Watch out guys Antifa is onto us...
Watch out guys Antifa is onto us
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Go for the keks
>We do not tolerate fascists
Sounds like something a fascist would say
I can see your name dude
what do we do now? i dont want people to know my political beliefs...
share their email
>we don't tolerate you
>we will harass you, shame you, and destroy your property
Just dress like Antifa and preach racial equality and they will look past you as one of your own.
That's right you fascists.
We've got your names, and we're coming for you.
We're going to put you on one-way cattle cars to Auschwitz.
Reminder that antifags are scum and will only attack if they outnumber you/are better armed. Just pack a gun, gommie larpers will run away at the first sign of resistance.
I wish antifa would try to pull this in the South where people are armed and hate outsiders sticking their noses in other people's buisness.
>Antifa attack my property
>mfw I can use deadly force to defend my life or property if I believe it is in danger
I'd go to knock one of these fuckers out.
Censoring the antifa shitlord that sent you this e-mail seems to only mean that you have literally made this up, because you would share it with us if it was real
>Implying they don't deserve it for going to a milo event
one of you fucks says this in every single antifa thread
>yo try dat shit in da souf nigga we packin
no one gives a shit about the south, or rural and suburban retards such as yourself.
anyone who has the ability to fire you
thinks antifa are embarrassing commies
no one cares
Lel. Dox me and come to my front door faggots, I'll put pic related in your face.
Jelly, I liver somewhere uncucked?
dox this *grabs dick*
this. they are all cowards like jews
what kind of gun is that. I am no guns but I want one
I live in the literal capital of the confederacy and they get away with this shit all the time.
>populism = fascism
>democracy I don't like = fascism
>totalitarianism = fascism
>republicanism = fascism
>corporatism = fascism
is antifa the most retarded organization to ever grace god's green earth?
>Milo Yianopolous
No reason Sup Forums can't false flag as antifa and do/say stupid shit.
Real question.
What do these twigarmed little faggots think they can do??
Are they so fucking deluded they think they are intimidating anyone??
Bring it faggots, my long gun longs for the blood of these lesser humans.
>is antifa the most retarded organization to ever grace god's green earth?
Yes, but there's alot of them, and the public eats up any accusations of Nazism
Antifa. Most ironic name in the history of names?
A shotgun is a fine first good and PERFECT for home defense (rifle rounds can and do travel thru walls like butter).
You can get a Rem870 or a Mossy500 for a few hundred bucks at a pawn shop. Go buy one yesterday.
>fights fascism by inflicting terror on people
Hmmm really activates my almonds.
An autistic sperg faggot is the leader of a nazi movement?
This is as good as the news trying to spin a bunch of minorities spouting memes at Shia's livestream into the white supremacist movement sending nazi goons to harass people.
Isn't Milo Yiannopoulos a gay Jewish libertarian?
It's going to be a hard 8 years for these communist pussies
To the 230 arrested last week with a court date, have fun getting plowed in jail, the system won't protect you bitches anymore
He's a IRL troll who's getting rich triggering libshits.
Who cares what his real views are?
When will this shit stop?
If it's an American tradition to bash nazis, as my goybook as continuously been populated with this meme; is it an american duty to kill commies? And we get to decide who the commies are?
Updates on any of those?
Did they release mugshots?
If you are considering something like that for a first gun make sure you shoot a 12 gauge before you get one, The recoil can turn some off of the idea. Also stay away from pistol grip only shotguns if you are a newbie, a lot of first timers wreck their face with them.
How did they find you? Because if they were able to hack out a list of attendees from the ticket provider that's a breech of security and privacy that warrants a law suit. Especially when you're being threatened with slander, not to mention the potential threat of physical violence.
Don't be an unreported rape claim, OP. Go to the police. Now. Work these fuckers the right way.
These fags need a good example of how to be effective fringe groups.
how are you supposed to false flag as antifa? I can't think of a way to behave dumber, more hateful, and more damaging than they do. It isn't like they're a real movement, they only exist because of their (((funding)))
Don't be a stupid fascist right winger. Be an honorable terrorist left winger instead.
Are you talking Richmond cause Richmond is cucked as all fuck these days, the whole state of Virginia is getting bad, the mason-dixon line might as well get moved lower honestly
There were several captials. If you're saying Virginia then your experience is irrelevant because you're a Northern conquest now.
It's a shame but it's the truth.
>Neo Nazi
>Literally sucks nigger dicks
Goddamn reddit was a mistake
You don't know wtf you're talking about so just stop.
you know who else had lists
This. Take some with you if you can though.
>noun: fascism
>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
>tfw brother is an aggressive antifa
Facing what, Civic Nationalists who sperg on about not being violent? Kek
pretty sure this is OP fals flagging. I.e. sending the message. Notice how he edited the message.
It's worse when I hear Spencer is one of us. Fuck I rather have Milo considered our guy then fucking Spencer.
sounds more like something an unhinged, left wing, communist sympathizer would say.
Spencer is fucking retarded, but if you honestly prefer a gay Jewish race mixer, every rw taboo under the sun except a drug addict, then I don't know what to tell you kid, I'd rather treat the disease instead of the symptoms.
>having a tacticool shotgun
Kick his ass like a good brudder would do
You're wrong.
>noun: nigger
Fascism is left wing.
>if you fight your enemies, you lose
Thanks Justin!
Butter doesn't travel through walls.
you go to CU boulder?
how are the women there? I heard they are loose as fuck but that wont stop me because I am still younge and ts sloots...
>Antifa making threats
Last time Antifa showed their ugly heads here, one of them died.
Fight them.
>Fascism is left wing.
Stay in your basement.
If you dox yourself I can take the bus to your house with a backpack containing a PS4 and a lot of games and we can be friends and hang out for a few days though
This is great, good stuff!
faggot i go to co all the time? just asking if i should dip into the boulder thots? lord knows its easy as fuck in america. your women behave like fuckmeat
>look who's back
because you'd be in jail
>neo nazis
lol pick one you dumb commie goyim.
i hate them but i cant deny that they're so useful. that's exactly why they're useful. i'm not saying thank you to antifa, that position is retarded as it directly contradicts the notion of a useful enemy. but goddamn, they keep making propaganda for us that tops whatever we can churn out.
>(((the dictionary)))
What the antifascist are doing is slander.
Continue business as usual. If you find yourself on a list of Nazi sympathizers get a lawyer and sue whoever sent the email, or sue antifas as a whole. Ka-ching!
when the time comes, it will be my duty to glass him.
is this why no images will open when i click on them, or am i sperging.
A list. Goddamn I'm scared. Wait till your sandnigger limo burning antics get an open season declared. Keep your list, my .308 will put your brains all over a wall.
Stupid fucking panty waist pussy liberals.
>Milo is a neo-Nazi
Looks like a Mossberg 500 or 590 with tacicool faggotry added to it. I bought one once just because someone was checking it out in a store and pumped it, the sound made me stop dead and my hair stand straight up. The cruiser model with stock heat shield is asthetic as fuck with a raptor grip.
this, create legal precedents and fuck them long term. its time for our own adl.
Had to scroll down too far to find this one but this is the one
Thanks for the google definition!
>not using the merriam-webster definition
Definition of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Well that's embarrassing.
>doing anything aside from maximum faggotry
yeah naw.
There are antifa stickers all around my neighborhood too.
Come fucking at me faggots. Me and the guy with the huge confederate flag as his curtain and the big beefy nazi guy will fuck you up.
Does it count as race mixing if they're a faggot and can't procreate?
Wtf i luv reddit nao
Also liberal (original definition) fascist is an oxymoron