>mexico will pay for wall
>Mexico says no
This kills the trumpfag.
You fell for the wall meme
>mexico will pay for wall
>Mexico says no
This kills the trumpfag.
You fell for the wall meme
Illegals cost the US taxpayer (mom and dad) billions every year. On trade, we run a deficit of billions with mexico every year.
slide thread
If Trump said something like
"The corrupt politicians of Mexico have stolen enough money, and taken enough bribes that they could build two walls!"
Everyone in Mexico would instantly like him
I think the on;y way he can get us to pay for that wall is to antagonise our politician fucks and argue that we aren't paying for the wall, rather, our corrupt governor fucks who steal taxpayer money re paying for that wall
This. The tax payer will pay for the wall and the US is going to hire mexicans to lower costs. LEL
This is the power of kek.
If Mexico doesn't want a bunch of angry illegals sent back, it will pay.
So we run a deficit in billions building a wall? How is that better?
a wall will cost at least 30 billion. Regular maintenance for a 1000 mile wall (half of trumps original proposal) Proper staff wages, housing, survery costs, and construction costs will far exceed the costs of gibmedats that illegals get.
As a mexican, I will gladly build the wall for Daddy
They're paying for it with their currency
>lefties are so used to being pushover cucks that they think that Mexico can simply refuse and that's that
>mexico refuses to pay for wall
>mexico loses foreign aid
>formerly mexican foreign aid pays for wall
America doesnt need a fucking wall. Instead. The entire border should be guarded by military.
Instead of having soldiers in other contries or in vietnam fucking girly boys. They shoud all be concentrated on the fucking border.
AND KILL those mother fuckers crossing the border. Send the children to adoption/orphanage homes in mexico. I dont csre. Send them back home.
Make the border have a reputation of danger. Do not cross or you get fucking shot.
Instead of spending millions killing goatfuckers.
Bring the military back home. World can burn and fucking die.
They don't want youuuu to build that wall.
probably this
They WILL pay via import tax. So either they cease trade with US (killing there already shit tier economy in the process.) or they do pay for the wall.
hes gonna make illegal immigrants pay a fine for living here
so, yes they are.
Which mean US pays for the wall. EPN was right, Mexico will NOT pay for the wall kek
Even if the US paid for the wall, it would save taxpayers trillions over the next 20 years. At $25 billion it will literally pay for itself in a year or maybe less. Without a wall we play this stupid game of catch and release for them to try again and again. With the wall they're on their side and we're on ours. People will quit trying because of the wall. If you look at how many fewer migrants Hungary had to deal with before vs. after their wall this is a no-brainer. Mexico gets roughly $330mil in US aid each year. Mexico also receives remittances from migrants in the US to the tune of roughly $25 billion per year. I'm thinking he finds a way to stick them with the bill. He's winning so much already, but I'm still not tired of winning. Trump may end up being the greatest America President of all time.
They won't shoot them coming over. It's just not going to happen. However, a wall stops them from even trying.
Find it hilarious how non-whites and liberals don't understand how a country can make another country pay for a project.
Pays for itself with the reduction of welfare/foodstamps
And worth every penny.
All these spics butt blasted about the wall. This year is gonna be great.