Why are the vast majority of Americans so fat and ugly?
Why are the vast majority of Americans so fat and ugly?
Currently dating a fat girl, we've been together for about five years.
Creativity is essential to maintaining a well groomed obese girlfriend. Every day I have to think of exciting and interesting ways to interest her in showering. At least four or five days a week I have to shower with her, and the only reason she even gets in the shower is because she can lean against me while I finger her. After she gets off, she lets me shampoo her hair, and soap her up.
The worst part though, the part that I cannot even remotely enjoy, is the wiping. She has trouble really reaching back there after a particularly wet bowel movement, so I have to help her wipe. It's not TERRIBLE, but it is unpleasant.
I don't really enjoy it, but it's better than the alternative of having this smelly fat chick masturbating on your sofa and then touching your controllers with those hands. Before I knew to bathe with her and wipe her, I actually found FECES between the buttons and under the analog stick of my PS4 controller.
I laughed so hard I dropped my bowl of mayonnaise.
Fuckin disgusting pigs...
stop fat shaming everyone in those videos were beautiful and don't need to change anything.
This is either true or someone took the time to write it, probably because it's some sick fantasy, either way it's sad
Low self esteem cracker...
Is this flag just canada without the shitposting leaf of approval?
They mutilate their penises so naturally they're sad and depressed and turn to food to cope with their unnatural, jewed up peenors.
La average Texas girl...
We are the most fit and hottest nation minus the niggers
Why are the vast majority of X so Y? Let's go through every country.
Also the most delusional apparently
rofl my god
Y and Z actually you uneducated fat retard
no, Sweden is, minus the niggers
Who else is going to keep the food industry in flux? Service jobs keep a lot of people off the streets, you prick.
thats worse than your last 3 digits
>vast majority
this is where you lost me or anyone else who finds this kind of hyperbole distasteful.
Holy shit, you made me blow my buttercream cheese dip through my nose.
Sweden, please. You checked out years ago.
can't you read, I said minus the niggers you slav shit
I'm sorry we are so much better than shitty estoonia, asshole
Swedecuck is so out of touch he thinks the little mudslime is his biggest problem. Watch the webm again, you filthy little closetfag.
I don't want to watch you gays sick pedo video, I bet you jerk off to it.
vast majority of Americans are quadroon
under rated post
I could ask why the vast majority of Peruvians all have the complexion of Edward James Olmos if you tanned his pock-marked skin in the sun for a decade, care to answer?
Quarter blacks with blonde hair and blue eyes just look fucking Irish. Huh....
Their entertainment value is through the roof at the very least
This one is particularly astonishing
This thing looks decent in comparision
Irish nigger isn't a meme. They are partial nigger.
And for a good half of these people, liposuction and a well balanced diet would solve the problem, for the most part. Yeah lipo's expensive but when you have to live like this every penny is well worth it.
Fast food. Soda pop addiction. The calories in soda are phenomenally high. A bad sense of health. They need to work on that. Eat better, take better care of themselves. Learn this at a young age. Fix their health care system.
The body is your temple. They apparently never learn that as kids. That's where it all starts. Start eating healthy at a young age and it makes you a stronger, healthier adult. Whenever I visit the U.S. I'm disgusted at what parents "feed" their kids. Too much sugar, fat and fast food. My father always forced us to eat well, and my family ended up extremely healthy and strong. Most of us are athletes.
So my advice to Americans is STOP drinking soda. Don't just slow down. STOP. Drink water instead. Go cold turkey on the soda. Fuck Pepsi and Coke up the ass. They're slow killing you.
Stop eating fries. When you get a burger, get a salad on the side. Fries are shit.
Desserts? No. You stop eating those. Stop. Have 1 dessert a month. That's it. No more than that.
Good luck Fat burgers. :)
Why do peru trash eat cats dogs and guinea pigs?
This nigger just need to cut his bucket of fried chicken every hour...
I think the main reason for the obesity epidemic in America is because of the pesticides they put in so much of our food. It's very rare to find all-natural, garbage free food in grocery stores in the states nowadays. Go to somewhere like Japan for a month, you'd lose 20 pounds at least by the time you get back.
>Soda pop addiction. The calories in soda are phenomenally high.
This. It's so bad for the health it should be banned.
from the stress of holding the rest of the world from collapsing.
top kek
would recommend
They've made diet sodas as an alternative, and I think the whole aspartame thing isn't as big of a deal than the fatties who drink regular sodas make it out to be, but even still the acid is bad for your stomach and teeth. I wouldn't say outright ban them, but significantly drop the quantity in the stores.
no, sweeteners affect the brain in a similar way
make you hungry, and you end up eating the same, or more
brain is not used to be stimulatef with massive amounts of sweet foods
you must give up soda completely
>ban it
>instead of just refusing to pay their inevitable medical bills
Leftists detected
most fat people i see drinking sodas are drinking diet soda. i have a cousin that was fat. he completely stopped drinking soda and he lost all of it.
>all these new friends don't reconize this pasta
its a variation of a copy pasta
Fat people are fucking disgusting. Especially if they blame their fatness on "genes" or some other retarded reason except themselves. You can't get fat if you eat less than you consume.
>Especially if they blame their fatness on "genes"
American Cusine
1. Hotdogs
2. Pizza
3. Hotpockets
Being fat is just part of our culture. Fuck you Peru - first thing that comes to mind when i think 'Peru' is poverty, llamas and peruvian beanies.
The only thing they need to do.. LITERALLY... the only thing, is to eat less. It doesnt even have to be a huge amount less, because the amount of food needed to maintain a weight like that is so fucking huge that even a small reduction in food will quickly shave off 20,30,40lbs. Losing weight when you are a fatass is fucking easy. Its when you get near you end goal that is becomes actually difficult.
looks like ronda rousey in a few years
>no burgers
Those could be the ugliest babies I've ever seen
The actual truth:
America has a fair share of fat people. People get rich, get married, or even just get "stable," and they stop giving a shit about their weight.
ON THE OTHER HAND: We also have the best-looking people on the planet, who are PREPARING to get rich, married, stable.
So you know, if you want to judge America by its Walmart customers, feel free. But meanwhile, the rest of us are fucking like bunnies.
>it's a "all americans are fat'' episode
actually not bad
Prime example. They will start eating crap as soon the camera is off. You cannot get that fat without eating tons of shit.
I'm sure they deep fry their fingers before biting off their fingernails.
American people embrace their size and not being judge by their weight. They learn how to be happy with it and respect size diversity. That said, sezeism is still rampant but they make huge progress by increase obesity rate.
cause high fructose corn syrup is in everything.
It is in everything because corn is subsidized, so everyone grows it.
>acid is bad for your stomach and teeth
Bad for teeth, but your stomach is so acidic that diet pop might as well be water.
that kid is attracted to her by gravity alone
HAES indeed.
I don't like the way those boys looked at me
they need to start playing sports or with toy guns
I hate weebs, but i'd take a kid whose into dbz over what i just saw