Wow you sure got played Drumpfkins
Sup Forums BTFO
you fucking poofer
It's a tragedy that his troll hispanic wife will be deported
Mordor will pay for the wall.
Goblins have to go back.
Fake news
>July 2016
>New Zealand poster
You will never be of the Australian/Canuck shitpoting caliber you little inbred hobbit freak
>can't sense irony
make numenor great again
This is now a Jeb thread.
Instead, Jeb is going to use his guacomancy powers to flood the entirety of Mexico under his guac.
>Wow you sure got played Drumpfkins
No I don't think so. Hitlery LOSTTTT remember? I can live happily without a wall as long as she aint in power.
Why is Obama smoking a ciggie?
some of you are alright
dont go to _____ tomorrow
It was a meme a few years ago
He used to smoke.
I agree with all of this, but Barack seemed pretty cordial throughout desu, and honestly, I think he's just happy not dealing with the burdens of running the country.
>Michael Moore with a commie hat and stuffing his face with ice cream
post moar jeb
I want that bowl so bad, the one with the Jeb! logo though, not the plain one.
look at that energy. its amazing he didn't become president.
>announces he's running on June 15th
>Trump announces the next day
He didn't even get one good day on his campaign.
jeb's autism smile is like chris's
It's genetic. Look at his son.
I always wondered if Jeb was actually on suicide watch after he suspended his campaign. He probably still has nightmares about debating against trump.
"You're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency!"
"I'm at 42, you're at 3, we'll see!"
"Doesn't matter, doesn't matter"
Post rare Yeb!s