So, I have been lurking for a very long time. I've been red pilled, HOWEVER, I am Hispanic. What does this mean? I understand and identify with all these beliefs, yet, I am a minority and at times realized that my beliefs go against myself. Anyone care to weigh in?

Well Trump is a civic nationalist so if you're not here illegally then you don't understand anything.

We don't give a shit if you're not a complete degenerate, like Ben Carson or the Cubans, if you're redpilled you're good. Just don't racemix.

I don't agree with how many of you are here but I don't mind some hispanics in the southern states. And maybe one day you can help us remove the negro menace

I like Sleepy Uncle Ben.

No, I'm not illegal. My mother is a naturalized citizen and I was born here. Father was born here too.

Ppl might call me Sup Forums lite or some shit but honestly I don't care what color you are. As long as you want to improve America I could care less. I even speak a little Spanish and think that Latinos get a bad rep because their countries are shit. The American ones can be cool if they're raised with American values and shit.

>I am Hispanic. What does this mean?

This quiz is hard

When I went to Walgreen's tonight, the two customers in front of me spoke in their native Spanish to the cashier who also spoke in native Spanish. This is in a central Texas middle class neighborhood. It's like I'm a visitor in another land.

There's just too many of you fucking guys. It would be different if it was a controlled trickle, but now it just feels like an invasion. All of these border hoppers have tarnished my view of you mestizos.

Then you can get behind us as a representative of the smarter civilized Mexicans that chose to leave Mexico because it's fucking nuts down there. If Mexico was great your ancestors wouldn't have left.

Fuck off.

Being Hispanic isn't a race, its a culture. I'm 1/4th Cuban. I never thought of myself as anything other then America.

You can still speak Spanish to family and eat tacos and shit. But you are an American.

Trump isn't going to kick out legal immigrants, though he might find away to stop anchor babies from being a thing.

Mexicans were fine in the 6-8 million range. Over that and we veered into press 1 for English mode and it started to cause serious cultural upheaval.

Pushing back on the illegal tide may hurt in the short term, but in the long run it will save hispanic americans from being swept away in the backlash

>No, I'm not illegal
then u are "murrican", you have nothing to worry about

> I am Hispanic. What does this mean?

You have to go back

>I am Hispanic. What does this mean?
It means you will be sterilized or expelled from the country shitskin your choice

>now it just feels like an invasion. All of these border hoppers have tarnished my view of you mestizos.

This build the fucking wall already. I have no qualms about who pays for it. Sick of my state overrun with spics.

>then u are "murrican", you have nothing to worry about

spoken like a real texan!!

Interesting, some of you believe I need to be exterminated, and some of you believe that I am American, as long as I have american values, which I do.

Civic nationalists aren't red pilled. Nobody has ever claimed Trump was red pilled. OP said nothing about Trump.

Jew here. Prepare to be gassed and prey you get to take out a few libtards in a civil war before you go out.

I think everyone here would agree that if you and your family are legal residents and pay your taxes they all would want you to succeed as long as you adhere to American values and culture

nope. he will be killed on the day of the rope and I will do everything in my power to make sure that day will come.

>I think everyone here would agree that
This is Sup Forums. Reddit is that way you dumb faggot.

A wall isn't going to do shit. You can cross through driving, planes, or underground you fucking racist ass cracker.

Here's the thing OP; every person is born without the choice of where, when, how, or to whom they are born to.

We are dealt cards; we don't get to pick them. It is what you do with your cards that matter.

Do you aspire to become a better person, to improve yourself and realize that regardless of how your physical form is designed you can design yourself internally into the ideal person who judges someone based on their thoughts, words, and actions?

Don't let those who are unable to look past physical appearances get you down. Sup Forums is full of people who respect those who take responsibility for themselves and try to better the world around them, even if they are drowned out by all of the cross-boarders and newfags.

this is Sup Forums. stormfront is that way you retard

get stopped and sent back
>implying Mexicans can afford planes
>implying it wouldn't be easy to make sure that all flights to america require citizenship
>implying any Mexican is going to be able to get past our radars.
I'm sorry but shitskins will no longer continue to shit up the country.


>Le stormfront
confirmed for reddit
Lol how can you be so fucking stupid to think civic nationalism would ever work?
This is the problem with redditfags. You're soft as fuck. Not a hard day in your entire life.

fuck off you divisive kike

Because shitskins don't belong in white mans country.
Genetically they are inferior and will do nothing but shit the place up.

As someone who's lived by the border. It happens every fucking day. Also, it's ridiculously easy to pay off border patrol when walking across. Keep living in your delusional fantasy land.

you aren't white if you are a kike retard

There is literally no reason to hate kikes if you are a civic nationalist.
or did you think it was all satire?

if youre legal and in America
youre American now
you have to love and give back to America what America has given you

No one gives a shit as long as you're legal and productive. If you aren't legal, get the fuck out and go through the process.

Okay, OP, since you think you are American, how would you feel if a bunch of Polish speaking Polish immigrants suddenly moved in? These immigrants didn't want to learn English, and the government uses them as low class low wage citizens and so now everything at the supermarket is now in Polish and the hospital forms are in Polish and when you go to the store, there's a bunch of Polish people around buying kielbasa and shit.

you are putting words in my mouth schlomo. EVERYONE hates kikes on Sup Forums go away JIDF

>all flights to America require citizenship

This is a level of retarded that is beyond most

Is pretty simple desu

If you're illegal, you need to get the fuck out

If you're legal, cheers m8 and enjoy the party, it's gonna be fucking awesome

As someone who lives on the border I can tell you that you are full of shit.
>yes poor as shit mexicans bribe American police officers
What do they do? Give them twenty dollars? They make more money in one day then the average spic will make in 3 months.
You watch too many movies.


I know and I accept my fate of being gassed.

>HOWEVER, I am Hispanic

Then go fuck yourself. You have played into the hands of the identity politics of the left AND the right instead of just calling yourself an American.

>I am Hispanic. What does this mean?

What do you think the word Hispanic means?

Not an argument.

haha self hating kike gtfo

>not illegal
hey man you seem pretty cool

You have fallen for retarded lies in believing race does not matter.

I don't think any of us really hate hispanics, just the retards.
What I hate, and I think this goes for many, are the aboslute shit governments in your countries that think its OK to use our country as their welfare programs.
You niggers need to get your shit together and put people in charge who can protect you from shitty cartels and actually make your countries worth living in.
I'm not saying America hasn't had a hand in keeping your countries suppressed, but hopefully that will change with Trup

>You have fallen for retarded lies in believing race does not matter.

If you hadn't made it an issue you'd just be an American.

It goes without saying that "hispanic" culture is full of attention whores, so it's not a shock.

What are you confused about? Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are both hispanics that Sup Forums would have supported had they not had retarded cuckservative views

Not an argument. But if you accept spics and believe in civic nationalist then there is literally no reason to hate me.
You can't help but contradict yourselves every time you try the call them a kike strategy.

>I am Hispanic. What does this mean?

hope you got your paperwork because if not and you catch a bust no taco for paco

I personally think we need anyone and everyone who is willing to swallow a redpill to join our movement, including females and people like you.

You're fine in my book, OP. And if that makes me a cuck in anyones eyes... grow the fuck up. We need these people on our side.

No fuck off he is a spic. Genetically inferior trash. Go back to plebbit
>le its ok if you do it because i'm talking to you on the internet.

>No, I'm not illegal. My mother is a naturalized citizen and I was born here. Father was born here too.

you should infiltrate crazy leftists and rat them out to the feds

kikes are the worst of all races

Its very clear your shills.

Their shills what?

For the sake of education, they have family on both sides that help fund the coyotes.

And just by the thumbnail, get out of your basement, make some real friends, lose some weight, and love yourself. Because It's really obvious, that nobody does.

We as white people created spics.
Its our problem and now we have to deal with it.
Racemixing is what got us into this mess and we shouldn't let it happen
But genocide of non whites isn't an option you fucking retard

>Im Hispanic
>What does this mean

It means you are brown, but what does your skin color have to do with your ideas and beliefs?

You can believe anything you want to believe and your race (you're not a race kek) has nothing to do with what you believe in .

t. Fellow member of warrior race

nigga if you aren't legal get the fuck out. Otherwise I don't care.

Im not saying there aren't differences between the races
What im saying is refusing to work with them in some capacity isn't smart
We shouldn't racemix with them but we can't genocide them either

But I haven't fallen for retarded lies and I know i'm not an american. Neither are white people either though but right of conquest and all that.
>Its da culta
Its not their culture that makes them shitty, its their genetics.
Why do Blacks in America have the same crime rates as blacks in Africa? Why do Asians in America have to same crime rates as Asians? Why do whites in America have the same crime rates as europeans? Why do black people in Europe have the same crime rates as people In Africa?
Tell, when have spics ever shown that they are capable of civilized society?
You want America to turn into Brazil. No thanks.

there is no such thing as white people
the spanairds created them
if you're a white american, then you're probably of german or english or irish stock
we're not responsible for cortez

No, actually you really really don't.

Calling yourself Hispanic proves you haven't been here leg enough to be truly redpilled. The real redpills here are few and far between.

Hispanic isn't a race, it's a type of demographic based on language. Calling yourself Hispanic doesn't mean anything in the context you think it does. So. Pay attention to the ontology people here.

"The more pride [other races] have for themselves, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." -Adolf Hitler

So your solution is to let them into your country then let them rape your women? What are you going to do? Make interacial sex illegal? Yeah that'll stop those spics. And if you were red pilled you'd already know doing that would make women more attracted to them.

legal or not he needs to die, libcuck

Then you're one of us.

you have an extremely limited view of history.
Spaniards were created from the same stock as the rest of Europe
The barbarian tribes that mixed with Romans
Hispanics mixed with Mudslimes, and then with the Indian tribes.
All white people originally came from similar stock

have an upbaot

this whole thread

>fear monger

Pic both rabi

No he isn't. Fuck off already reddit. Nobody is falling for your gay as fuck civic nationalism routine

If you had a comprehension of history you'd know that the best way to cure spics of their condition is to fuck em. Half-spic half-white babies are just white, no exceptions. It's far better to reclaim conquistador blood than to make a horrible halfbreed niggerbaby which will be a nigger for the next 5 generations regardless of what it does.

A Jew proclaiming to gas a hispanic.....another day on pol I guess

if you see yourself as American and you have citizenship then you are fine by me. move along.

Lol my race doesn't matter. I'm red pilled. XD civic nationalism is great

I gotta say, this thread has explored a lot of good topics regarding race and genetics.

Fuck off, if he's a citizen, loves our country, and contributes to American society, I don't give a rat's ass what he looks like. It's not like white skin stops liberal shitheads from fucking our country, and it's not like dark skin stops a good person from being a productive and responsible member of society.


>I don't understand the ethnohistorical difference between America and Europe: the post

>hispanic means mexico


Good goy. Keep breeding the white race away and mixing them with inferior shitty genes.
You realize once white people are gone we are fucked right? 90% of us are not going to make it through the wreckage.

They're all the same you absolute fucking nigger


Are you a legal citizen of the United States of America? If yes, you are an American regardless of shade. If no, pack your bags.

In all seriousness all we have to do is wait for CRISPR to be commercialized. Argentina alone will repopulate the white race.

jews have the highest IQ. Spics are like niggers to me. I fully understand why how and why jews destroy white society and I even catch myself attempting to do it once in a while. Doesn't change the fact that he needs to go back.

You do realize that dogs were once a homogeneous species that were eventually aggressively bred by humans, evolving faster than normal gradual changes by nature?

If you're legal, you're on the right side of history.

If you're not legal, you have to go back.

This is simple stuff.

I'm sure that's what they said about the Poles and the Italians and the Irish. We've been successfully subsuming swarthy catholic pseudo-whites who speak different Indo-European languages into America, in large numbers, for over 150 years. And you lot have been squealing pointlessly the whole time. Meanwhile the nigger problem keeps getting worse and you don't even want to address it. Who's the kike?

Le race is skin deep
You goyim are so fucking retarded. How is it even possible to be this stupid?

Fuck off you subversive kike.
This is why Hitler gassed you.
He worked with all sorts of different races and nations, many more than the allies in ww2.
He had a respect for the different races (except you) and saw the need to work together.

ethno nationalism only flourished here because we never saw a trump in sight.

we civic nationalist now.

So what does Sup Forums think of white Hispanics?
