I will trow stones at Tump's wall builder employees

I live in the Mexican border with Texas

If you want to build a wall, you better dodge my stones

We throw stones too Pedro.

5.56 mm stones


This taco nigger thinks he's a palestinian.

Great argument OP!

theyre going to laser you



>attack american workers
>america now annexes baja
tacos dont have brains kek

>5.56 mm stones


Ooga booga go back to mexico


How good are you at dodging .45 ACP?

>not 7.62X51

Get out

haven't got a store to loot?
ps - I got your stones paco, constuir un miro cabroncito!!

taco niggers are not worth 7.62x51

I hope you can dodge bullets
We take national security pretty seriously


>came here to post this



Shut up beans. Eat your cactus.

Pedro throws rocks.

Whites would at least build a siege weapon to attack a wall.

Tfw your people will never be more than donkey riding slaves.

>tfw Mexican are starting to go full taliban except they only have stones Hahahahahahaha

Hurr durr!
You can't shoot through the border dumb Cletus faggot!

I'll laugh my fucking ass off if they paralyze you when they beat you. Or rather shoot you.

In America, we're not allowed to get close to the border. I guess the government is worried people may throw drugs or cash across it.

Are you guys legally allowed to get close to the border over there in Spicsville?

you are better off throwing over some shitty mexican cuisine it might give the workers the shits I mean that's all you are anyways


Good banter real china


>you better dodge my stones
you better dodge our bullets.

Well, that's what people who live in the Stone Age do. Be ready for a 21st Century head shot though.

Initial affix superlative affix

>Spic throws stones.
>Gets taken out by RWDS snipers.

Don't fuck with Trump you stupid shit skin. He's in power now, not puny Obama.

I hope you can dodge bullets pendejo.

We can shoot through spics trying to cross the border

stonefag, stone my BRdick

I hope the wall get higher

I bet you cant even afford stones faggot

>an adolescent child tries to make a valid argument, regurgitating memes he's seen on the 12 hours he's browsed, and fails atrociously



>I live in the Mexican border with Texas
I think we should not waste money on a wall.
Bring all those over abundant crocodiles and crocs from Florida and let them loose in Rio grande. Christ you could even sell tickets. We'll call it the gator bowl.


>getting withing throwing distance of the wall
fucking lmao
mexico never change

Why have that angled front grip? That shit is weird man.

why don't you want wall mexico? It's best for all of us


Nigger how?

Im from and in Florida and I approve of this

Dude you only have five stones. That is like a year's salary for you.

>Stone thrower at 12 o clock Captain, do I have permission to shoot??

>Blow that beaner back to Mexico city

>Roger that!

Throws rocks at Trump's big beautiful wall.

Treated as an attack on US sovereignty.

You'll be throwing stones at your fellow Mexicans then. I doubt Trump would be willing to pay for American workers to build it.

If you think you have a right to stop people from building a wall which restricts entry into their own amd not your country then you are as stupid as the racists think, but please do me a favvor and throw rocks at federal employees, Id love to see how that works out for you.


We're just gonna be chucking your fellow countrymen right back at you.

They might build it a little bit back from the border so they can shoot you when you come close to the wall.

why is there an invisible force field that stops matter from passing through it

>thats why they call yall illegal aliens isnt it!

I meant "and" gators. I prefer crocs because they are more aggressive. Be fun watching some beaner trying to make it across.

My hand doesn't work that way on an AK. Maybe I'm just old fashioned that way.

>Americas response

good thing you're on Sup Forums and not /k/

>The Tacoban


Why is that fag, think im nogunz?

We'll get your beaner ass some mortar. Start stacking them.

>he thinks texans hate mexicans


>millions of Mexicans throw stones
>they end up making a natural wall

our mexican warlocks will curse you people.

Maybe you're a costa fanboy.

You have to go.....oh never mind continue throwing rocks and wait for the burst of 5.56 going threw your thick skull.

ayy paco you got btfo


>tfw i will never be a texas rancher with property on the border taking potshots at spics

You'd think your "Mexican warlocks" would do something about the cartels and corrupt officials trainwrecking your country.

have you ever been to texas near the border it pretty much is a less ghetto version of mexico




>mexicans kids will give us a reason to start a war with mexico and invade
I'm going to rape your sister.


my dad shot the water jug a wetback was holding as he was slowly crossing a field at our deer lease. Part of it was for the sheer fun and the other part of it was rage for fucking up the morning hunt.

You will end up like this guy then.

>Throws stones at border patrol from the mexican border
>Gets shot and dies
>He dindu nuffin he a gud boi
>People demands for justice
>2 years have gone by

And no, I do not accept this faggotry. He was throwing stones at armed officers, the fuck was he expecting. This happened on my city and I don't give a fuck but I was aware of the occurrence.



bestiality is illegal. but then again you would be in Mexico so...

You will be shot dead on site. The builders will have military protection, idiot.

Kinky Kelly and the Sexy Stud?

>fucking up the morning hunt.
sounds like he found game to me.

Hey Mexico remember him?

He was killed throwing rocks at border patrol at the border. He died on your side.

>your argument is invalid


i don't know or want to know what that is.

dat nigga at least 30

Include me in the screen cap!

kek he deserved it im sure the mexicans would shoot me if i did the same to them

Guy ran faster than a nigger dodging a child support summons.

He had a very big skull
