>Girls, some 13, have arrived in Germany married to men more than twice their age.
>Girls, some 13, have arrived in Germany married to men more than twice their age.
>A regional German court has recognised as valid the marriage of a 14-year-old Syrian girl to her 20-year-old cousin, despite the legal age for marriage in Germany being 16. The case represents a landmark ruling, with the Federal Court set to adjudicate on the implications for the country as a whole.
Did this bitch nevery marry or what? why are children her weakness?
Trump will end this.
Man this is America and the Wests fault
>We put too much effort into making Germany feel bad that they have now swung the complete opposite of their Nazi days and will end up fucking Europe up while trying to do "the right thing"
How did we, the west, fuck up so badly we ruined Germany but Japan seem to have come out of that lose ok
>Apart from low birth rates
We have guilt tripped Germans to the left and now the rest of Europe will suffer....in 200 years max
You fucking sick pedophile left cunts deserve to die.
This will destroy the pro-immigrant movement in Germany, right?
nuke germany
Merkel is an absolute unforgivable traitor. As someone with proud German heritage I used to want American bases off German land, I cant believe it but now I realize the best thing for Germany would be an American occupation and to become a Trump/Putin vassal state
>Nour, 13, got married to a man, 27, she did not know. Her parents were unable to pay for her upkeep so there was no other choice.
>Mariam, 15, married her cousin Sabri, 17, (pictured together) because her family could no longer afford to look after her
There is no German country.
>tfw no cute refugee wife
Time to book a flight to the nearest refugee camp in Germany!
Every day merkel makes me regret the US invading Normandy and wish the Nazis dint go into russia during winter
That explains a few things
Yep, it's the plan to force us into nationalism again
Pretty obvious 3d chess desu
Holy fucking shit
The fact that she hasn't been fucking assassinated means Germany truly is dead
Pig disgusting, Merkel needs to be hanged.
Intolerance of fucking children is islamophobic and racist.
This is where the sand niggers do not err.
Young marriage is perfectly natural.
But yes, Germans are the fucking gigacucks that bring shame on all of humanity now.
>Feminists unironically support child sex slaves.
This one wouldn't have been that weird in the US even 70 or 80 years ago; unusual and definitely not encouraged, but not concerning.
But a 27 year old marrying a 13 year old has been unacceptable for a long time.
i fucking love being american right now
>Angela Merkel says terror attacks by refugees 'mocks' Germany
What did she mean by this?
No really, I don't understand. Someone please explain.
>married to men more than twice their age.
I'm Pedobear, and I approve of this massage.
The 8th Air Force did less damage to Germany than Merkel is doing now.
>Samira, 14, was taken hostage by ISIS in Syria, but her parents helped her to escape. This young girl is now married and has a son
I fucking hope so
When is the germans next election?
Too old, dude.
By allah, if the single digits were good enough for Muhammad, peace be on his name, then they are good enough for you.
Seriously, is she a sleeper Stasi tasked with destabilizing Europe after the fall of the iron curtain. She has to be doing this on purpose...
>Syrian girl Rukayya, 14, holds a teddy bear in her arms, which was given to her as an engagement gift ahead of upcoming nuptials
Germans should drag their tyrants to the street and butcher them.
>those legal qt loli feets
G-guys are you sure sharia law is such a bad thing?
>Engaged: Amal, 14, who left Syria several years ago with her family, is pictured with her future husband Ahmad, 28. She agrees with her family's decision that marrying young was right for her
eurofags have always been pedophiles look up marc dutroux
That is correct. She has never had a child.
Fucking kill yourself.
First shariah laws, not child brides in Germany? Gj muslims, you won. When will this ride end?
No it's not the Wests' fault. It's the Jews' fault. Fucking Cucks. The lot of you.
WAKE UP! You have been programmed.
20 januar 2017
Checked and thats the older looking 14 year old i have ever fucking seen, she looks 30
>Father and daughter: Amal, 14, pictured with her father. He decided she would marry Ahmad, 28, and Amal agrees with his decision
They wear out really quick. Sexual liberation was a mistake but sharia will do no better.
Are they really teens because they fucking look late 20s
Moving to Germany thqh
You sexist pig. If woman wants to marry at 13 then she can. :^)
Stop oppressing us. HURRRRRRRRRRRR
Our tyrants are based in your country and it takes more extremes to get rid of all (((their))) influence that was forced upon us during the occupation
I just wish you people would stop falling for the media manipulation.
They want you to hate germany just in case that our elites are sucessful and you fall for the most simple propaganda and divide strategy
Why the fuck hasn't this whore dog been assassinated yet?
>Did this bitch nevery marry or what?
She married Mr. Merkel in first marriage & kept his name after divorce.
No. You must learn from the pain. Until then the suffering will only increase until you retake the Fatherland. Organize.
Of course (((she))) is
And this is why Hitler 2.0 will rise, and the people will support him
I knew she was a fucking jew
That's pretty damn depressing
So basically Germony has sharia law superseding normal law is that it?
The downfall of this whore. Glorious year. Best of my life.
How the fuck is this real? Seriously Germany, how is this fucking real???
>travel to Raqqa
>buy a qt 14 year old slave girl
>sneak into Germany
>live a peaceful life of marital bliss
Why the fuck aren't you guys doing this?
Don't fucking meme you idiots. You are sitting there on your computer posting stupid images of a cartoon frog on the internet while CHILDREN GET LEGALLY MOLESTED in your fucking country. Don't just sit there and post a silly image on Sup Forums and then forget about it in an hour when you're playing video games. Your country is in a real dire crisis. Go out and do something! Kill Merkel! Start a rebellion! Fucking do something! Don't just sit there and dick around on the internet while your country legitimizes this awful human suffering! Your country just legalized the SUFFERING OF FUCKING CHILDREN. FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. IF YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING NOW IT WILL BE YOUR DAUGHTER BEING RAPED IN THE FUTURE. DON'T THINK IT WON'T HAPPEN TO YOU BECAUSE IT WILL UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING NOW.
>child brides
>germany yes
So when is the election?
Germans are a fucking joke.
How the mighty have falled
All of these broads look 40.
Just when I thought they couldn't get more cucked. Holy hell
Can germany really handle 9 mouths of bullshit Sup Forums?
>tfw apart of you is unsure AfD will win
They won't, Merkel will win again.
>that thing
I don't believe you. She looks like a roastie feminist cunt posing for some social justice wallpaper.
>The price tariff is simple – the older they are the cheaper they are. All prices are quoted in Iraqi Dinars but US dollar equivalent shows that radical fighters can get children aged 1 to 9 for about$165, prices for adolescent girls are$124and it's less for women over 20. Women over 40 cost as little as $41.
ok, now how do you choose the beautiful one?
Probably why the early marriage, imagine those girls hitting 18.
Nope. Look at Southern USA, it didnt become the cuck capital of the US despite being guilt tripped over slavery.
This is on Germany.
>how do you choose the beautiful one?
There are none hence the burkas, its to protect the mans eyes.
Dude fuck Europe, we got Trump now. Let the old world burn and look toward the new world.
hhaahhaha wat
I suppose you could try to haggle for a bulk rate and collect the whole set.
This. As much as I admire Hitler for being a man who loved his country, he gave the kikes too much ammunition with their "muh 6 million"
Now Germans act as progressive as possible to wipe away the guilt from WW2.
Pedo fuck, kill yourself
Woah Germans gone plural law or something.
Japan was on an island, bretty sure we just told them to not make an army and then completely forgot about them for the rest of time and kinda let them do their own thing.
Germany was split in half, fed propoganda from both sides, stitched back together and then said "here you go but don't go nazi again or we'll fucking kill you you disgusting monsters"
I'm getting to the new world as soon as I can. I'm done with this continent. I've had it up to here
I'm not a pedo, I am just a muslim, it is a part of my religion.
We should gather every piece of news like that and attach this smug Merkel to every one of it and spread on normies media.
Especially feminist who seems to support this shit.
Germany needs a coup......all major European states do.
What's a chant thats catchy ?
"C.O.U.P find out what it means to me!"
Just nuke them, jesus christ you could use Hitler's rotation of anger to power the earth for 1000 years.
>1939: Germany tries to genocide half of the world population
>2016: Germany tries to genocide itself