Just admit your belief is a retarded, nigger-tier conspiracy theory.
>NASA live stream of the round earth
Just admit your belief is a retarded, nigger-tier conspiracy theory.
>NASA live stream of the round earth
nice digits
Appropriate digits for getting rid of something that's just cointelpro meant to make us look like crazies
Kek says flat earth cucks btfo
>no stars.
They think we're so gullible don't (((they)))
It's so peaceful and serene
galactic empire when
Impressive numbers and a decent post. Congrats leafy
disgusting geoengineering aerosols everywhere
you cant see the sun in space idiots cause its light. look at a bulb you cant see the light
Go outside during the day and tell me how many stars you see other than that really big close one
Do you see the stars during the day you fucking faggot? It's even brighter out in space near the sun (which the earth is, except there is no atmosphere to disperse the light)
I hate these fucking faggot """satire""" threads
Rip flat-earthers
i was replying to teh guy who said no stars in space so hey its fake. but some people think that though, my reason is real not some shitty its too close to other light idea yu got from the warp space shit whoever idiot made it up
Flat Earthers BTFO
About as round as your mom you fucking snownigger
But the Earth is flat, goy.
Every single other planet we can observe is flat too, but since we're at the center of the world, we see them at a perfect perpendicular angle.
If ignorant of the almighty
Time Cube Creation Truth,
you deserve to be killed.
4 Earth Quadrants simultaneously rotate
inside 4 Time Cube Quarters to create 4
- 24 hour days within one Earth rotation.
This simple ignored math indicts you evil.
Demand evil educators explain Cubicism,
or allow me to come teach Cube Creation
Curved mirrors are still flat, desu.
>Bent pipes are still straight
tesla used 4 quadrant earth side to discover ac electric. he seen sunset and came up with..
the idea of sunrise sunset and the 2 poles of a dc motor to come up with his 4 fucking thign with ac electricity using the wise human. i realised later
NASA uses a fish eye lens. The earth is flat inside a dome. This is the ultimate red pill. NASA is a huge fraud.
no the earth is still not flat.. fucking kill yourselves
this, once you realize this is the keystone to the matrix all the jew memes fall apart
>when NASA reduces the curvature and movement of the earth to 0 for all of their math they ever made
this is wher this shit started, some fags went around spamming his videos and done this, youtube.com
Thank you based kek
Serious question
What would NASA gain from lying about the structure of Earth?
Because ISS is in low earth orbit and uses a different camera lens?
they're not the ones that started the round earth lie. that was the catholic church
When will round Earthers stop posting fisheye lens government fakes as if it's some kind of "evidence" the Earth is "round."
Every time I go in one of these threads I leave more convinced Earth is flat due to the sheer lack of evidence produced by the roundies and the mountain of it produced by the flat Earth theorists
if the earths flat and theyre using fish eye camera lenses then give me one for my 2d games.
That's about aircraft, for aircraft you can assume that without too much error in most cases. If physics you assume as much as possible as long as your calculations won't end up too far from the truth to simplify things.
Okay, but still, what would be the reason for lying about the structure of the Earth?
to hide more land, undermine the bible and destroy the b ible, and install a government ruled by lucifer morningstar so they can get away with making butt torture devices on millions of people
repeat what MK ultra tells you to repeat faggot
Please explain comets, asteroids and other celestial missiles that traverse the cosmos, if in fact we are living on a flat plain inside a bubble/sphere
>Round Earth: there could be a Creator God, or there could be the big bang theory bullshit
>Flat Earth: the absence of a Creator is not even a possibility since we're all that exists
They want to keep you a fedora thinking that you're a random pixel-sized cosmic accident. It crushes you in a metaphysical level.
we can look up to the stars and see them. nothing changes about the rest of space, just the platform you're viewing it on
>argues 3D Earth with a flat 2D picture
>butt torture devices on millions of people
>repeat what MK ultra tells you to repeat
you're just making yourself seem less credible
It's not like if it were proven that the Earth was flat that there wouldn't be someone somewhere trying to find a logical way we got here without some sort of divinity.
>argues 3D ass with a flat 2D picture
Thats BS. If Earth was "round" airplanes would have to dip their nose down every 10 minutes or fly straight into space. Think about it, idiot
Digits confirm the undeniable truth.
the earths not flat cause you cant make 2d objects 3d with a camera fucking idiots. ok so nobody can argue with me. dont argue with these idiots about dumb shit
i capped your post. that was incredibly eloquent
this is obviously a 4 dimensional existence
So how does that work for the comets/asteroids trajectory? We still need to discuss that. If the stars, sun, moon all rotate above us. we should be able to calculate some sort of trajectory. I mean, NASA doesn't just go up into space and start throwing rocks around, do they?
If I put a ruler on the ground it lays flat.
Explain that!
Gravity doesn't change directions you idiot. This is 3rd grade science
How do you think people would react, if the base knowledge they thought they knew, was completely false?
would inevitably start a collapse of trust.
well, none of these supposed speeds have ever been proven, nor has it ever been proven that the earth moves, spins, or rotates in anyway.
reducing these values to 0 implies these values were never greater than 0 in the first place.
I'm not sure what you're trying to make an example of with that picture.
Of course not. We'd all get blasted of Earth into space if it was zooming around that fast.
Explain satellites. Orbit. How does that work.
these are the satellites you think are flying through space. none of those things are happening
Looks like you didn't get to 4th grade science, where they teach you how to calculate for something falling at an angle
Of course it would, but that doesn't answer why they would have lied about it in the first place, only why they would continue lying about it now.
How then, is it possible to sail around the world as many have?
Those are parabolic dishes, not satellites. Try again.
because going in a circle doesn't become impossible on a flat earth map
what that piano score playing the background now?
The distance involved includes the dimensions found in a 3D representation, not the one you showed. That is meaningless.
if you try proving there are satellites in space, you're going to end up fruitless. i can't give you evidence of this, you have to just find the absence of evidence.
Thank god for Antarctica or all the ocean water would fall off
I have eyes; I can look up at night. I can see satellites. Sorry that you are blind.
Are you fucking retarded?
>implying these people wouldn't lie about these distances if they're trying to lie about the shape of the earth
But I guess this is fake too
you cant even see the stars with all the light pollution. I'm going to tell you that you're full of shit and arrogance because you think people that built houses out of stone are less advanced than people who built houses out of brick
Antarctica doesn't exist. It's why no plane has ever flown over it
the flat earth society website is direct misinformation, so yes. that shit is fake
Literally go to anywhere really dark in the night sky. You will see a fast moving, blinking light cross the sky.
Thats a satilite user
explain planets. jupiter, mars, saturn, which we can see easily with a telescope. According to you they are disks perfectly aligned with earth? sure. Makes sense that 2D objects could exist. Give me one example of the existence of a 2D object.
There's flights from south america to australia, direct. Your map is basically garbage because of them.
lol i was on the chat not too long ago
what about this direction?
I live in a place with light ordinances so that I can see the night sky clearly and easily. Sorry you are oppressed by urban smog and light pollution.
I'm not saying I have all the answers. I'm just pointing out the obvious flaws in round Earth theory. We could be at the center of the universe and other round objects float around us. It's something we need to research
antartica does exist, and the powers that be are actually doing spooky shit with it. its still the Antarctic ice barrier though that blocks the way to 33 more continents
this is entirely false, you're providing misinformation that no one has ever proven.
i mean, you can look through the thousands of years of geocentric cosmology compared to the few hundred years of round earth deception. just because the celestial bodies are round, doesnt mean the earth is.
string theory dictates there are 10 dimensions mythology indicates there are 7 heavens. the first heaven is made of 4 dimensions, time, length, width, and height. and the firnament seperates us from the other 6 dimensions. the night sky is a 4 dimensional projection of the rest of the 6 heavens/dimensions, and we view that from the bottom of the universe in our 4 dimensions, or 1st heaven. meaning earth goes out as far as the universe does.
well, thats one of the things that go along with the misinformation. here's the map aviators use to fly. notice how it kind of looks like a flat earth
You're just straight retarded so I won't give a meaningful response.
you can not find any of the satellites posted in n2yo.com
you and ever other nigger is just too stupid to conceptualize the data. sorry you're stupid.
>this is entirely false, you're providing misinformation that no one has ever proven.
Ho-ho-holy fuck your dumb. Ask any fucking stargazers they will talk about the same shit. Its anecdotal as fuck I know but your not even making arguments at this point
your cognitive dissonance is showing
Digits confirm BTFO
>just because all of the other planets are round doesn't mean that this planet is also round
Nigga you retarded
>still a ball earther
You could have chosen to live
wtf man, there are a bunch of lines on this picture. I can't take it seriously.
You clearly have very very few answers. especially correct ones.
Earth is spherical, which means that it's just a random rock in space. No God. No God means evolution. Evolution means humans. Humans without souls. Humans don't think they're connected to the spiritual.
Earth is flat. God is real. We're divine. We realize. TPTB cant enfore NWO.
I'm high btw but that's what people say
you smell like frontal lobe brain damage