Repealing DADT didn't do shit. Pushing women into the ranks did. I would rather fight in an entire fucking company of queers than have one fucking woman there.
I was in the army for the transition from W to Obama. I only met ONE female soldier who wasn't a downright parasite. Every single other one was guilty of one or more of the following:
1. Freezing like a deer in headlights when hearing explosions.
2. Accusing superiors of sexual harassment so they wouldn't have to deploy. (If you accuse someone above you of sexual harassment, they automatically move you to another unit. If you think this would encourage false accusations of sexual harassment, you would be 100 percent correct!)
3. Not being able to hack it on a ruck, forcing other soldiers to carry their equipment. About 80 percent of all women did this.
4. Being a huge slut, far beyond anything in any other situation I have ever seen.
5. Faking injuries for medical pay.
6. Breaking down in tears while in uniform. General unacceptable behavior while in uniform.
7. When in any sort of command, treating the men below her like shit, and keeping them away from their families by keeping them late every day for zero fucking reason.
8. Sexually abusing the men in their command. Yes, it's actually pretty common with women, and yes, it is abuse. A lot of these women are not attractive, and they will threaten their soldiers with discipline or fucking up their career explicitly knowing that no one would believe or care if it happened to a man. Most just grin and bear it.
9. On more than a few occasions, looking at child porn. I don't know what the fuck it is with female soldiers and child porn.
10. Generally not pulling their weight, and bitching about every single order.
Never let women in your military unless you're going to keep them segregated to their own units.