Literally what is the benefit to being red pilled except being angry 24/7?

literally what is the benefit to being red pilled except being angry 24/7?

Other urls found in this thread:

Truth over ignorance

>being angry
doesn't work like that

You can live a life of persecution complex and bruised-nice-guy ego instead of just being decent for decent's safe.

There is no knowledge that is not power.

Knowing your enemy, and that (((certain))) people want you dead.

it does here ya cunt

learning who to target/kill and defending freedom everywhere evil encroaches

I'd rather have been ignorant as fuck, partying my ass off, slaying bitches.

Instead I'm red-pilled and at Sup Forums.

i dont masturbate anymore

you're right, ignorance is bliss


Bluepilled people are always angry now.

I'm chill af at this moment.

You don't get redpilled because you benefit. You do it because you love TRUTH.

Don't hate to live, live to hate.

I ain't angry anymore, I'm preparing for war

if you live among the blue-pilled and oust yourself, people stop bothering you unless they're not retarded

not being a cuckold faggot is breddy goot IMHO SENPAI

enjoy the decline and all the crazy things that come with it. 2016, was crazy, 17 will be even crazier


One must make the sacrifice to understand the horrors of the world in order to guide the rest through the darkness and towards the light.

We're angry because we realize we're living in a slaughterhouse.
Bluepills are just happy about all of the free grain.

It's a burden, it's a benefit. Blue pilled fags get to have fun and takes no responsibility, secure in gen knowledge that the red pilled men's they make snide remarks about will be there to shoulder the defense and stability of their shallow, hedonistic and materialistic existences.

You can now do it twice as efficiently, as well as being able to protect your psychic integrity in the process now

I was angry before the redpill, but I didn't know why. Now I'm just a smug shitlord who whistles through the graveyard while the world burns.

This. The salt on these liberals is immense.

That's changing. Isn't it interesting, now we're the ones who feel like we know exactly what's going on, predict every event and liberals are the ones suffering breakdowns and confusion that the world doesn't make sense?

Calling out idiots, laughing about uninformed people and happily know they'll get what they deserve while you can watch the world burn

You're supposed to get off your ass and do something you lazy fucknut. Organize, learn about politics, and run for minor office so you can get something done instead of wallow in hate. The fuck.

The truth is the "redpill" varies depending on who you ask; it's dogmatic bullshit that is often based on opinion and belief rather than fact or logic.

Once you've taken the final redpill, you become a free man.

The final red pill is that you are a soul, currently and temporary living inside a human body made of flesh and bones.

Your presence on this planet is sort of a gift, so that you learn, experiment and enjoy the short amount of life you spend trapped inside this physical body. There is much, MUCH more that goes which is invisible to the human eye. It is far from "over" when you body ceases to live.

With that mindset, you do not fear death, you do not care about mundane bad shit that happens. You no longer envy others with more money or more "success". You aren't affraid to approach and seduce women. You do not waste your life in front of a TV screen while being affraid of the world.You are a confident, smiling motherfucker that wishes nothing but to spread love and you no longer have an ego

>may require a functioning pineal gland

Being redpilled seems to have saved America. One day the tides will turn around the world and we'll all be happy again.

The rabbithole goes much deeper.You will find your present understanding of the world bluepilled in a few years.

being "red-pilled" one of the stupidest concepts I've ever heard.

You aren't red-pilled at all you faggots, you just took a different blue pill. You act as if you cunts are any better than SJWs when you guys are just as guilty of identity politics and smug moral policing as they are. You are just a different flavor of the same thing.

Yup. Just as dogmatic. Just different views. "Redpill"-slinging faggots are too willfully ignorant to critique their own views logically.

If we're angry then what does that make all the trigglypuff liberals?

>You act as if you cunts are any better than SJWs when you guys are just as guilty of identity politics and smug moral policing as they are.

Not "just as guilty," there isn't even a comparison. Sup Forums wants to illegalize LGBTs and either have them killed or put into mental hospitals, ethnically cleanse all non-whites, take away womens' voting and reproductive rights, let the poor and disabled starve on the streets, and institute corporatist social Darwinianism.

SJWs are guilty of using the wrong tactics and attacking the wrong things. Sup Forums is guilty of homicidal fascist psychopathology.

There isn't any benefit.

Ignorance truly is bliss.

I made good money when I opened a business selling security doors, windows and guns when this shitshow started mid-late 2015.
Currently investing in real estate in the next biggest city here so when the next refugee wave comes (and it will) I'll generously offer the state my land for the right price of course - and the shitskins will go where they're wanted.

Nah, you just pay too much attention to the shitposters. Most of the redpillers are just xenophobic and lack compassion.

In order to defeat the enemy you must first identify it

I'd believe you if I didn't see the same things posted in other alt-right shitholes on the internet with full sincerity.

The red pill is just the truth

What you do with it is up to you


Identity politics are an entirely reasonable political technique. Abandoning identity is what allows things like feminism to proliferate.

Everyday is amusing now that Trump is elected, how the media is going to react.

vocal minority :^)

pretty much this

You're just seeing the retarded natsocs/far right wingers

Yup; I'm not psychotic enough to shitpost all day but some lucky few are

*tips sophisticated fedora*

I'm 19 and since i took it about a year ago during the Summer after my graduation i've been bitter as all hell

iunno, i value knowing truth nigga.