Shia LaBeouf is once more trying to regain relevance by shouting his hatred for Donald Trump in yet another stupid stunt.
Shia LaBeouf is a Narcissistic Attention Whore
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He will not Divide us
>being this mad about some actor doofus
get a life trumpkin
I only liked him in the movie Holes because of school.
Needs more this...
disturbia is his only good movie but that was because of 22 year old sarah roemer's sweet sweet ass
>Shia LaBeouf is a Narcissistic Attention Whore
What happened to Even Steven? Did he get raped as a child actor?
his inner merchant was activated in his early twenties. sad! many such cases.
>i'm super famous
>i've got millions of shekels
>i want to change the world
I'm going to mumble in a parking lot, that'll show them!
Is that really Shia ledouche?
Dude is seriously kicking the homeless look hard. Would not be surprised to see him spiraling downward into mental illness in the near future.
Did not know he was in this; good movie. Better book.
He's already there. Really into method acting and takes it much too far.
allison.macofsky is back!
I am calling it now this whole thing was just him trolling people and he is actually Generaloberst LaBeouf. All his leftist ideals carefully crafted. I could see it.
>5ft weakling
And you are helping him.
You can just tell by looking at him, he has not bathed in days.
Not sure, but he's known to have alcohol issues which would indicate a bad childhood.
>InfoWars video
Seriously, how to you guys listen to that tinfoil hat wearing blowhard? Dude is worse than TYT
It's called being a poser, stupid hipster idiots that pretend to be homeless on the weekend, drink malt liquor, no street smarts. they try to hang out with real scumfucks from time to time and they end up getting used/cheated for dope money and their girlfriends end up getting fucked while they're passed out. True Story.
click bait tier
>but it's okay because they have the same views as me!
give him a break. he was more then likely molested as a kid.
what are you a gay frog
Shia allowed himself to be raped as part of an art exhibition in 2014
>Allowed himself to be raped
Domacrats will defend this.
We should send Optimus Prime after him to shoot his ass
oh, he was definitely molestered.
derrrr maaaaiiinneeestreaaaaam medddiyaaaa
livestream up in the pol discord, join the voice chat
>He will not Divide us
Said LaBeouf's foreskin to the Mohel/pepe sucker
he will not divide us? looks like he already has mr. young indiana jones.
>Jones shilling a product called tactical bath
Many such cases.
remember, this is the faggot who stole art and called it his own, at least once
oh i wish a special snowflake would shoot themselves in front of shia's camera. oh please kek please bless us with such gift!
neeoo natsis
>Shia LaBeouf is a narcissistic attention whore for hating Trump
Huh, then what the fuck does that make Trump?
> Anonymous (ID: MAjQ3nAR) 01/25/17(Wed)23:08:10 No.109125037 ▶
>>Shia LaBeouf is a narcissistic attention whore for hating Trump
>Huh, then what the fuck does that make Trump?
The president.
so heres a good tactic
a bunch of bluetooth speakers
all \pol sit on the ground in different places
one guy pairs to random speakers
plays a reeeeh recording on loop at high volume
keep switching speakers
the sjw cant snitch on who is doing it!
when police shut the exhibit down for noise
worst that happens is some speakers get taken
I agree, I hate anyone that ever links to that fucking horseshit