defend this Sup Forums
defend this Sup Forums
trump didn't discredit the media, they did it to themselves
>t. Facebook historian
wait and see.
Oy vey not the death camps. Remenber the 6 quintillion jewskin lamps and bars of soap goyim.
Trump is obviously a zionist. "Nazi" is a non sequitur.
Dumb. Trump contradicts himself every time he speaks, his press secretary's first job was to propagate and defend a lie (which he debunked himself), and "alternative facts" is a way to discredit all media.
I wish we were in Step Five and OP would join the rest of the faggots, kikes and niggers in the oven.
The Jews started the revolution that incited his mass deportations. We're seeing Soros try it today in our streets.
Trump isnt Hitler. Hitler failed. We will be victorious.
Hitler never did any of that.
A group of people who believe jews cannot exist in society with non jews and a group of people who believe jews cannot exist in society with non jews, yeah... no common ground there whatsoever
my list is better
Trump isn't going to make America Israel. If anything, he'll use America as the whore for Israel like the neo-cons have been doing since Kristol invented the movement.
Especially the scientist bullshit. Hitler bolstered his scientists, thus why Nazi's had world class scientists that the world clamored for and the US landed after the war.
Does the name Wernher von Braun ring a bell to any of these retarded libshits?
True dat
I literally cannot tell what I am looking at.
>build the wall
Just confirmed
>deport illegals
Also just confirmed
>repeal Obamacare
Already happening
Edit this. We are right before abolishing common core.
tl;dr dems are lying and are a bunch of McCarthists
>death camps
fucking christ trump is in office a week and already has exceeded our wildest memes
checked. Thank G*d the US will be on the right side this time
I don't think there's a chance in hell they will allow Donald to get a second term.
But, the next leftist in office will be just as radical as Trump if not more. It will be revenge on those who they love to hate: Christians.
Like a pendulum swing with increased momentum, it will go further right and left, right and left, right and left until the Republic breaks and we gather what is left and repudiate the classical liberalism that brought about the liberalism of today and tomorrow.
What's your point OP? I dont see the problem here.
Didn't Hitler invest heavily into research?
Trump should just cut the rope and grab power. The dems were about to.
wasn't there one of these about obama citing populist movements and death panels
bunch of fucking knuckle draggers who probably got a C in freshman history en route to a communications degree
Hitler literally took none of these step except 5. Even then he never did so until after Poland's takeover.
>sent to death camps
They only became death camps later, they were just internment camps at first.
It's inevitable either way.
And the outcome will be the same for Christians. Classical liberal secular government was the repudiation of Christendom. Religious liberty is a facade that holds truth at the same weight as error; because of that, Christians will always lose in that type of society.
Secular nationalism is nothing more than neo-paganism; and it will turn its teeth on the constituency that it claims to protect.
That said, I don't believe for a second this will happen under Trump. It will be a leftist government that will take this role. After all, our founders were the leftists of their day.
Troll account, probly.
>silence scientists
nope, hitler had them work for him
>be current year of our lord 1942
>be loosing on both fronts
>I'd like to double down pls.bat
>issue the final solution
>decide to exterminate precious slave labor force that helped in the war effort
>use expensive ineffective rare delousing gas to smother my victims
>put thousands in non isobaric gas chambers
>fill them with a gas that's a lot less denser than normal atmosphere
>kill millions without any building collapsing under the weight of the outside atmosphere
>dispose of billions of corpses in mass graves that were never found
>oh wait that's right, we incinerated them with state-of-the-art incinerators
>capable of destroying a 100% of the evidence, surpassing even modern ones
>fueled by nonexistent fuel, cuz that was one of the main issues that got us into this bloody mess, and the one before this, oh god, we had no colonies and no fossil fuels and triple entente all over again shit god damn where are the history books pls stop
>but yeah we killed 6 billion people
>in the most ineffective and costly way at an impossible timing
>who on their last half an hour of dying, mind you, shat and piss and puked their guts out all over the place in excruciating pain
>yes, non isobaric zyklon b gas chambers are that slow and inefficient in killing people
>so never mind the 5th column, don't bother with reading an history book
>keep watching rick telling the big hoss how chum lee is so lazy in the "history" channel
>never mind the real genocides and actively planned mass murders that where perpetrated by people who even today have a political voice and somehow manage the fucking "history" channel
>never mind the zionists, the commies and the holomodor, katyn forest, the gulags,...
>trump is hitler
>what do you mean black crime you raycizt
>you should kill yourself you white privileged monster
>I'm intergend demisexual you cisnormative hate monger sexist shitlord
>abortion is life, meat is death
> c o E s i s †
Considering the steps don't necessarily have to occur in this order, let's run down the checklist and see how the LEFT accomplished most of this before the God-Emperor (may He reign a thousand lifetimes) was sent to save us:
Step 4: Largely Liberal controlled mainstream media has existed for some time
Step 2: Government employees who publicly disagreed with policy (like gay marriage) are shamed and exiled- likewise, scientists who disagree with climate change are mocked/ridiculed
Step 3: Hatred against whites and males has become an acceptable, even honorable, position
Step 1: After a devastating loss in the general election, Left tries to discredit alternative news sources that have been proving more reliable and trustworthy as faith in mainstream media crumbles, by referring to it as "fake news"
Step 5: Unable to accept defeat, the left cries "We will not be divided" (cry for unity) and whites, males, and dissenters of any type are considered "alt right Nazis" and violence against them is justified.
The Dems had already accomplished most of this list before the God-Emperor (may He reign a thousand lifetimes) intervened on our behalf- and they're still trying to execute Step 5...
So how do we speed this up?
>wealthy supporters purchased media outlets employing only those faithful to the ruling party
Isnt that what the democrat party has done?
>the fucking hypocrisy...
Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
My favorite part about the left:
>Scream they are Antifa and will fight Fascism with every breath in their body
>Employ fascist strategies within their "Anti-Fascist" movement
>Makes sense?
I would ask how they don't choke on their own irony and hypocrisy, but they are literally incapable of rational thought.
AntiFa is so anti fascist that it's literally communist, which is objectively worse
Hail God- Emperor Trump (may Kek smile upon His reign for eternity)
>Drumpf wont win, only 2.2% goyim.
>Hillary is your Gal!
neck yourself
Sorry, what media? Nobody had a fucking TV and few people had a radio....those things were extreme luxuries in the 1930's in a country rebuilding after a war....
like holy shit...who the fuck writes this retarded shit?
>I don't know jack shit about Hitler but if I type a lot and pretend like I know what I'm saying, maybe people will believe me
Its funny how he didn't once mention the Bolsheviks.
Well memed, friend; Pepe's light shines upon you, the God-Emperor (Kek give Him strength) would be pleased
This. Why are they implying this is at all a bad thing?
>black women were destroying Germany
So, the Germans were justified in removing them from society...? (assuming what she said is true, which it is not)
People mock the right for using alternative media outlets, but random Facebook posts are somehow completely fine.
>What is double standard?
The only hate crimes I see are agent white people
well to be fair so did nazi germany's lugenpresse
I swear that this number keeps going up.
He really didn't silence scientists though, she's just pulling that out of her ass.
Also, the hate crimes started because the Jews literally started a civil war.
Wealthy people already own all the media outlets, and they don't like President Trump.
Step Five is just a fact.
And thank god we're on step 2, it's about time there was a fascist regime that actually has the ability to win a war. In US+Russia v. China, who do you really think would win? UN nations don't count, they only exist because we still give them money.
also against trump supporters
6 billion, you anti semite
Discredit what? A nation divided upon itself cannot stand. By purging our country of opposition and excess we can finally thrive. It's like trying to make your body make natty gains while under pestilence and cancer, it just cannot be done.
He's probably never heard of bolsheviks
I was never taught in school DESU, I doubt your average libtard knows who they were
Something tells me this is a childish and grossly oversimplified summation of Hitler's rise to power.
trump is very pro 2nd amendment
which exists so we can shoot down the government if they are unlawful
P.S. trump is working WITHIN law and constitution. prove he's being unconstitutional
>you can't
Quality leafpost
its not even that accurate
at least Sup Forums will have a solid registry for when real second hitler comes to power
shit, ben shapiro would be called hitler in this climate. if anyone listened to his show.
can't wait.
Numbers of truth. His plan is revealed. What a wonderful day!
This was Abe Lincolns rise.
Hitler never "silence[d] scientists." His first steps were quitely inevitably about persuading industrialists and wealthy donors to trust him.
Oh no how terrible. We don't want Hitler, do we guys? That'd be soooooo bad.