are showing themselves for what they are so we look all the better in the process.

They faked stories of trump supporters committing hate crimes, then most got proven false. Now they go around trying to start riots and attacking trump supporters. Give them time and they'll hit a point where we can point at them and say "stop this degeneracy". And Sup Forums comes out looking like the good guy.

The Alt-Right just needs to cease the infighting between "civic nationalists" and the more "gas the kikes race war now" elements.

The basque terrorist group ETA had a name for this BIETAN JARRAI (the two together), which refered to the secret union of the armed and political "civic" group, pushing from two different fronts.

In this case the civic nationalists need the more extreme alt-right individuals to push the overtone window and in return they need the civic nationalists to get actual shit done, like pic related.

Nothing is happening. The media is trying to create division and discontent by talking like it exists.

It doesn't matter. They mocked us. Now they're on to fighting us. Spencer might have come off as a weak leader here but there were still plenty of strong ones, and plenty of successes.

It seems my support for the Alt-right has been greatly diminished by this news I have recieived. My thoughts and ideas in the future will now reflect what I have seen. Thank you for giving me this information and I want more, thank you.

wtf, I love white genocide now?!?

>I'm not sure they've thought this one through
They are leftists they do not think at all.

Try again shill

He's is unimportant idiot who gave many different ideologies with very less sinilarities a face to make it easier for lefties to discredit the whole movement

Literally cancer

A long read but very much worth it.

This shit wasn't even a movement anyway, you're all retarded.

>calling a white nationalist storm front knock off based around memes and calling people cuck on internet forums is a movement

Grow up

They're doing it to themselves. They attack pol as "nu-pol" and refer to civic nationalist as cucks and jews . They hate Milo, Lauren and Cernovitch but when 8pol fucked Mike Enoch and TRS with no lube they demanded that people stop "punching to the right" and "purity spiralling". Fuck those toxic cunts.

how'd you get my photo?

Damn son, spot on.

I'm kinda done with the alt right. Too small, never going to actually change anything, very easy to destroy if enough people put enough effort in. Alt lite is where it's at. You can still be pretty racist and there will be lots of right-wing minorities who support you, as long as you don't actually *say* that you're racist. The alt lite has the numbers and the public goodwill to resist Antifa and the leftist onslaught, the alt right doesn't.

I'm kinda cucking out after the Spencer assault, but, whatever. Spineless opportunism is a perfectly valid survival strategy.

The alt right was never a real movement. The only people that took it serious were attention seeking fags like Milo, Richard Spencer or that cuck from prison planet trying to milk the limelight of associating themselves with a niche movement which was all just ironic shitposting. The people that still believe unironically that it's a real movement forget that whole point of the movement was to take back pepe from the normies.


why are you cucking over the Spencer assault? The Alt Lite is moving back closer to the alt right again after the assault, you're going in the wrong direction

Once members of the alt-right realize the obvious fact that Spencer is a closet homosexual, they will all kill themselves in despair.

I'll just oscillate uncomfortably in the middle here until the two sides meet, I guess. Safety in numbers.

You're kind of a retard because places like TRS existed way before Pepe became famous, but ok.

>calling a bunch of pot smoking sissies a movmeant
>calling a bunch of hungry peasants a movmeant
>calling a bunch of uppity niggers a movmeant

Newfags itt

Ironically, Spencer isn't even that out there but he couldn't resist becoming the punchable face leftists love to hate.

It's no problem, they'll just expose themselves as being petty bullies for everyone to see and other people will keep doing good work like nothing happened.

Spencer gets memed on here but its totally different from Milo who was a faggot libertarian Jew.

Spencer is more like, yeah if he tries great, but he shouldnt expect to be our leader wtihout earning it.

Just saying, Spencer is clearly gay. It's funny that you can't tell.

>implying they're movements either and that you're not just as cringy

>Calling someone a retard for not caring enough to know the history of neo nazism

You should rethink your entire life

lmao we are stronger than ever

There is no such thing as "the alt right"
MSM are trying to meme this and people are buying it.
There are stormfags, always has been, then there are people who hate liberals. It's not some gay fucking movement, it's just normal people noticing that the left is "progressing" into a steaming pile of dogshit

idk, nothing else in this whole saga has black pilled me as much as the reaction to that event. Basically 100% of people were saying "yeah, this is totally great, you should absolutely assault and kill fascists", with a few libertarian dissenters saying "yeah, he's a disgusting piece of shit, but I GUESS we have to let him speak..." You can't win hearts and minds with that kind of resistance.

I hope you turn out to be right though.

This is a Trump Republican board not a stormfront board fuck off

If you're going to make claims about the history of neo-Nazism then you should at least know something about it.

Why would you give a shit about a hack like that to question his sexuality? The more you give him an audience the more he'll feed off of it and remain relevant. Let him fade into obscurity cause that's what going to happen either way.

I really don't know what these kikes are talking about. The loose coalition of ideologies known as the "Alt-Right" is enjoying it's golden age, with no clear end in sight. I hope Spencer keeps making public appearances and spreading his message just to trigger these faggots.

this just proves you shouldn't show your power level in public.

Literally nothing is lost or divided. Spencer boy got sucker punched and that's a bad look, but that's literally it. Don't listen to fake news.

Greg Johnson was interviewed on Red Ice Radio and made some pretty good observations.

The doxxing sucks but despite the drama, things are move forward. More and more normies are latching on, reading blogs, listening to podcasts or attending events.

The alt right is not real.

Don't get it twisted, I'm making claims that the alt right movement was never a serious movement to begin with. It was an oppurtunity to unironically take back Pepe from the normies to make it a meme exclusive to chan shitposters. The ones perpetuating that the alt right is a real movement are literal cancer, since it was never a real movement to begin with. Alt righters are neo nazis that deserve all the scorn and villification for not knowing why it started in the first place. To get back pepe. Seriously. This entire farce of a movement was never about race but to stigmatize a fucking a meme about a crudely drawn frog.

Why isn't Spencer assembling some kind of security force? or at least getting a couple of big guys to hang out with him? Half the internet is waiting for him to get seriously hurt and he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously, maybe he thinks it will be good PR somehow.

Only the most opinionated college communists and liberal fags are gloating over Antifa wrecking shit and sucker punching people.

I'm pretty sure every normies watching this thinks this crap needs to stop and hopes Trump will put his foot up their ass to bring back some order.

idk, maybe Antifa is right and the alt right is nothing but pussies?

>I hope Spencer keeps making public appearances and spreading his message just to trigger these faggots.

Getting sucker punched and harassed everywhere he goes is the best thing he has done for the right. I hope he never stops.

here's a preview of why the alt-right is still going to be around, with a mini summary of relevant stuff that has happened recenlty.

>Lefties and Cucks demanded that Alt-Right be "purged from the conservative movement" all throughout the Trump campaign, didn't happen
>Left/Cucks now realizing that a purge in the mould of Buckley wiping out the John Birch Society isn't possible in the internet age - they can't do anything to get rid of the new far-right short of Chinese style internet censorship or physical intimidation
>Left becomes increasingly hysterical, frustrated and belligerent, believes everyone to the right of hillary clinton is "literally Hitler" including all prominent trump supporters
>Leftists engage in open violence throughout campaign, MSM sweeps it under the rug but growing numbers of normie conservatives get redpilled about it through infowars, alt lite, even fox news
>Lefty violence culminates in Richard getting punched on inauguration day - someone gets shot soon after at a Milo event and media barely takes notice, but the Richard story was YUGE (this really can't be overstated - Richard Spencer getting punched in the head WHILE TALKING ABOUT PEPE was one of the top news stories ON THE DAY OF THE PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION... jesus christ)
> Broadly speaking, the Left celebrates the spencer hit - its against LITERALLY HITLER after all.
> Right-leaning normies begin connecting the dots: Left gave itself a license to kill "Nazis," and they call everyone on the right Nazis

tldr Left is increasingly embracing and condoning political violence (terrorism, in other words) - which will destabilize society and push fence-sitters to the extremes. the extreme right will grow as a necessary response to the proliferation of european style ANTIFA tactics

DO you remember how the far right became a thing in the first place? It was a reaction to communist street violence. Read up on the Freikorps.

I kinda knew it would happen. I didn't know what "purity spiraling" was until after the dox shit but I have to say it perfectly describes 8/sperg/ and other LARPy do-nothing collectives. At first I thought the user base was just old, then I thought they might be stupid, but I've settled on them just being actual autists that congregate wherever faceless interaction is possible.

They're a handicap in every way.

you niggers worship a chaos god, wtf did your movement think would happen to it? unity? cohesion amongst white people? kek knew this would cause massive butt pain, that's why it's all happening

Dude who fucking cares about the alt-right. It's a term they came up to group people up and point fingers at them.

I plan on inviting plenty of trouble from leftists once the weather warms.

Goal is to get to kick at least one of them in the face this year. I'm hoping for more, but one will be a proper sacrifice to KEK.

> Right-leaning normies begin connecting the dots: Left gave itself a license to kill "Nazis," and they call everyone on the right Nazis
Yeah, this is definitely how we get the normies on board. I just hope enough of them realize it.

The term "alt-right" has only value to those trying to label and smear it (the DNC and wannabe anarchists, mainly) and attention-seekers trying to grab the reins for their own ends (Milo, Spencer et al). Better to remain amorphous and undefined.

>ayyo let me attach a picture of archimedes he was smarts

Shame you're ad-homineming out of your arse and not providing any real arguments.

So now they're tearing down their own movement that they made up?


>Better to remain amorphous and undefined

both at the same time. you could even say its a good thing for the "attention-seekers" to have the alt-right defined in their image, because that keeps the media and the left from figuring out what the thing ACTUALLY IS - and they show no sign of doing that any time soon

all warfare is based on deception

Give them no hints brother.

They lurk as you speak.

It's fucked up but the best thing that could happen is Spencer getting shot by a degenerate while being a nerd explaining a Pepe and Wojak meme on camera. He is our fashy sacrifical lamb.

perhaps you are right

The reason the alt-right is now perceived as weak is because the anticipation of the election led people to believe it had far more momentum than it actually did. The alt-right was conflated with anybody that supported Trump. The problem therein, is that people unfamiliar with the actual alt-right believed themselves to be part of that movement, when in reality the "movements" should be considered separate. The actual alt-right are literal nazis, and the faux alt-right are just a section of right-wing politics that is primarily interested in immigration reform and anti-establishment politics, which is mostly the result of being fearful of their future. Then there's another layer atop that which is a reactionary collection of people who are a response to the social justice "movement", which is itself perceived to be representative of the entirety of the left but is in fact only part of it.

In short, generalizations are bad. Not every right winger is an alt-right nazi, and not every left-winger is as far down the SJW rabbit hole as the internet might lead you to believe. Most people have more nuanced opinions on politics than the caricatures of the left vs. the right, and buying into that dichotomy does more harm than good, unless you're the literal nazi group trying to rally more people together than are actually representative of your beliefs.

It's almost as if they're trying to polarize the entire electorate...

>weakening of the alt-right

The alt-right, or any other identitarian movements are not going anywhere, the author is just trying to demoralize anyone associated with the movement by pointing out the recent drama.

If I'm not mistaken Spencer said these alt-right websites and conferences have actually been steadily increasing in size.

Ironically enough, it's the leftist attitude and policies that have acted as a catalyst for the recent popularity among identitarian movements.

They have spent the last decade relentlessly demonizing white people, whether it be by this mystical idea of white privileage, Bernie Sanders saying "if you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor," or this victim-hood attitude that points at white people for supposedly being the source of all strife in the world.

And on top of all that, their immigration policies are leading us to becoming minorities within our own countries. News flash, minority status breeds solidarity, and solidarity breeds interest groups, and movements such as the alt-right have been the manifestation of those interest groups. Whites can only engage in "white-flight" for so long, but eventually they are going to run out of places to run.

The alt-right, ethnic nationalist, and similar groups are here to stay, and leftist need to get used to that fact, after all they were created by the current situations in the world that the left and globalist have spawned.

Yeah right JIDF I'm here and ready shove your jew ass into the oven

Molymeme isn't alt lite, he's not quite alt right but he's further right than alt lite.

The rest of the alt lite believes in making fun of SJWs and sticking shit up their ass, it's gross.

I thought we were going to cry and scream about Mike the fat kike Enoch, I honestly didn't think Spencer being sucker punched was that big of a deal, I mean it was a weak punch and the police was asking for tips about the guy and the only people saying hitting "nazis" are clickbait rags or retards who do nothing but post on Facebook.
bring ftn back pls

only antifa cares about this

i voted for Trump and I think this is funny

you have no power here

nobody cares some random fuck was sucker punched

cia op, nobody cares about this guy

>we are hivemind


Unless this suckerpunch means we can start socking anifaggots in the jaw, I care. This cunt was expressing his freedom of speech. Antifaggots should obey the law or get persecuted.

Alt-right is a term used to identify controlled opposition and Spencer is a kike puppet.

Populism, nationalism and patriotism is what's fighting the globalist agenda, and the left's attempts to isolate and frame the rejection of their progressive dogshit is what we have here with their alt-right nonsense.

The alt right as they describe kt does not exist. There is no central leadership and there are no card carrying members.