>trumps ABC interview
this guy's a historic dipshit
>trumps ABC interview
this guy's a historic dipshit
Other urls found in this thread:
> 1 post by CTR Shill
Did you get paid from he Clinton Debacle? Or are you working for the promise of back pay?
What did he say specifically that was dipshitty in the interview?
Good post.
Bad post.
and nothing seems to be changing
I want to neck myself everytime I see him. Fuck man this is sad
He's trying to save this universe
>is it even worth staying and trying to fix it?
>I'll go back and destroy the machine
Leave him and his sea of love alone
Don't fuck with trump boy
your opinions of him mean literally nothing
he will save this fucked up country, and after he's done you will love him for it
>1 post from trumpkin shill
is your mom stll fucking niggers behind wal mart, cletus?
He's clearly a Deep State puppet. They are going to use him to bring back black sites, waterboarding, increase surveillance, etc. and then they will dump some secrets that will get him impeached.
Screencap this.
10c has been deposited in your account.
t. good goy
>Or are you working for the promise of back pay?
getting post dated checks for 2020
>Spends half the interview still whining about crowd sizes
>Sup Forums: "he's not butthurt, he's playing 4-d chess" "he's hitting the lying MSM back"
Trump has embarrassed himself with this. And it's not cute or endearing like when George would have gaffes, it's just SAD
>anything that is against "muh great leader"
>Sourced content that proves "muh great leader" is fucking up big time
>Right-wing propaganda favoring "muh great cheeto"
I love it.
Yet for some reason 40+% of Americans find this acceptable and appropriate.
Trump could ramble about Trump steaks for 15 mins every interview and I'd still love him. Liberals forever and always btfo
Fuck off. You kikes spent enough time here last year, and we're not going to let you shit up the board again.
If anything, he didn't go far enough. When asked whether he thought the country was tired of people trying to prosecute the Clintons' bullshit in the interview, he said "I would hope so." Chaffetz & congressional majority will take care of that, regardless. Hope you enjoy the next EIGHT YEARS, leftard!
Nobody is stopping you. Do it faggot.
Hahaha. Also, PRAISE KEK.
How the fuck do I watch the Godamn interview can somebody link. These fucking Jews don't want people to see the great leader. Fucking kikes
You should kill yourself, much more effective
I don't think you're getting it through your head when we tell you this is why you lost.
CIA will kill trump before christmas.
how can i watch the interview
Put down the meth pipe already , Cletus
>we're not going to let you shit up the board again.
Sup Forums is Libertarian.
You're a guest here fucktard.
Learn your fucking place.
100%. I don't find him very charming in interviews or on Twitter, but I love every move he's made so far. Let people laugh at him for his interviews. I care about actions, and so far so good.
i was thinking the exact same thing. wtf need link
I don't think you're ever going to get this:
Brace yourself, though.
You ready?
It's not about crowd/penor size.
It's about news outlets repeating bald-faced lies to push some made-up narrative.
It is not okay for the fucking news to do that. But they do. Over something as petty as fucking crowds. And they SHOULD be called on it.
when he speaks I know that he means everything he says, he is very sincere and very down to earth that is why it always sounds like a causal conversation with a common person he doesn't sound "smart" because it doesn't feel like every word has been approved by a committee and redacted like a speech
ABC link
t. trump fanboi.
>Sup Forums is libertarian
Lol even when this place ways /news/ It was never libertarian besides memeing about doom paul.
Please do it instead of being an attention whore.
Thank u op I love u dude.
To be fair, the whole interview he ducked every question
Interviewer: you said this on Twitter about healthcare. What did you mean?
Trump: We're going to try to cover everybody
Interviewer: you said this on Twitter about the wall. What did you mean?
Trump: the wall's going to be great.
I support President Trump, but he refused to answer almost every question and gave very few specifics about every topic.
I got that too, what I thought is that he has the plans but he is very careful not to say anything to the press he basically wants to get up and reveal it himself in a big press event or a stage
so you support someone with a 5th grade education.
good job retard.
>he has the plans
his ONLY "plans" is too rape anyone and everyone of as much money as he can, prop himself and his crothfruit up as best he can any way he can and laugh all the way too the bank. you think he gives 2 fuks about you or anyone that he cant benefit from?
>so you support someone with a 5th grade education.
He has an MBA from Wharton.
Also this
>too rape anyone
>all the way too the bank
You are a great example of why we need an intelligence test to be able to vote.
Is this really the only interview thread rn?
It was really really bad
Didn't see anything wrong with the interview. It was just a normal Trump interview really. His style hasn't changed any. I, for one, like his style. A lot of people don't, and think that he doesn't give straight answers, but that's not it. He just doesn't let his interviews take control of the narrative, put words in his mouth, and try to catch him in contradictions, which is all the libshit media knows how to do. He makes declarative statements, he reassures the public, and he sticks by his guns, and this drives his detractors nuts. I love it.
I had it on while I was doing other things and the topic of waterboarding came up. Did he actually say he supported it or did I just catch it at the wrong time?
>user A posts actual possibilities
>user B: Nuh-uh!
ABC is trying to gain exclusive rights or some shit on that interview (eg nobody else is even allowed to as much as comment on their spin of it), so I assume Trump is just doing some good old trolling by making it a shitty interview.
Lol he sounds like such an idiot sometimes.
And I absolutely willy vote for him again in 4 years.