Guys, there are elections in Holland, France, and Germany this year.
If you've got some ideas for building a factory to make pro-Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, and Frauke Petry memes, this is the place to share your maymays.
Guys, there are elections in Holland, France, and Germany this year.
If you've got some ideas for building a factory to make pro-Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, and Frauke Petry memes, this is the place to share your maymays.
Other urls found in this thread:
you gravely underestimate how cucked europe is
merkel will be re-elected
le pen will lose
geert will lose
hashtag should be #understandislam
Breath this, Leaf.
>pay no attention to the defeatist from Canada
It's hard to imagine all 3 winning, that's true. But my dream is for all 3 to lose with HUGE numbers of ordinary people completely unrepresented by *any* party. Image if 30% of the people in Holland, France and Germany are locked out completely from the political life of their country.
I'm happy to re-do this hashtag as suggested.
I also think it should include one of the following:
A big data friend said that 1 real hashtag + 1 fake hashtag was the way to go.
europe is far whiter and on average more educated than america
they will not elect orange demagogues like you have
>pic related
if france or germany turns then it will be the biggest blow to globalism.
We must win!
The tears men.
The lamentation.
No one will care
You are wrong. Also, Belgium needs to be annexed by Holland (along with Luxembourg).
One BIG problem is that Germans don't consider meme making to be a worthwhile hobby.
>implying that a high level of education translates to a disdain for the right wing
I know, but france may be turn.
They seem to be sick of the EU's shit. My money is on them.
Crash the plane.
> 77
Do you think meme magic will play a role?
Or can analog memes turn the tide in France?
Magazines with Trump on the cover have pretty much disappeared from Barnes & Noble since the election. /pic related/ was from right after the US election.
France will win.
Check em
64 and 16 are both powers of 2, so that counts
Check 'em
I'm working on new campaign posters for Frauke Petry AfD, it's coming out beautifully. I can't post them here because they'll use it against AfD for being involved with a Russian nazi hacker known as Sup Forums.
Nice! I also have a couple of 'private' campaigns underway at the moment. How are you getting your stuff translated? And what are the timezone challenges for you being a Burger working on behalf of German anons?
I hope so.
A friend and I are also working on the early stages of a #FightFakeNews campaign directed at Germany specifically.
We'll do all our initial designs in English but look to German anons to give us figurative (or 'appropriate') translations.
For Germans, we've been to told to run with English hashtags or use:
That's nice, but I'm not sure if lefties understand...
Not with that defeatist attitude... sounds familiar
Did any of you faggots work on the (failed) Austrian election? Sadly, I did.
What went wrong? Obviously, my memes were not up to par, but what else went horribly wrong?
At least I consider/doing meme making as a hobby. Just have to push shoopskillz.
they speak English and it's mostly through emails. I get sent exact words but it's mostly remaking old posters. I'm trying to get them to change a lot of their graphics content because it's so generic looking. atm I'm trying to get the college members to get in touch with officials at AfD to go with these newer color scheme and logo etc.
It's just mock ups for now but I enjoy doing it.
Where do you post them if not here?
It's not for lefties specifically. It's for the other 90% of the population that enjoys riding their fucking bikes around Amsterdam.
The idea is to get these people quietly toasting Geert Wilders with #BeerForGeert or #BikeForGeert. They do it privately, and then lie to the pollsters, but they will still vote (quietly) for Geert.
>pic related
Why are Germans such defeatists? When I was a kid, all the Nazis on TV were hardened patriots, fighting for what they considered a just cause. Defeatists were shot out in the desert (on shows like "Rat Patrol").
WTF happened to Germany? Why are so many Germans defeatists?
Meme producer here, I can easily do stuff like the OP pic, but I don't know shit about Euro politics. I'd like to help, so I'm taking requests.
I made this and it got some traction on Twitter right before our election.
After Holland just announced plans to pay for Americas abortions you'll see a spike in support for Clog-Hitler. No one wants their tax money going to shite causes.
I was thinking of joining that too and was on a thread about the fake news in Germany thing a week ago. Then I saw those horrible AfD blue with that weird nike check arrow and had to try to improve there graphics department. Those posters look like an intern went to kinkos and had the staff throw something together in an hour.
It seems like Thoth thinks you guys aren't worthy of valhalla with these shitty attitudes.
Remind me what did they say about Trump and Brexit?
We won the British and American campaigns of the Meme War but the European campaign looms as the final victory, we must crank up the memetic engines to full power levels, we must find an avenue to attach memes naturally unstoppably beloved in these local european cultures to the leaders we want elected.
Yes, very good.
Our media is dehumanizing persons of right-wing parties. I hope enough people can still show empathy for them.
>ww2: USA saves Europe with tanks and bombers
>ww3: USA saves Europe through memes
I *only* post memes here...or IRL in meat space.
I'm super "autistic" and would get drawn into the pit of 'social media' if I followed that rabbit hole. I choose to focus only on memes with Sup Forums and let you clowns figure out how to re-purpose shit.
I do think, however, that there's value in posting stuff in the analog world as a parallel effort. I'd start with the subways since you don't have to make your memes impervious to rain.
t. seattle ("native")
It isn't only defeatism. Also criticism.
I send them to the college AfD group for tips on what's appropriate and make changes. I'm trying to make professional and official material not memes. I think I should have mentioned that.
I have some very dark ideas for a dank meme campaign for Germany. Should I share them?
I think and hope that Geert and Le Pen have a real chance at victory. AfD will do well but I doubt they'll topple the archtraitor Merkel. Hopefully thought Holland and France along with a 5 Star or Lega Nord dominated Italy and a Greece wich gives no shits will be enough to topple eurozone and end mass Islamic and african migration.
Think about it, a lot of the heroes/strong men died mate...between that and WW1, their genetics lost a huge amount of whatever heroism it had, combine that with American control and propaganda and us cucking their military, its no wonder
I'm interested
(posters, leaflets) does the red, white and black color scheme still invoke fears in Germany?
In addition to the migration and Islamic issues we need to focus also on the financial corruption of the parties in power, this maked things personal and always strikes a chord with the elextorate at every level.
This should be easy enough for Italy where evetyone is corrupt and France (didn't the French President just pay off his wife with public money or some shit)
I'm not sure about corruption in Holland, maybe focus more economically there, public funding to cover Trumps abortion orders sounds fucking retarded and should be unpopular in even the most cucked libreal countries.
So, the idea is to go full "The Man in the High Castle" without any kind of uncomfortable Nazi connection points. 'Ordinary Germans' will have to figure it out on their own.
But the idea is to encourage everyone to report on each other on Fakebook, by reporting essentially everything as "fake news". People should report anything they don't agree with as "fake". If they don't like what they're reading, it means: A) their friends are spreading rumors and fake news; and B) their Facebook feed is under attack.
So, to defend their feed - which represents Free Speech - they will report anything suspicious.
So, the German campaign is to show normal German people reporting on their neighbors and friends.
Some anons say that this is the perfect campaign for Germany.
Dutch anons claim that orange is the correct color for Dutch nationalism, not Aqua Fresh.
I don't know. You never see this flag anywhere.
> 33
Interesting year.
Here's Merkel basically spitting on the German flag.
I would agree. Could be a huge boomerang for this fake news shit and the German "fake news defense center" which is coming soon, I'm not joking.
> 66
If you give me German translations, I'll make a German version right now.
Can you German anons come up with some pictures of modern German soldiers like pic related?
they are correct
my question was to the German user and their thoughts on the color scheme
Ahh, sorry user. My bad
On paper that may sound good but what we really need is another Leopold II
I don't think Germans would report links to mass media, because they think this it is true. But it is worth to try.
seems like their are too many moving parts that aren't moving at the moment in this plan. I'm not on FB so I don't think I can help but I just saw an article that FB is eliminating the "tailored" news feed because of fake news claims. Idk if there's anything you can do with that
Nice run of twenties!
No, the idea isn't to get the to report on each other. It's to make them think through this scenario and then decide that they don't want to go full North Korea mode on their neighbors, friends, and family.
not your fault, this thread is about the Dutch.
>ID is Afd
>In the Euro general
>thinks there are too many 'moving parts'
That's not my problem. I make my own memes and share them here. If they die, they die.
Everyone I know is voting for Geert.
Oh sorry, so thanks for explanation.
Yes, this could be a huge thing to cripple the mass media.
It's about the Dutch, French, and Germans.
It's *almost* about how Belgium should be divided between these 3 countries.
Have they talked about whether they would lie to pollsters?
For those of you in the know, what are the individual chances for each of our candidates winning?
Damn, just realized we haven't been posting many Frauke Petry memes.
Geert will win, i would bankroll on it if there was a betting site that dared to offer it.
He likely wont be PM though.
Look...the (((polls))) had Hillary winning with a 98.2% certainty on the morning of November 8th...according to HuffPo
So...the "chances" in Germany are whatever the media says times two.
This is the current poll right now with PVV/Geert leading the pack slightly. But polls are useless as we've seen from the US elections.
So, unfold this for me. How can Geert win without becoming PM?
What's the most likely outcome, assuming a Brexit / Trump type outcome?
Most Germans will get this slogan:
>Stoppt den Wahnsinn
>nur Perry verhindert die Hölle
>Hölle Hölle Hölle
Something smells fishy...
>If fucking Björn Höcke isn't destroying the AfD with his full nazi bullshit, Frauke could really have a chance against Merkel and this disgusting guy Schulz.
Frauke has to run the AfD. Only face which is acceptable to normies. Or we should meme Alice Weidel into the candidate. Hot lesbian intelligent semendemon, running for the AfD. Google her.
Guys, what happened in Austria?
Interesting. I haven't been following any of the elections closely enough to know the validity of polls, but it's certainly encouraging that there is hope.
Yep, never trust the lamestream mediar.
Geert(PVV) biggest party ~35/150
And then some fucking retarded 6 party coalition just to shut him out or some epic backstabbery from the VVD for a change.
If he gets more than 35 there may be no more going around him though.
so that's how she got those legs (climbing)
Thank you for /pic related/ user.
I haven't seen this 'concrete protection zone' yet.
Can you translate this, please:
"In today's Germany..."
"There is only one woman..."
"Who can protect Germany"
I don't need a literal translation - I need something that can work split between 3 lines. Is this possible in German? Or is there another way?
"Im heutigen Deutschland..."
"gibt es nur eine Frau..."
"die Deutschland beschützen kann..."
Wow. I was expecting something twice a long.
You are a God-tier German user.
Thanks, mane!
I appreciate to contribute.
I would maybe suggest to change the last line into:
"die dieses Land beschützen kann..."
Sounds more German I think, but both are good.
>Im heutigen Deutschland...
>gibt es nur eine Frau...
?die Deutschland beschützen kann...
So guys - if I show this text split on a concrete barricade picture, will it work?
OK - next question. What would it take to motivate Dutch, French, and German anons to distribute memes in public.
Other than money? Or is that the only way left to motivate people to work on behalf of a moovement?
I think it's good, but if you want ask for more opinions you should ask tomorrow, when more Germans are online. Now it's 7am here so nearly no German is on Sup Forums at the moment.
It's the damn timezone problem! And there's no solution for it, either!
>Now it's 7am here so nearly no German is on Sup Forums at the moment.
So, what are the best time GMT to get German anons to help out? (I imagine this is also the best time for Dutch and French anons, too.)
Hard to say. I think in this case, money can't buy everything. People have to be fascinated by a person like Trump fascinates people. Especially in Germany, I guess there are many people who wish somebody more human than Merkel. Somebody like Trump, just a little bit more polite. Probably somebody like Frauke Petry. I bet many Germans like her but nobody can say this in public or to most friends. And because of this, memeing the AfD into a nazi party will destroy everything. Frauke has to stay cute, so people can't resist her.