Who the fuck are we even?

I feel empty inside.

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We are cunts. Embrace it.

We were the Second British Empire's shot at another North America.

If you had ancestors who actually built this country, then they did a pretty good job of it. Except we never grew the balls to tell the Brits to leave us the fuck alone and chase our own destiny like the Americans did.

We can't be proud of our cultural output but we can be proud that we have made small contributions and exploited a landmass that would have been squandered had we not colonised it.

We should go back to the mentality we had before 1988, that of a fairly passive, socially conservative country. Rather than this whole bravado and regressive left shit that came after the Australia act.

Get it together, you vegemite-sniffing fuck. We're doing this live!

Australia act?

>We are cunts.

I am unemployed autist who speaks his mind too much to hold down a job.

Should I just embrace it?

>The Australia Act (Cth and UK) eliminated the remaining possibilities for the UK to legislate with effect in Australia, for the UK to be involved in Australian government, and for an appeal from any Australian court to a British court.

After the Bi-Centennial in 1988, the national colours changed from Blue and Gold to Green and Gold and this whole wave of 'nationalism' came in.

We stand for pic related + mateship.

Now fuck up, cunt.

are you literally me?

fodder for brown people. you're a toilet.

a bunch of chinks?

we are the last bastion of white civilisation

>pic related

Seppos without guns, seriously.

>Rather than this whole bravado and regressive left shit that came after the Australia act.

It goes in cycles, the left's dominance is waning badly in this country atm.

meh /o/ is dead


Have a burnout ya sick cunts

You are white people blessed with niggers that are literally too stupid to be violent.

we can have guns, just not semi-auto rifles

Where's that fucking kangaroo?

Were Brits who settled Australia. Because thats what we do. We find shitty cave man Islands and turn it into glorious civilization.

It's Australia Day, but I don't feel anything. There's no traditions for this day. There's no ceremony. It's just a day off work.

Recently moved to Ballarat. What's to do around here except for drugs and alcohol?

>Have a burnout ya sick cunts
Cheers mate.

Maybe I should drink less beers and buy a v8.


>I feel empty inside.

fill your arse with a dildo and go fuck yourself.

i did best decision of my life desu ausfam

It doesn't look like it from the protests today.

I was hoping for a discussion thread on Sup Forums regarding that.

Aussie day was pretty much invasion by immigrants day

Just people constantly getting bullied by leftist media and if we dare to oppose it we're racist. An Australian culture cannot exist under such a ferocious assault. We need to fight back against our cucked government and the (((internationalists))).

Who is that cum dumpster


you are not more than we were but you are more than we will ever be

Antifa so i hear

Australia isn't about ruining public property and acting like a derro.

it's about being free.

if the people you like to think you are (diggers, battlers) could see you taking their name in vein, fighting foreign wars against civilians who have taken up arms to defend their land, giving your guns away, accepting taxes to pay for nothing, blinding accepting every law that gets passed, bowing to the police, bowing to everyone because 'everyone else does it' they would spit on you.

this country is not yours, it is for the stronger men who you hate, the farmer, the builder, the baker.

you don't belong here, and you are as disgusting to real Australians as the immigrants who come here and just rape people.

go home and kill yourselves, you fucking wannabes

Did you just call our country free..
Free from what?
If the government doesn't like something they tax the fuck or outright ban it.
What freedom is there dipshit.

We're not Brits.

Actually, Australia is a beautiful amalgam of Irish and British culture, tempered by this vast and beautiful land and our convict heritage.

We came in chains. We built the best nation in the world from it. We, as a largely convict nation, invented the secret ballot. We were one of the first nations in the world to give the common working man a vote by removing all property requirements on voting. The second in the world to give women a vote nation wide. The world's first elected Labor Party. Never before in the history of the world had there been a party elected by the people to represent the working class in a position of complete power.

One of the first ever acts passed by our new legislature after federation was the Immigration Restriction Act. We wanted to stop non-whites getting in. Was it because we hated them? Nope. It's because we knew they would ruin what we were creating here - the world's first truly egalitarian working man's paradise. Our founders knew the value of doing labour ourselves. Other nations might use niggers to do it, as in America, or Chinese, or pacific islanders. They were determined we would do it so we would know the value of it and societal solidarity would be maintained. We said no Chinese because they were incapable as a race of maintaining and building an egalitarian worker's paradise.

WW1 was our first real fighting experience. We were the best troops on the battlefield, by far. Huge men. Broad, tall, raised in the bush in the sunshine on a diet of red meat every day. Our fighting force was like no other. Obedience was the key value in other armies, but not in ours. Our troops were the least obedient of all. We were the world's only all-volunteer force. Our troops fought because they wanted to, not because they were ordered to. The British executed their troops for disobeying orders, we refused. The only nation in the empire to do so.

First of all, you are Illiterate and Dyslexic.

second of all, I said "it's about being free".

I copy pasted that from my own text.
you are retarded.

I didn't say it WAS free, you fucking idiotic back scratching nobody.
YOU are the exact filth I am talking about, you braindead fucking hobo.

Ah yes, the baker is amongst the greatest of men.

If only we became the main military arm of the Empire. That would've been golden if we'd made naval and army tradition an integral part of our culture.
Any good books or websites for reading up on Australian history mate?

Sorry to break it to you cunts, but the country you are describing doesn't exist anymore, it is gone forever and only exists in your minds.

All we have is beer, tits and burnouts. The rest is a fucking farce to slave for the big wigs in the city.

Prove me wrong.

I love this country so fucking much

Get a job you bludger

>Brits found the Island
>Brits populated the Island
>Brits ran the government
>Brits tweaked their flag a bit to show its a new Island of Brits
>Some Irish tag along
>Totally not British guys were our own thing haha

No. Were Brits through and through. i dont see any difference between the different groups in the UK and Australia. Were just disconnected Geographically, but culturally and ethnically were 100% the same.

This. Australia is fucking dead.

This is just a shitty wannabe America now.

The Americans got it wrong. Why? They were mean. They imported niggers to work on their farms because they had no moral qualms about it and because they were too greedy and lazy to do it themselves. We worked our own farms.

We were the first nation in the world to implement mandated state arbitration of labour disputes. Only the state would decide the wage of our workers, not greedy Jewish businessmen. It needed to be, at minimum, enough to raise a family on a single wage.

The whole point of Australia is that we're an incredible race of people (thanks Katter) who set out to create the most humane nation on earth. A place that the absolute best of the human condition could showcase itself.

Now, in the last 40 years that ideal has started to become corrupted. Deregulation by both sides of politics, abandonment of rural Australia, and most of all, mass nonwhite immigration. Our current generation of leaders see Australia as a cosmopolitan melting pot. The only people who win out of this miserable state of affairs are the bloodsuckers, like the Jews. Everyone else loses.

Get out of the city mate

Best thing I ever did. Real Australia still exists you just gotta find it

It exists in me wherever I go.

So there.

You're living a lie you dumb fucker.
You think this country is all great and shit, it fucking weak now and every cunt with a brain knows it.

Off yourself you fucking retarded child.


Cum dumpsters and Dominion turds Britain did not want to deal with.

>huurrrr durrrr it's illegal to do fun things
>that means im not gonna do fun things instead of just ignoring the law of doing it anyway

Only hippies and faggots with daddy issues live in the country side fuck head.
I've seen it for myself.
Where did you go? Five minutes down the road to people who you don't know.
These cunts are always nice till you find out what lies within.

the criminal segments of the already inferior anglo population (among whites) + a nigger race that's even embarrassing to africans.

>or pacific islanders.
But we used Pacific islanders as a labour force, kanakas to harvest sugar cane.

Australia did have its own History of slavery though. Its just not as well known. We raided the pacific and took Polynesians as slaves and worked them on Sugar canes in Queensland. One of the contributing factors to the white Australian policy was to try and shut down slavers that would use a language barrier to keep slaves, claiming that they were their voluntarily and were not slaves. So they just banned non whites and the problem was solved.

Speaking in retard doesn't give you the uper hand mate.


They were recruited and paid.


Fuck off with your revisionist history. We aren't America, if you want to tell their history move there.

And we deported them all in 1903 because we knew the practice was veiled slavery and would lead to a race problem like that they have in the US. Look up the comments by men like Barton in the House of Reps debates.

The sugar cane plantation owners protested, but we didn't care. Their greed wasn't going to be allowed to ruin our nation.


>The Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901 was an Act of the Parliament of Australia which was designed to facilitate the mass deportation of nearly all the Pacific Islanders (called "Kanakas") working in Australia, especially in Queensland sugar industry.

you seemingly have the most vulgar women in the english speaking world

Fuck I love how we keep doing this. Need more big things.

Some were, some weren't. there was also African workers in America that were recruited and paid. Doesn't mean the rest of the Atlantic slave trade wasn't valid. But Australia does have a history of chattel slavery too.

What about the foreigners permitted to live here for the snowy mountain scheme?

We had slaves too. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanaka_(Pacific_Island_worker)

If I marry an Aussie girl will my kids gain superior BANTZ powers or will he just be the burger-aus version of Elliot Rodgers?

I'm guessing I'd need to to move there and raise him their but I'm scared he'd just be shitty half-bantz because of his MURICAN dad

alright I know everyone says that /k/ and Sup Forums don't mix (/k/ does anyways). /k/ is the board I'm on the most, all I want to see is Australia get their gun rights back.

The gun rights groups in the states refer to the mass banning of guns as "Australian style"

I couldn't imagine how god awful that must of been for anyone who went through it, and I hope you eventually come out the other side of this with a god given right restored.

>some were, some weren't


>parallels with the atlantic slave trade

That kind of slavery was done in the 1850s and considering that Australia was a dominion of the UK. Nothing like that was going to be permitted here in that time.

Look for another white guilt narrative. We aren't guilty of that one. :)

The people who worked on the Snowy Mountain Scheme were all European immigrants fleeing the aftermath of WW2. There's a funny story of a Jewish immigrant (we kept their numbers down because public outcry would have stopped all immigration if many were allowed in) working on the Snowy Mountains Scheme seeing the SS man who guarded him at the concentration camp working alongside him. Probably Jewish lies, but we did take a fair few ex-Nazis, and even instructed immigration officials that an SS tattoo wasn't reason to prevent entry of persons. We knew they'd be an asset.

Nope, as above, we deported all of them against the protests of the plantation owners, precisely because it was slavery and was going to lead to a race problem.

When gallant Cook from Albion sailed,
To trace wide oceans o'er,
True British courage bore him on,
Til he landed on our shore.
Then here he raised Old England's flag,
The standard of the brave;
"With all her faults we love her still"
"Britannia rules the wave."
While other nations of the globe
Behold us from afar,
We'll rise to high renown and shine
Like our glorious southern star;
From England soil and Fatherland,
Scotia and Erin fair,
Let all combine with heart and hand
To advance Australia fair.
Should foreign foe e'er sight our coast,
Or dare a foot to land,
We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore,
To guard our native strand;
Britannia then shall surely know,
Though oceans roll between,
Her sons in fair Australia's land
Still keep their courage green.

>Who the fuck are we even?
Who are we?
We're Australians, cunt

We made this country into what it is today,
from the first convicts that landed and started mining resources to the modern day construction worker.

From a desert to a decent country, that's not a shithole, where decent people are made, where decent lives are lived out in.

We've sent Hundreds of Thousands of people to help our allies in the terrors of War, and still do today.

The people who fought and died to defend this country against the nips, bleed out on the battlefield, those who died being tortured died because they love this country.

a shitposting division with the motto: first in, last out

just remember the pride that the great Emu War illicit's in you

I imagine Australia as the heterosexual equivalent of Canada.

I never get tired of seeing a man punch a kangaroo in the face

When gay marriage is legalized here, I officially give up on this country

I actually feel really bad for Britain. I say that as being Scotch / English. As an American, even though we fought Britain they are still our brothers in arms. We HAVE to get the shitskins out of the Empire period. It's getting high time for a revolt.

No it isn't.
>who dares rake

>yea we cant have parallels when talking about two different slave trades because white guilt exists and i dont want any of that hey!

We have underground tournaments

>the Americans were mean and used African slaves!
Well all the Indians died, so...

yeah nah we're not seppos mate

> Having the day off to drink a beer.
> Anything more Australian

>Ah yes, the baker is amongst the greatest of men.

Yet gets paid less than $18 an hour.

Good. Since we allow any old cunt to be primeminister, send him over here once you lot are done.


16 i last heard.


If this is what Australia has come to. Comparing the British Empire of the 1800s to that of the 1700 and 1600s for political mileage, then there is no point even talking.

You just hate this country and you don't care about the facts or even the narrative.

In which case, just leave. You could find plenty of countries that would either accept a bitter minority who can't make it here or some self hating white person who has never worked or never had to earn a place in this society.

We are Australian

We are multi racial , but we are AUSTRALIAN.

We need to kick out all immigrants


These cunts need to go back

Cracked open some home brew and its knocking my head off it's like 2 years old help

>We are multi racial
make a mistake there mate?

And up at 3am for you thankless pieces of shit.

I wish that were true.

The average Australian has the same short-sightedness, lack of restraint and proud ignorance as the average American.

Our politicians beg for the bulging cock of American power to be violently inserted at any opportunity.

We have no unifying culture or identity. 21st century Australia is a melting pot full of shitty suburbs full of shitty people, just like America.

I'm on the right.

We were essentially Britons and Irishmen shaped culturally by the land we conquered and the rejection of Empire that the UK went through in the 50s/60s/70s.

Anyone who isn't of European stock came afterwards and have never bled to defend this country, and are just here to take what is ours.

Australia was a reluctant nation and much of our current nationalism is born out of false truths from leftist film makers from the 70s and 80s.

>You hate this country
Holy shit the straw man is real. Acknowledging that Australia had chattel slavery doesn't equal hate you fuckwit. How on earth do you hold that mentality? Either were 100% perfect or you're a Australian hating lefty? Get over yourself.

I want mah pie fucker.

Is this really a thing in Australia? Do people actually look for kangaroos to fight?

>16 i last heard.

Nah, got raised to 17.70 an hour a few years back and hasn't been changed since...

Its a fucking joke when those stupid teenage wannbe intellectuals get paid more for putting your product into a bag to serve to a customer than you do to make the bread in the first place.

I also want to punch out every fucking boomer who laughs at the bakers and tells them "your fault for becoming a baker" as they scream at everyone else from the younger generations to go and get a trade.

Where do you live, I'll help you finish it.

>We are multi racial

Integration was the biggest mistake we've ever made. Jews and Lebbos need to fuck off.

The only reason why we have 18C is because backroom dealings with kikes scared about being called out on their jewish tricks by Australians.

>The average Australian has the same short-sightedness, lack of restraint and proud ignorance as the average American.

In some ways I would agree, in others I disagree. Australia never stooped to let massive amounts of illegal immigrants across our borders, but the issue is legal immigration now.