Can someone explain me how will trump make mexico pay for the wall?
and doesn't she look great on that dress?
Can someone explain me how will trump make mexico pay for the wall?
and doesn't she look great on that dress?
Put taxes on the wires illegals are using
Put tariffs on the shipments heading north
so you are giving mexico electricity and you will increase taxes if they don't build the wall.
with blood
>Giving Mexico electricity
Nigga I'm talking about wire transfers the illegals use to transfer money back to their families in Mexico
i understand now but i think it won't be enough to build the wall
This. They need our consumers to buy their poducts and they need our currency, so we tax these things. Boom. Wall paid for.
In a day? of course not. In a year? maybe. In 4 years, for sure.
>if they don't build the wall.
Mexicans don't build anything. They are too busy siesta and fiesta.
Tarifs, cut foreign aid, etc
This has been outlined by trump several times and for quite some time
they're paying one way or the other.
charging illegal immigrants who are already working in the US extra taxes.
They won't, taxpayers will.
No, it looks like a quilt someone's grandma made.
>most powerful country in the world
>not getting what they want
>$50,000,000 a year in foreign aid to Mexico
>10% of the 24 billion in remittances Mexicans in the US send to Mexico a year
>$19,600,000 in 8 years
>Threaten to kick Mexico out of NAFTA, strong-arm Canada into agreeing with Trump by dangling Keystone XL
>Fine Mexican state $10,000 per criminal spic they deport
>If necessary, el Presidente has an 'accident' and a puppet is installed who will pay for it. Mexican politics is already extremely corrupt.
meant $19,600,000,000
literally the easiest thing a government like the US can do. You forget how big the US is, without paying trump mexico would die.
mfw every campaign promise is true.
i mean, all they can actually do if we tell them to pay for it.... is complain.... and then pay for it.
>If necessary, el Presidente has an 'accident' and a puppet is installed
The democrats could get away with that. But not Trump.
They will be watching every little step he makes, and if he ever does something outright evil that reinforce what they believe, they will keep banging on that since they have the big media on their side.
>Can someone explain me how will trump make mexico pay for the wall?
remove taco, less gibs in courts jails and public schools, use that money for wall and drones
>Mexico also stores 95% of its 120 tonnes of gold reserves in the USA
>Approximately $4.4 billion right there alone
>The democrats could get away with that. But not Trump.
who gives a fuck if he whacks the president of coca cola in Mexico?
I sure don't, fuck coca cola
Just sanction them until they pay up.
The United States makes up 82% of Mexico's exports. They can pay us off or watch the country go up in flames.
Donald Trump’s critics say Mexico can’t or won’t pay for a wall at the border, which he says is hogwash.
"When they say ‘but Mexico can't pay for the wall,’ I say of course they can," said the Republican frontrunner at a town hall in Norwalk, Iowa, on Jan. 20. "We have a trade deficit with Mexico that's unbelievably big. Humongous. It's a humongous number. It's billions and billions of dollars -- far more than what we're talking about for the wall. The wall's peanuts compared to that."
Melania trump looks like a botox goose jacky kennedy ripoff.
As to #why# he wants a wall...
Trump is an egomaniac with delusions(realities?) of grandeur. The wall will be a big, nay, yuuuge, racist monument. Once in place Trump tower will pale in comparison and no future president will tear it down (as it has a function and tearing it down will only waste more money).
Its more tangible than Obamacare, and can not be repealed. Smart move by this mofo.
Mexico's largest source of income is from remittances, as I recall.
Drug smuggling is a delusion?
Crimes committed by the invaders is delusion?
Mexico is a fucking mess, you would build a wall too if you were their neighbour.
Just gorgeous.
he will stop mexicans, central, and south americans from sending money back, or take a huge cut of that money. its easy. mexico and many of those shit holes will go broke without those remittances.
Thats the official story used to appease border states. He could increase border security or put illegal immigrants in labor camps. He wants a wall instead. Why? Its a nice and easy to understand soundbite and a huge Trump monument to enlarge his memetic penis with. Its hundreds of kilometers of self aggrandizement.
mfw not seeing yfw you say mfw
Simple. Just start building the wall all over EXCEPT there where most of the guns and such stream from the US into mexico.
>He could increase border security
The wall is border security. It's infrastructure which will will help the border patrols.
-illegal under the table jobs currently taken by mexicans go away, replaced with taxable labor raises more taxes
-less money being sent back home to relatives, spent in the local economy raises more taxes
-tariffs on goods coming from mexico
why is this such a difficult concept to see any opening between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries are money sucking holes
the only one profiting on the burger side of the border is the jew who employs the illegal, moves the factory or imports the goods..etc..
maybe if hillary had such fasion sense she might be president, but she had to try and dress like the queen instead..
What makes you think Mexico is all that different from Paraguay or Bolivia?
Why dont you guys sell us guns? We need them against the cartels and you guys produce em. Say you sell them at a 250% of what they would cost up there in the US.(People will pay for it)
You force the Governnment to legalize guns here in Mexico with the agreement that we will not manufacture any.
Be sure that there will be a gun for every Mexican so that's 121 million guns or more.
So say you make a good $1200 on every gun you sell in Mexico so that is:
$1200x121,000,000= $145,200,000,000 Dollars.
other Benefits:
-We mexicans fuck the cartels and stop running away to the north
We give Mexico 400 million a year in foreign aid. Let's say the wall costs 10 billion. Cancel foreign aid for the next 25 years. Boom. Paid for. People take a 30 year mortgage on their house, we'll take on on the wall.
The truth is the wall will benefit Mexico as much as the US.
The drugs flowing over the border end up fueling the cartels which is basically responsible for all of the corruption and crime and every other social ill the Mexicans have. Those Taco niggers are just too stupid to see it.
Once they do, they will pay.
>Can someone explain me how will trump make mexico pay for the wall?
Well, something like this would probably help.
The annual cost of illegal immigration dwarfs the cost of the walls one time build.
California makes up more than double what the wall would cost.