>Mexicans aren't white!
>The Aztec empire was the pinnacle of pre-Columbian civilization.
Explain this to me Sup Forums!
Explain this logic
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>The Aztec empire was the pinnacle of pre-Columbian civilization.
Wut game
Isnt that Nighwolf from Mortal Kombat?
B-but muh human sacrifice! Why are Europeans such betas? If they hadn't brought diseases with them they would have been BTFO.
Aztecs were faggots, Mayans were where it's at. They had the leap year more accurately calculated than the current Gregorian calendar, had a system of symbolic writing and seem to have invented a very accurate way of measuring the area of uneven portions of land, and that's just the tiny portion of their shit that wasn't lost to time
aztecs had it, yuros didn't
aztec society was relatively fair, yuropean was elitist
yuro cities were nasty, aztec cities were clean
some estimate Tenochtitlan at hundreds of thousands
(((london))) barely broke forty thousand
No use denying, the pre colombian civilizations were more developed than europeons
But yuropeons had all sorts of aids and military technology that easily surpassed the aztecs
so they won
I was thinking the same
The fuck is an "Aslut"?
London population was 600k in 1500 ad.
Greece and rome had plumbing and how are child sacrifices "fair"?
Mexicans aren't white
The Spanish invaded and conquered the Aztec Empire and raped all of the ugly brown goblins into submission, giving birth to the modern Mexican. Half man, half-savage.
Fuck you Spain. You had one job. You ruined us and all of your colonies by fucking the natives, and that's the reason we're so shit.
Is that...night wolf?
I really hope you're pretending to be retarded
London had about 65 thousand people by the year 1500. And that's a bold estimate
Some say Tenochtitlan was either four or five times bigger than London
The only cities that rivaled it's massive size were Constantinople, Paris and Venice.
The Aztec empire had a population of nearly 5 million, while the entire kingdom of England didn't even reach 3 million
Yes, yes it is. They even lifted the artwork directly.
>no iron
>no domesticated animals
Reminder that the Aztecs were in the Bronze Age (and just barely) when Europeans were crossing oceans.
dunno just posted something random
How is being basically a slave to some faggot who never worked a day in his life fair?
How is starving so a fat slob can stay obese fair?
How is literally not being allowed ownership of land fair?
The sacrifices were retarded ?
Yes, they were. But the "sacrificees" were usually ok with the idea of being sacrificed.
They believed the sun wouldn't rise again the following day if there were no sacrifices, which is almost as scientific as imprisoning and torturing people for saying the earth isn't a disc or burning witches for brewing tea.
Rome was the pinnacle of European civilization and it was heavily dependant on slavery and war to sustain itself. Really fair huh
Greece was great, but they hated themselves and never truly achieved their full potential because of the constant useless wars.
the aztec empire was completely independant of these factors.
No one talks about how, by way of spanish blood, mexicans have arab heritage
>the "sacrificees" were usually ok with the idea of being sacrificed.
>pinnacle of pre-Columbian civilization
literally just reached the bronze age
Thanks dad
>pre-Columbian civilization
low bar
They smelt gold and silver, which are even harder to work with.
They also did domesticate animals, just not to the same extent as europeans, mostly because they didn't really need to do it
It's factually true messed up but true
I MIGHT have been swayed if I didn't already know THEY NEVER CAME UP WITH THE CONCEPT OF A FUCKING WHEEL!
I wouldn't mind having a cute girl sacrifice me desu
Woah, seriously, americans have the shittiest genetics ever
No need to domesticate if all other tribes pay you tribute or you sacrifice and pillage them.
North american indians were stone age tier
The meso american ones were more developed than Europe was at the time in some aspects
>have literal white niggers with cheap iron for ancestors
>talk shit about great civilization
ok then
>The Aztec empire was the pinnacle of pre-Columbian civilization.
Even the llama nigger Incans had a better civilization.
North American Indians moved from from location to location, settling their establishments and populations, like Europeans. The Europeans were quite Stone Age Tier indeed
Those niggers didn't even have a written language gas yourself IIDF
Furthermore, North American Indians retain much of the old world Atlantean knowledge and wisdom, with their own secret societies and lodges. Many argue, citing migration and their own cultural legends, that they are the descendants of Atlantis whom were thrown back to the stone age due to misuse of Atlantean high technology and magick.
Thus the torch passed onto white people to develop world civilization, and Native Americans could just chill without that burden because they had already defined the Atlantean era. If anything, the hunting and gathering was a break from raising humanity.
>Aztecs we're the pinnacle of pre-Colombians.
>Was later conquered by some of the greatest conquerors of the Spanish empire.
>Modern day Mexico is third world and known for drugs and corruption.
A lot of god that diversity did for you huh.
North american indians were mostly nomadic, lived in leather huts, never built anything bigger than a fucking pole with a crude eagle carved on it, never domesticated shit, knew only the simplest forms of agriculture(and that's when they knew any at all), lived in hunter-gatherer societies, etc etc etc
That's pretty neolitical m8
but you're a fucking leaf so there's that
They were much larger, wealthier, and lasted longer. They also didn't spend most of their time hunting each other because they were afraid the fucking sun wouldn't rise.
>great civilization
>heart pulled from chest
>at least the high priest can smelt gold in between sacrifices, europoors can only smelt iron
Our geography is not wheel friendly. You have nice plains and grasslands but our ancestors had the andes and a dense jungle.
I imagine if someone ever came up with a wheel he probably ended at the bottom of a cliff.
Reminder Oxford college in Britain predates the Aztec/Mayan pyramids.
>ramzpaul's porn name
>aztec society was relatively fair,
what is da roman empire????
You fucking retard
They were close to being AnCap as possible almost no taxes
>Reminder Oxford college in Britain
Who gives a shit all they taught people was genesis 1:1 and superstition bullshit.
All american empires were shit, they lost and spaniards let a bastard and mongrel race of useless shit, my only hope is help china and islam to destroy west
Im indian (i know, my english is shit but i dont café about a language of barbarian descendants)
>dunno just posted something random
I know, huebro. I was just making fun of her.
>great civilization
>die from the plague
>starve to death
>be born and die of old age during a single pointless war
>die in pointless war for useless ruler because of religious dick measuring contest
yeah at least they wanted to get sacrificed
The roman empire was the exact opposite of fair
Aztecs had a system similar to the tribute based one the romans had, but you paid in actual labor instead of money, ensuring even poor regions could pay their due and contribute to the Aztec Empire
>colombian education
You're Venezuela's irrelevant brother and Venezuela itself is pretty fucking irrelevant.
Huh, and here I thought that the Aztecs were mostly in modern day Mexico (I still think that).
I am not really disparaging ALL culture that did not have wheels, just those claiming to be superior to those who DO have them.
>They smelt gold and silver, which are even harder to work with.
What the fuck are you on? It's only hard if you're trying to smelt impure ore, which they weren't.
Aztecs, not the fucking Incans mate.
Oh, I was trying to say that the Inca got Andes and the Aztecs got the dense jungle, both environments are not wheel friendly.
Sorry, my post was a mess..
Gold melts at 1064 celsius and silver at almost 962 celsius, making them easier to SMELT than iron, but carving a really tiny face for an earring is obviously harder than forging a simple sword or a gun's barrel
You need technique for the earring, while the sword can be easily replicated by someone who doesn't even know what iron is.